1.Study on mathematic recreation from limit concept teaching;由极限概念的教学谈数学再创造
2.A recreation of sustaining development and human capital;可持续发展与人力资本的再创造
3.The appreciation of literature is the recreation of aesthetic image;文学鉴赏是审美意象的再创造

1.Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大、遍。
2.Creation anew through the power of the memory or imagination.再现通过记忆和想象的力量再创造
3.On Application of Re-invention Theory to the Creation of Learning Environment in Mathematics Classroom Teaching Practice;试论数学“再创造”课堂学习环境的创设
4.Creation and Recreation: Northrop Frye on Elite Culture;创造与再创造——论诺·弗莱的精英文化理论
5.Mathematics Creation Enters Classrooms-The Teaching Strategies of Mathematics Recreation;数学创造进入课堂──数学“再创造”的教学策略
6.Variety of Art Visual--On the Creation and Cognition Again of Art Enjoyment;艺术形象的幻变——谈艺术欣赏的再创造、再认识
7."To create anew, especially by means of the imagination""再创造,尤指通过想象或虚构."
8.Seldom does any city have the chance to reinvent itself.很少有城市有机会再创造自己,
9.She also taught readers how to re-create the food.她还教读者如何对食物进行再创造
10.An Investigation into Recreation of Concepts in Secondary Mathematics Teaching;中学数学教学中概念“再创造”的研究
11.Research on Mathematic "Re-creation" Teaching Model;关于数学“再创造”教学模式的研究
12.The Appealing Structure and Its Recreation in Literary Translation;文学的召唤结构和其翻译中的再创造
13.Analysis on Re-creation of Economic Mathematics Teaching;浅谈《经济数学》教学中的“再创造
14.Exploration on “re-creation” teaching model of mathematics in senior high schools;高中数学“再创造”教学模式的探讨
15.On the Main Factors Limiting Translator s Reproduction in Poetry Translation;论诗歌翻译中局限译者再创造的因素
16.On Translator s Recreation in the Translation Process;关于翻译过程中译者的“再创造”问题
17.The Result of Resemblances--Re-creation of the Art of Vocal Music;相似思维的结晶——论声乐艺术的再创造
18.Artistic Functions of Aesthetical Recreation in Literary Activities;论文学鉴赏中审美再创造的艺术功能

1."Re-creation" in the Higher Mathematics Class;高等数学课堂中的“再创造
2.The league spirit of editors through the re-creation in editorial work;从编辑活动的再创造看编辑部的团队精神
3.Exploration on “re-creation” teaching model of mathematics in senior high schools;高中数学“再创造”教学模式的探讨
4)re creation再创造
1.As the performer of such aesthetic activity,the reciter makes logic re creation of thinking on the basic of interpretation to context,and imagination to the artistic margin of literature,as well as realizes a kind of creative unity of general and specific characters during the application of recitation skill.普通话朗读是一种再创造的审美活动 ,作为审美主体的朗读者正是在对文本主题的体悟和文学艺术空间的想象中进行逻辑思维的再创造 ,在朗读技巧的运用中实现了共性与个性的创造性的统一。

《创造》  1925年捷克文艺批评家沙尔达创办的文艺、政治综合性周报。1928年捷克斯洛伐克当局查禁共产党的出版物,沙尔达出于对捷共的同情,对当局表示抗议,将《创造》让给尤·伏契克接办,从此成了捷克共产党的重要刊物之一。同年11月 4日新版创刊,由伏契克任主编。1938年被官方封闭。1945年在诺伊曼领导下复刊,后时停时办。1963年同 《文化报》合并, 改名为《文化创造》,但不久又停刊。1969年 5月,捷共中央决定恢复出版伏契克曾任主编的《创造》周报,是全国最主要的报纸之一。