1.Relationship between memory and oxidative stress in patients with heroin dependence;海洛因依赖者记忆力与氧化应激的关系
2.Effect of aripiprazole or haldol on intelligence and memory in the first-onset schizophrenia;阿立哌唑与氟哌啶醇对首发精神分裂症智力和记忆力的影响
3.Effect of music treatment on memory decrease of patients with schizophrenia caused by clozapine;音乐治疗氯氮平所致记忆力下降的对照研究

1.The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.记忆,记忆力储存与回忆以往经历的大脑之能力
2.He has a remarkable memory.他的记忆力颇不寻常。
3.devices which aid memory增强记忆力的装置.
4.Liars have need of good memories谎言者要有好的记忆力
5.My compliments on your memory.我钦佩您的记忆力
6.His memory is blurred by his illness.他因患病记忆力减退.
7.(of memory) having greater than average range.(指记忆力)大于平均范围。
8.Creditors have better memories than debtors.债主比借主记忆力更佳。
9.My memory is slipping.我的记忆力逐渐减退。
10.My powers of recall are not what they were.我的记忆力已大不如前.
11.I remembered the answer, "Patrick Henry".我的记忆力就恢复了。
12.He has a good/poor memory (for dates), ie remembers (them) easily/with difficulty.他(对日期)的记忆力好[差].
13.She is gifted with a good memory.她天生具有好的记忆力
14.model for student retention分析学生记忆力的模型
15.He has an exceptionally good memory.他有超人的记忆力
16.the distant past beyond memory.超出记忆力范围的时间。
17.(of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range.(指记忆力)时间短或范围
18.He has a capacious mind [memory].他心胸开阔 [记忆力强] 。

1.The Effects of Practices for the Abacus Mental Calculation on Children s Digital Memory.;珠心算练习对儿童数字记忆能力的影响
2.Clinical and experimental research of Sou-Xing-Bao(SXB)on memory ability;寿星宝对记忆能力临床及实验研究
3.Assessing Exploratory Behavior and Memory in ICR, BALB/c and C57BL/6 Mice Using Habituation;用适应性实验对ICR、BALB/c和C57BL/6小鼠探索行为及记忆能力的评价
3)Memory ability记忆能力
1.Memory ability of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus;2型糖尿病患者记忆能力的临床研究
2.Effect of multi-micronutrients supplementation on memory ability of schoolchildren补充复合微量营养素对学龄儿童记忆能力的影响
3.In order to improve the convergence performance of standard particle swarm optimization,immune particle swarm optimization is proposed by means of introducing memory ability and diversity of biologic immune system into standard particle swarm optimization in this paper.为了提高标准粒子群优化算法的收敛性能,将生物免疫系统的记忆能力和多样性引入标准粒子群优化算法,提出一种免疫粒子群优化算法。
4)faculty of memory记忆能力
1.Based on opening up the students non-intelligent factors and developing their recalling abilities,this paper discusses the problems about how to enchance the students faculty of memory in English teaching.记忆能力的差异取决于智力因素和非智力因素,以开发非智力因素、增强记忆能力为出发点, 探讨了英语教学中如何提高学生的记忆能力的途径,在分析学习兴趣、教学方法与提高记忆能力关系的 基础上,指出了提高英语记忆能力的一些具体方法。
5)memory potential记忆潜力
6)memory capacity记忆能力
1.Human memory capacity is the base for developing other intelligeat structure and "store house" of imtelligent actions.人的记忆能力是发展其它智力结构的基础,是智力活动的“仓库”。

记忆(力)记忆(力)  是以往经验贮存一定时期并重现的能力。记忆包括识忆,贮存及回忆三个基本过程。①识忆是事物通过感知在脑中留下痕迹,即感觉性记乙,这段贮存时间很短,如没有经过注意和处理很快就会消失。②贮存是原来事物刺激不存在时,原信息的重新出现。记忆清楚,贮存时间长的事物回忆则清楚,反之则回忆不清,任一过程受累,均可发生记忆减退或遗忘。人的大脑是记忆的主要解剖学基础,核糖核酸分子或蛋白质分子是记忆的化学基础。一个人的记忆力好坏,除由于这两种基础因素之外,更重要的还在于他的勤奋、毅力和反复的实践,"天才家"的记忆正是来自这一点。