1.On Frege s Anti-psychological Logic;试论弗雷格的反心理主义逻辑观
2.Symbol·Sense·Reference——Some Considerations on Frege s Sense Theory;符号·涵义·意谓——对弗雷格意义理论的几点思考
3.Definition of Number: Dedekind and Frege;数的定义:戴德金与弗雷格

1.Concept Characters Of Gottlob Frege And Its Rrealistic Meaning;弗雷格的《概念文字》及其现实意义
2.Thoughts and Realness: On Frege s Denken;思与真——论弗雷格的“思想”概念
3.The analysis of“=”in G.Frege On Sense and Meaning;对弗雷格《论意义与所指》中“=”的分析
4.The Construction and Meaning of Frege's Begriffsschrift弗雷格《概念文字》的构造及其意义
5.Symbol·Sense·Reference--Some Considerations on Frege s Sense Theory;符号·涵义·意谓——对弗雷格意义理论的几点思考
6.Referential Theory Russell s Critical Development of Frege s Viewpoints;罗素在指称论上对弗雷格的批判和继承
7.Words Defying Silence: Wittgenstein,Frege and Russell;不能不说的话:维特根斯坦与弗雷格、罗素
8.Defending Frege’s View of Truth-value as Sentence Nominatum;为弗雷格的语句指称为真值的观点而辩
9.Logic, Mind and Cognition--On the Development of Logic in the post-Frege Time;逻辑、心理与认知——论后弗雷格时代逻辑学的发展
10.Reference and description;试析弗雷格和罗素关于指称理论的观点
11.On the Foundation of Knowledge--Methodology Comparison Between Husserl and Frege;构筑知识的基础——胡塞尔、弗雷格方法论比较
12.Translation illuminated by Frege s distinction between sense and reference;弗雷格区分涵义和指称及其对翻译的启示
13.Proper Names and Description--Russell s Criticism to Frege;专名问题及指称问题——浅析罗素对弗雷格之批判
14.On the Principle of Value Protecting Substitution in Fleg s Theory;浅析弗雷格意义理论中的“保值替换”原则
15.Engravers brass恩格雷弗斯含铅黄铜
16.a former Jamaican Olympian.前牙买加奥运会选手特雷弗?格雷厄姆说,
17.The double life of Alfed Bloggs阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活
18.Major Graves has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.格雷弗斯少校已晋升为中校。

Fréchet lattice弗雷歇格
3)Gottlob Frege (1848~1925)弗雷格,G.
4)frege's puzzle弗雷格疑难
5)Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege (1848~1925)弗雷格,(F.L.)G.
6)principle of Frege弗雷格原则
