1.Asymptotic behavior of the nonoscillating solutions for a class of nonautonomous neutral equations;一类非自治中立型方程非振动解的渐近性
2.Oscillation of High Order Nonautonomous Neutral Difference Equations with Variable Delay;具有可变时滞的高阶非自治中立型差分方程的振动性
3.Subsistence of Average Sustenance of Nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra Competitive System;非自治Lotka-Volterra型竞争系统的平均持续生存性

1.Committee for Non-Self-Governing Territories and Special Political Questions非自治领土和特别政治问题委员会
2.Permanence of a kind of non-autonomous and nonlinear food chain system;一类非自治非线性食物链系统的持久性
3.Instability of the Solution for a Class of the Fourth Order Nonlinear and Nonautonomous Differential Equation;一类四阶非线性非自治微分方程解的不稳定性
4.The Sufficeent and Nesessary Conditions for the Unique Steady State of the Nonlinear Nonautonomous Circuits;非线性非自治电路唯一稳态的充分必要条件
5.The Uniform Attractors for a Class of Non-autonomous Non-local Models with Delays一类非自治时滞非局部模型的一致吸引子
6.The uniform attractors for non-autonomous nonclassical reaction-di usion equations非自治的非经典反应扩散方程的一致吸引子
7.Under-Secretary-General for Trusteeship and Non- Self-Governing Territories主管托管和非自治领土副秘书长
8.Department of Trusteeship and Non-Self-Governing Territories托管和非自治领土部(托管部)
9.Dynamical Behaviors of One Kind of Non-autonomous Chemostat Model;一类非自治Chemostat模型的动力学行为研究
10.On the Genernal Nonautonomous Predator-Prey Kolmogorov Systems;一般非自治捕食被捕食Kolmogorov系统研究
11.Study on the Discrete Time Nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra Models;离散时间非自治Lotka-Volterra模型的研究
12.Eventual Behavior on the Non-Autonomous Lotka-Volterra Competitive Systems with Delay;时滞非自治Lotka-Volterra竞争系统的最终行为
13.Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions of a Class of Non-autonomous Difference Equations;一类非自治差分方程周期解的存在性
14.On the General Nonautonomous Predator-prey Kolmogorov Systems;一般非自治捕食被捕食Kolmogorov型系统研究
15.On the Non-Autonomous Lotka-Volterra Systems;关于非自治Lotka-Volterra系统的研究
16.Robustness of Exponential for Dissipativity Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems;非自治系统指数耗散性的鲁棒稳定性
17.Uniqueness of Positive Periodic Solution of an Epidemic SIS Model With Variable Coefficient;非自治SIS传染病模型正周期解唯一性
18.Periodic Solution for a Class of Non - autonomous Lagrangian System;一类非自治Lagrange系统的周期解

1.Global bifurcation and chaotic dynamics for a non-autonomous buckled thin plate;非自治屈曲薄板全局分叉与混沌动力学(英文)
2.Persistence of delayed non-autonomous predator-prey system;一类时滞的非自治的捕食食饵系统的持久性
3.Permanence of a kind of non-autonomous eco-epidemic predator-prey system;一类非自治传染病捕食-食饵系统的持久性
3)nonautonomous system非自治系统
1.In this paper,we have studied the existence of periodic solution for a class of nonautonomous system=φ(y)-F(x)+P(t) =-g(x)Sufficient condition to exist periodic solution for the system is obtained,and the results in are extended.本文研究一类非自治系统x=φ(y)-F(x)+P(t)y=-g(x){的周期解的存在性,得出此系统存在周期解的充分条件,推广了文[4,5]的结论。
2.This nonautonomous system has a quadratic fluid damping andparametric excitation, and the vortex excitation force is of very small amplitude.该非自治系统具有流体平方阻尼力和中心激振。
4)Non autonomous system非自治系统
1.The non autonomous system =f(t,x)+g(t,x)+H(t),x∈R n is discussed by the theory of matrix measure, and by mesns of the estimating of the solution of a linear system.对n 维非自治系统 x= f(t,x) + g(t,x) + H(t)其中x ∈ Rn,f(t,x),g(t,x ) 是定义在 I(0 ≤ t< + ∞) × Rn 上的n 维连续向量函数,且f(t + ω,x) =f(t,x),g(t + ω,x) = g(t,x), H(t) 是 n × 1 矩阵且 H(t + ω) = H(t),常数 ω> 0,f(t,x) 对x 具有一阶连续的偏导数,g(t,x) 关于 x 满足 Lipschitz 条件。
5)nonautonomous systems非自治系统
1.The topological linearization of nonautonomous systems with unbounded nonlinear term;非线性项无界非自治系统的拓扑线性化
2.Palmer generalized Hartman′s linearization theorem to nonautonomous systems.Palmer〔1〕在f满足有界及李普希兹条件的前提下,将Hartman〔2〕的线性化理论推广到非自治系统。
6)nonautonomous equation非自治方程
