1.Relativity and absoluteness about a time s arrow;时间之矢的相对性与绝对性
2.Relativity and absoluteness of size and size effect concept are investigated, size effects upon geometry and mechanics are analyzed, and size effects upon other important physics properties in MEMS are discussed respectively.研究了尺寸的相对性、绝对性以及尺寸效应的基本概念,讨论了几何尺寸效应和力尺寸效应以及其他一些重要物理量的尺寸效应,提出了广义尺寸效应及狭义尺寸效应,为MEMS创新设计及基础理论的系统性研究提出一个新的切入点。
3.The absoluteness and relativity of the evaluation of ideological and political education refers to the absoluteness and relativity of evaluation criteria.思想政治教育评价的绝对性与相对性是指思想政治教育评价标准的绝对性和相对性,这是两个相互区别又相互联系的方面。

1.absoluteness of the struggle of contradictories矛盾斗争性的绝对性
2.the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge.对知识的绝对性不信任。
3.the absoluteness of the dictator's decrees独裁者法令的绝对性
4.On the Difference between"Property Right belongs to Absolute"and "Property Right has the Absolute"论“物权属于绝对权”与“物权具有绝对性”的区别
5.the absoluteness of the Pope's decree could not be challenged.任何真理都是绝对性和相对性的统一。
6.the relativity and absolutism of judicial justice discussed.讨论了司法“公正”的相对性和绝对性
7.Analysis on the relativity and absoluteness of the cost of social development试析社会发展代价的绝对性与相对性
8.To claim absoluteness of justice with regard to its content represents an immediate negation thereof.主张正义的内容具绝对性者,其本身正表示立即否定正义绝对性
9.The Advancedness of Chinese Communist Party is Dialectical Unity of Absoluteness and Relativity;党的先进性是绝对性和相对性的辩证统一
10.no mortal being can influence the absolute.事情的绝对性是不可以动摇的。
11.The Absoluteness of the Direct Limits and Converse Limits in Its Origgin;本原类中直接极限与逆极限的绝对性
12.absolute stability of a linear system线性系统的绝对稳定性
13.the quality of never making an error.绝对不会犯错误的特性。
14.simultaneous conformity phasing同步符合度调相-对绝对符合度或绝对线性度
15.The rationality of relativism--Reunderstanding of absolutism and relativism;相对主义的合理性——对绝对与相对问题的再认识
16.In the philosophy of Hegel, absolute truth; the complete and ultimate product of reason.绝对真理黑格尔哲学中的绝对真理;完整的和最终的理性产物
17.Access to this message was denied by the security policy.安全性策略拒绝了对此邮件的访问。
18.If so, then being able to avoid the report to be partial and hard-core.这样,才能避免报道的片面性、绝对化。

1.In Newton`s book-The Classical Mechanics and Einstein`s book named The Theory of Relativity,they describle the two sides of the conception of time in different angles: absolutism and relativitism.牛顿的经典力学与爱因斯坦的相对论,实质上是从不同的角度分别描述了时间这一概念的两个方面:绝对性和相对性。
2.It is characterized by relativity and absolutism, of which the former is unconditioned while the latter conditioned.文学翻译标准应是一个理论系统,具有相对性和绝对性,其相对性是绝对的,绝对性是相对的。
3)absolute rigid绝对刚性
1.The internal pile top forces of pile cap system under torsional load are analyzed through the computation of elastic and absolute rigid pile cap system and the model test.结果表明 ,可以按照绝对刚性承台假定来分析桩承台体系的受
4)Absolute Otherness绝对他性
6)absolute ration绝对理性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-