1.Implementation of cascaded triggers termination;级联触发器终止性的实现
2.Petri-based termination analysis for rules in active Database;基于Petri网的ACDB中规则终止性分析
3.Checking termination of Active XML documents materializationActive XML文档物化终止性检验算法

1.Checking termination of Active XML documents materializationActive XML文档物化终止性检验算法
2.It has the properties of fairness, non-repudiation, secrecy, termination, etc.其基本性质有:公平性、不可否认性、可终止性、实用性、高效性、机密性等。
3.Deciding Algorithm for Termination of Rule Set Based on United Formula;基于联合公式的规则集终止性判定算法
4.Determination of termination for a rule set based on conditional formula基于条件公式的主动规则集可终止性判定
5.a masculine cadence.一个阳性终止的曲调
6.To cease or suspend an action temporarily.暂停,中止暂时性的停止或终止某一行动
7.a masculine cadence; the masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy'.一个阳性终止的曲调;'annoy','enjoy'是押阳性韵。
8.Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker task has terminated.内部事件: 终止了“知识一致性检查”任务。
9.penal damages for wrongful termination不当地终止合约的惩罚性赔偿
10.Why does the line of stability bend and end?为什么稳定性线弯曲和终止?
11.Research on Rational Default of Stop Amortization of Residential Mortgage;论住房抵押贷款终止偿付型理性违约
12.The Conditions and the Properties ofFinite End in Lanczos Iteration;Lanczos迭代有限终止的条件和性质
13.Retrospective Study on Methods of Termination of 10-16 Weeks Pregnancy终止10~16周妊娠方法的回顾性研究
14.chain termination method链终止(DNA测序)法
15.terminate a pregnancy,eg by means of an abortion终止妊娠(堕胎).
16.A progression of chords moving to a harmonic close or point of rest.终曲,终止式和弦进行到和谐的终曲或终止乐句
17.The police raid put an end to the drug dealing operation.警方的突然抄查(瘾性)毒品的交易终止了。
18.At the same time, worldwide food and fuel shortages eased.同时,世界性粮食和石油短缺的现象终止了。

1.Model of active rule and termination analysis in XML;XML中的主动规则的模型及其可终止性分析
2.Achievement of Active Rule and Termination Analysis in XML;主动规则在XML系统中的实现及可终止性分析
3.Determination of termination for a rule set based on conditional formula基于条件公式的主动规则集可终止性判定
3)limited termination有限终止性
1.By using the nature of orthogonal,the limited termination of the algorithm is proved.构造了求解子矩阵约束下AXB=C的双对称解的迭代解法,利用残量正交的性质证明了算法的有限终止性,并进一步研究了求解子矩阵约束下矩阵方程问题的最佳逼近解,最后,给出了能够体现算法有效性的数值实例。
2.Iterative solutions of three kinds of matrix equations with sub-matrix restrains on symmetric ortho-symmetric matrix set are investigated,and iterative method by the generalized conjugate gradient method is constructed,and its limited termination is proved.讨论了子矩阵约束下三类矩阵方程的对称正交对称迭代解,利用广义共轭梯度法构造了迭代算法,并证明了算法的有限终止性
4)termination analysis终止性分析
1.Active rule meta-model is proposed as a basis for termination analysis and comparison.主动规则的终止性分析强化了规则的设计高效性。
5)rule termination规则终止性
1.An improved method for rule termination analysis research;一种改进的规则终止性分析方法的研究
2.The rule termination analysis of active Database;主动数据库的规则终止性分析
6)finite termination有限终止性
1.The projected gradient of the iterative sequence converges to zero under the certain conditions is proved,and the finite termination under the conditions of weak sharp minima and non-degenerate are obtained respectively.并分别在弱强极小性和非退化的条件下得到了算法的有限终止性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-