1.A string rewriting system(Σ∶R) is a set of all words or strings over some finite alphabet Σ.串重写系统 (Σ∶ R)是定义在母表Σ上的所有符串的集合 ,一般情况下集合中的元素是不可刻画的 。
2.A string-rewriting system (Σ:R)is a set of all words or strings over some finite alphabet Σ.串重写系统 (Σ :R)是定义在母表Σ上的所有符串的集合。

1.Literals include strings and character and numeric literals.文量包括符串,符和数量。
2.alphanumeric field descriptor母数段描述符
3.Gothic lettering, type, etc哥特体的体等.
4.Chinese, Greek, Russian, etc characters汉、 希腊母、 俄文母.
5.A truer word was never spoken.一不差,为实。
6.handwritten alpha-numeric character手写母-数
7.MB (megabyte)兆节,[台]万
8.Seven letters ... two words ...七个母……两个……
9.teaching method of Chinese literacy识(汉)教学法
10.Strike-on composition: Typesetting with an electric typewriter. Also called Impact composition. Typewriter composition.打:用电动打机作排的方法。
11.Windows character setWindows符集
12.He would mistake the Chinese character 十 (meaning 10) for 千 (meaning 1000) or vice versa.十常常写成千,千常常写成十
13.The first character of the string must be an alphabetic character.串的第一個元必須是元。
14.A letter of an alphabet.母,母表的一个
15.The characters in one style of type.铅体铅某种印刷体例中的
16.The wrong entries mainly include cases of missing words,redundant words,changed words and inverted words.条目之误主要是窜、脱、衍和倒
17.Of, relating to, or representing numbers.数的数的,有关数的,表示数
18.The size or style of the letter or character on a block of type.体一方铅上面的母或的大小和

1.The Role of Zi-centered Theory in TCF;“本位”理论在对外汉语教学中的作用与认识
2.The Influence of Zi on the Chinese Lexicon and Grammar;论“”对汉语词汇和语法的影响
1.The Relationship between MING and Character and Their Formation Theory;先秦“名”“”关系及生成理论探析
2.The Perceptual Span of Middle School Students and Oculomotor Activity during the Reading of Character or Two-character Word Based Chinese Sentences;中学生词阅读知觉广度的眼动研究
3.Based on the rationality of "reading monosyllabic words" in PSC,this paper discusses the following issues: different ranks of language units of "character" & "word";the necessity of word-base in PSC;the confusion brought by testing "monosyllabic words";the disagreement between monosyllabic words and the other testing items,etc.针对普通话水平测试(PSC)"读单音节词"项设置是否合理,从""和"词"所属语言单位的层级,普通话水平测试(PSC)应该以词为本位,"单音节"作为测查内容后给应试者带来的困扰;"单音节词"项与其他各测试项的不谐调性等几个方面进行了探讨。
4)Chinese character字
1.This paper introduces a method on automatic text categorization based on the statistic features of Chinese characters.提出了一种基于特征的中文文本分类方法。
2.Word, Ci and Chinese character: are three fundamental concepts in English and Chinese.“word”、“词”和“”是英汉语中的三个基本概念。
3.The studiers of Chinese character usually think that one Chinese character only has one original meaning.汉学界通常认为:一个在最初造的时候只有一个本义。
1.Shu Wen Jie Zi is the first Chinese dictionary that analyses the forms and origins of words.《说文解》是我国第一部系统分析形和考究原的书。
1.For a long time,opinions have varied about the family name,style and given name of Zuo Qiuming(左丘明)who was the writer of Zuo Zhuan(《左传》)in the academic field.长久以来,学术界对《左传》作者左丘明氏名众说纷纭。

字【字】 (杂语)梵曰阿乞史啰Aks!ara,又云阿刹罗。见梵语杂名。