1.We discuss t-norm and implications on I() based on left-continuous t-norm and right-continuous implications on . 本文在[0,1]上左连续t模和右连续蕴含的基础上讨论了区间数I([0,1])上的t模及蕴含,得到了(I([0,1]),T,θT)构成一个剩余格。
2.The paper introduces several methods of proof about formula implication: truth table method;equivalent performing mathematical calculations method;direct method;indirect method and so on.本论文介绍了公式蕴含的几种证法:真值表法、等价演算法、直接证法、间接证法等,灵活应用公式蕴含的证明方法,有利于逻辑推理的顺利进行。
3.Simplify the axiom system of lattice implication algebras , which was given by Y.给出的格蕴含代数的公理系统 ,并给出另一个公理系统。

1.Absence implies presence.不在中又蕴含着存在。
2.On Potentially W_(6-)graphic Sequences蕴含W_(6-)可图序列(英文)
3.The Transtive V-Quantale and Implicative V-Quantale可传V-Quantale和蕴含V-Quantale
4.A brief statement of a principle.箴言蕴含一原理的简练语句
5.The energy contained in light comes in little packets.光蕴含的能量是一小份一小份的。
6.A gate that performs the Boolean operation of implication.执行“蕴含”布尔操作的一种(逻辑)门电路。
7.Do you spend much time in Europe?你在欧洲蕴含了许多时间吗?
8.the power to do work that is latent in a head of water.在水头中蕴含的可用来工作的能量。
9.The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the pain.那医生给他一些蕴含以减轻痛苦。
10.And, in all rarity there is great value.而且,独特中蕴含着巨大的价值。
11.The Forex or Stocks trading is a risky business.外汇和股票交易本身蕴含巨大的风险。
12.This essentially implies that the presheaf is a sheaf.这实质上蕴含着预层是一个层。
13.Within music and dance are the deepest consciousness of national spirits.乐舞中蕴含着民族精神的深层意识。
14.More than for them their sweetest notes:比那最委婉的吟唱蕴含更深:
15.Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.英语语法规则中蕴含丰富的语用信息。
16.The tendencies of the times are written in current events.时事蕴含着时代发展的趋势。
17.Many have found embedded in the books all kinds of biblical imagery.很多人发现该书蕴含大量圣经意象。
18.There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius.《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。

1.This paper introduces achievements made by philosophers and linguists on the definition of presupposition and reductionism of presupposition,and discusses the possibility of presupposition s being replaced by entailment and implicature and the role of presupposition in the information structure of discourses.本文介绍了哲学家和语言学家在预设的界定、预设的归结论(reduction-ism)等方面的研究成果,并对预设是否会被蕴含(entailment)和含义(implicature)代替的可能性以及预设在语篇信息结构中的作用进行了论述。
2.This treatise uses TFA concept and its analytic method to discuss the differences and characteristics of the presupposition,entailment and affirmance.文章运用TFA概念和分析方法,探讨预设、蕴含和断言之间的区别及运作特点。
3.Then some explainations are gaven about the entailment.并提出蕴含的定义,在此基础上探讨预设和蕴含二者之间的关系及其区别。
1.The paper discusses the subjective and objective meaning of "almost"from connotation and prediction,analyses the semantic prediction and pragmatic prediction of the adverb,and expounds the negative meaning from the angle of prediction.从蕴含和预设的角度对"差点儿"的客观意义和主观意义进行了分析,分析了"差点儿"的语义预设和语用预设,并从预设的角度解释了羡余否定现象的产生。
2.Implication refers to the semantic phenomena present in meaning but absent in discourse, It is different form the implication and connotation in the category of logical semantics.它与逻辑语义范畴的蕴含、隐涵不同。
1.The folktales of the Chinese nationalities embody all kinds of idealism:such as Some tales show the idea of hunting a rich life,the sacrificing spirit and the heroic morality in combating tyranny.我国各民族的幻想故事中,蕴含着极丰富的人生理想,既有以追求丰衣足食为主题的生活理想,以颂扬舍己为人的道德品质和不畏强暴的英雄人格的道德理想,也有以赞美劳动为主要内容的原始职业理想和社会理想。
6)cultural meaning文化蕴含
1.And then,all these are deeply interpreted from the angles of cultural meaning,subjective personality,and poetic figures.从“穷而后工”诗学命题的历史梳理入手,指出该命题之广受关注主要是因为它关联着中国古代士子的人生体验与人生价值,并进一步从文化蕴含、主体人格与诗学形象诸角度对此进行了深入阐发。

蕴涵蕴涵implication  蕴涵(如帅口位价;“Mn几H以找“皿l 一种逻辑运算,用来从两个表示式A和B构造表示式“如果A,那么B”.在形式语言中,最常用的表示蕴涵的符号是“,~或”.表示式A称为AOB的前提(Pn沉n拐e),而表示式B称为结论(co璐叫比nCe).表示式A“B的确切含意在经典的、可构成的和其他一些对语言的语义处理中各不相同.在经典语义的语言中,蕴涵式的含义由如下真假值表(赶址h table)给出: 下号如上所说的这种蕴涵称为实质蕴涵(订么忱对allrr甲玩习.tion)B .E.且四c‘o撰