1.Further Discussion of the difference between △G_m~ and △G_(m) as wen as their Function;再谈ΔG_m~和ΔG_m的区别及它们的功能
2.Difference between Fake Drug and Adverse Drug Reactions in Law;浅析假药与药品不良反应的法律区别
3.A Research on the Association and Difference Between City Brand and Commodity Brand;论城市品牌与商品品牌的联系和区别

1.What difference? Not a sausage.有什么区别呢?毫无区别
2.a distinguishing difference.能区别不同事物的差别。
3.able to make fine distinctions.能够区别细微差别的。
4.Serving to distinguish phonemes or distinctive features.音位差异的,区别性的可区别音素或区别特征的
5.tell the difference between说明……之间的区别
6.A and B differ in the terms of ...A与B的区别在于:
7.Tiptoe is the most neutral verb.tiptoe最无褒贬区别.
8.The main differences:答:主要区别在于:
9.principle of discrimination区别原则[指战时区别军事/非军事目标]
10.non distinctive feature非区别性特征 非区别性特徵
11.failing to make or recognize distinctions.没有能够做出区别或者认识到区别
12.To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish.识别,辨别觉察到或区别出不同或差异;辨别
13.Also, there is a difference between the borders and the central district of a base area;根据地的边缘区和中心区,也有区别
14.Each of the houses is slightly different.每所房子都稍有区别.
15.put together indiscriminately.不加区别地放在一起。
16.Certainly, there are some differences between British and American English.当然,两者是有区别的。
17.There is a difference between these two categories of people.这两者是有区别的。
18.Diagnostic or distinctive.诊断的诊断或区别

1.Differences between Liver-stomach Dishanmony and Wood-earth Disharmony;浅谈临证中肝胃不和及木土不和的区别
2.The passage is mainly about the differences between university environmental education and society environmental education on the form, content and administration of education, and the interaction of them.本文讲述了学校环境教育与社会环境教育在教育内容、教育形式、教育管理上的区别及二者的互动作用。
3.But the two belong to different language phenomena and there exist some differences.但两者属于不同的语言现象,因此又有区别
1.The distinctions teaching strategies between undergraduate and higher vocational education in tourism management——Take the course of brief introduction of tourism as an example;旅游管理专业本科与高职的区别及不同的教学策略——以《旅游学概论》课程为例
2.The Definition and Distinction of Reportage and Nonfiction Novel;报告文学与纪实小说的区别与界定
3.Discussing an essintial distinction between fluidity and mold-filling capacity of melting metal.论述熔融金属的流动性与充型能力二者之间的本质区别
1.The differentiation and application of abrasivebelt grinding and abrasivewheel grinding in machining;砂带磨削与砂轮磨削在机械加工中的区别及其应用
2.About differentiation between term general rate and accumulate affairs general rate;谈条件概率与积事件概率的区别
3.The differentiation between two types construction project in which compile the monitoring report and survey report respectively on the basis of pollution exhaust and ecological impact were given in this article.分析、阐述了在建设项目竣工环境保护验收中,以污染排放为主和以生态影响为主两类建设项目分别编制监测报告与调查报告的区别,并提出编制报告时应注意的几个问题。
1.Distinguish between the medical accident and the medical malpractice and the definitude of their responsibility, are propitious to solve and mitigate the conflict between the doctors and the patients.本文对医疗事故与医疗损害从概念、构成要件和承担责任三个方面进行了比较区别
2.Though comparing the first page of new case and old one and analysing the distinguish between them, the superior points of the first page in new case were concluded.通过对新旧病案首页的比较 ,分析了两者的区别 ,总结出新病案首页的优
3.Since it is difficult to distinguish “taking the form and changing it” in composition from “creating new works by the use of source material” in adaptation, it also involves other problems such as the composer’s subjective ideas of creation and examination of the objective effect as well as discipline and self-discipline of signature.原创与编曲均涉及音乐作品的神、形,两者的本质区别在于原创以借神为主,编曲以借形为主。
1.Therefore,it\'s necessary to differentiate them and comprehend them completely,so as to be helpful for the judicial practice.司法实践中对包含有欺骗事实的合同行为的性质认定一直是个难点,这两者往往容易被混淆,导致许多判决结果存在争议,所以,应对两者之间的区别进行全面把握,以利于司法实践。
2.To analyse and approach differentiate the《Indoor air quality standard》from the 《Code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering》.探讨与分析《室内空气质量标准》(GB?T18883-2002)与《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》(GB50325-2001)的区别与使用方法。
3.The writer try to show the relation and differentiate of the two characters in different operas.文章选择了两部歌剧中两个萝西娜最具有代表性的唱段:《塞维里亚的理发师》中“我听到美妙的歌声”和《费加罗的婚礼》中萝西娜在第三幕中的咏叹调“何处寻觅”作为对两个萝西娜进行角色类型比较的切入点,分析奥地利作曲家莫扎特创作的《费加罗的婚礼》和意大利作曲家罗西尼创作的《塞维里亚的理发师》中两个萝西娜的联系和区别
