极值,Extreme value
1)Extreme value极值
1.Variation of extreme values of domestic storms and floods in 20th Century;20世纪我国暴雨和洪水极值的变化
2.Inter-decadal change of the rainstorm and flood extreme values in the 20th century;20世纪暴雨和洪水极值的年代际变化
3.Two full conditions for extreme value problem;求解条件极值问题的两个充分条件

1.Discussion on the Conditional Extremum of Three Variable Function Through Unconditional Extremum;用无条件极值判定多元函数条件极值
2.end scale value最大刻度、量程极值
3.Bicyclic Graphs with Extremal Kirchhoff Index;双圈图的Kirchhoff指标极值
4.On Hamilton Sequences for Extremal Beltrami Coefficients极值Beltrami系数的Hamilton序列
5.The Research of Extreme Value Index and Properties of Upper-Point in Extreme Value Theory;极值理论中的极值指标以及上端点的性质研究
6.A Model of Conditional VaR of High Frequency Extreme Value Based on Generalized Extreme Value Distribution;基于广大极值分布的高频极值条件VaR模型
7.General Methods of Determining the Type of Extremum and Constrained Extremum of Multivariate Function;多元函数极值和条件极值的一般判定方法
8.Value-at-Risk Based on Extreme Value Theory;基于极值理论的风险价值(VaR)研究
9.A Value-at-Rish Model Based on Conpula-EVT;基于极值Copula的风险价值模型研究
10.A Class of Variational and Functional Extreme Solution to the Boundary Value Problem;一类边值问题的变分与泛函极值解法
11.Dynamic Value-at-Risk Based on Extreme Value Theory基于极值理论的动态风险价值的研究
12.Improved adaptive filter based on extremum and mean一种改进的极值均值自适应滤波算法
13.A Method of Selecting the Threshold Based on the Shannon Entropy in the Estimation of the Extreme Value Index极值估计中基于熵的门限值选取方法
14.A maximum or minimum value of a function.极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
15.minimax regret critical value极小极大后悔临界值
16.limiting distribution of ratio estimate比率估计值的极限分布
17.high utilization limit refractories高使用极限值耐火材料
18.budget constrained utility maximum预算约束效用极大值

1.Estimation of chaos system parameters by using extremum point;基于极值点的混沌系统参数估计方法及应用
2.Calculation on transmission ratio extremum of grab operating mechanism based on Matlab;基于Matlab的挖掘机工作装置传动比极值的计算
3.A Generalization and Application of The Second Sufficient Condition of Judging Extremum;极值第二充分条件的推广及应用
1.Binary implicit function Extreme Problems;二元隐函数极值存在问题
2.Extreme Statistics on the Application of Catastrophe Insurance;极值统计在巨灾保险中的应用
4)extreme values极值
1.The rock bit diameter is calculated through determination of the extreme values with the calculation formula presented.采用求极值来计算才轮钻头的直径,给出了牙轮钻头直径的计算公式,并分别对有移轴及无移轴牙轮钻头直径的计算进行了分析。
2.Some methods of deciding the extreme values for the monadic functions and two-place functions were applied to decide the extreme values for the multivariate functions and then some effective methods of deciding the extreme values for the multivariate functions were presented.将一元函数和二元函数极值的部分判别方法推广到多元函数极值的判别,提出了判定多元函数极值的几个方法。
3.The extreme conditions for the monovariate functions were applied to the multivariate functions and then an effective method to decide the extreme values for the multivariate functions was presented.将一元函数取极值的一阶充分条件推广到多元,提供了判定多元函数极值的1个有效方法。
1.elliptic maximum principle and krein-Rutman theory with parabolic maximum principle and operator semigrou;椭圆极值原理与krein-Rutman定理以及抛物极值原理与算子半群
2.Methods The maximum principle,monotone method,bifurcation theory,the perturbation theorem for linear operators and the stability theorem for bifurcation solutions were used.方法运用极值原理、上下解方法、分歧理论、线性算子的扰动理论和分歧解的稳定性理论进行研究。
3.In this paper we yield a inequality of the deficiency sum of any meromorphic function and its all order derived functions, and discuss some functions whose ail derived functions deficiency sum arrives at maximum 2.本文结合亚纯函数的导函数,得到一个更一般的亏量和不等式,并对其极值情形进行了讨论,在更广泛的条件下,证明了相应的F。
1.Asymptotic Properties of Extrema of Certain Conditional Sample Functions;样本函数条件极值的渐近性质
2.Hesse Matrix of Sufficient Condition for Extrema of n-variable implicit function;判定n元隐函数取极值的充分条件Hesse矩阵

极值  一个函数的极大值或极小值。如果一个函数在一点的一个邻域内处处都有确定的值,而以该点处的值为最大(小),这函数在该点处的值就是一个极大(小)值。如果它比邻域内其他各点处的函数值都大(小),它就是一个严格极大(小)。该点就相应地称为一个极值点或严格极值点。    极值的概念来自数学应用中的最大最小值问题。定义在一个有界闭区域上的每一个连续函数都必定达到它的最大值和最小值,问题在于要确定它在哪些点处达到最大值或最小值。如果不是边界点就一定是内点,因而是极值点。这里的首要任务是求得一个内点成为一个极值点的必要条件。    对于可微函数??(x),其导函数??′(x)的正负号标志着函数值的升降,因此极值点必须是导函数??′(x)的零点:  ??′(x)=0。   (1)比较这些零点和边界点处的函数值,最大(小)的就是函数的最大(小)值。    多元函数 ??(x1,x2,...,xn)的极值点也是每一变元xi(其余变元作为参变量时)的极值点,因而必须满足相当于方程(1)的联立方程组       (2)    如果多元函数??(x1,x2,...,xn)的最大值或最小值发生在边界上,而后者由方程组   (3)确定,这时最大、最小值便成为在附加条件(3)之下的条件极值。这时极值点的求法,在函数??和φj都连续可微的前提下,常用的是    拉格朗日乘子法:考虑函数则函数 ??(x1,x2,...,xn)在条件(3)之下的极值点必须满足同(2)一样的联立方程组     (4)