1.Simulation and Analysis of Airdrop Active Homing Torpedo Anti-submarine Warfare;空投主动声自导鱼雷反潜仿真与分析
2.In an anti-submarine warfare scenario with the submarine emerging within a limited interval, indexes used to evaluate the effectiveness of the battle were given, as well as their model.在一个暴露时间有限的反潜作战想定背景下,提出了评估该作战过程的效能指标,建立了相应的模型,并把武器协同共用条件下的作战结果与传统作战模式的结果作比较,结论表明,武器协同共用作战模式能够有效改善各项作战效能指标,是提高作战效能的有效手段。
3.In order to improve the anti-submarine ability of formation of ships in the course of escort,the method of anti-submarine is researched according to the analysis of the threaten of submarine,the method of efficiency evaluating is given by selecting the EM of the number of the intact warships,it will help to the rotional deployment of force.为有效提高护航编队的反潜能力,通过对潜艇威胁的分析,对护航编队的反潜方法进行了研究。

1.Directed against enemy submarines.反潜艇的,防潜艇的用来反抗敌方潜艇的
2.Application of Anti-Submarine Networks in Cooperative Anti-submarine Combat of Submarine, Warship and Airplane反潜网络在潜、舰、机协同反潜作战中的应用
3.Research on Submarine Evading One Course Anew Searching by Anti-sub Submarine潜艇规避反潜潜艇平行航向法再搜索研究
4.antisubmarine carrier group反潜航空母舰特混大队
5.Simulative Research on Responding-antisubmarine of ASW Helicopter Which Using Dipping-sonar反潜直升机吊放声纳应召搜潜仿真研究
6.Anti-submarine Helicopter Identifying Submarine Target Model Based on Bayes' Net基于贝叶斯网的反潜直升机对潜艇的识别模型
7.Analysis and model of probability of antisubmarine helicopter detects diesel-electric submarine反潜直升机搜索常规潜艇概率分析与建模
8.To develop the equipment and the theory of antisubmarine warfare (ASW) and submarine operation, the characteristic and insufficiency of the platform centric antisubmarine warfare are researched.为发展反潜作战、潜艇作战装备及理论,对平台中心反潜战中的特点和问题进行了研究。
9.DASH (Drone Antisubmarine Helicopter)无线电遥控反潜艇直升飞机
10.Research on Configuration of the Ability of Antisubmarine Maneuver for the Naval Vessels;海战场舰艇反潜作战的优化配置研究
11.Detecting submarine by means of dipping sonar is main mode of helicoptersearching and tracking submarine.使用吊放声纳探测潜艇是直升机反潜的主要样式。
12.Introduction of the Influence of the Submarine Tactics of the PLA Caused by the Modem Anti-submarine Platform and the Conduct Operations;谈现代反潜作战平台对我军潜艇作战的影响及对策
13.Research on Modeling and Simulation for the Decision Support System of Search Submarine Scheme by Antisubmarine Warfare Patrol Aircrafts反潜巡逻飞机搜潜辅助决策系统建模与仿真研究
14.submarine intermediate reactor潜艇用中能中子反应堆
15.STR (submarine thermal reactor)潜艇用热中子反应堆
16.Myogenic response in auditory middle latency response听觉中潜伏期反应中的肌源性反应
17.There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.他们两人之间潜伏着一股反感的暗流。
18.The Seismic Response Analysis and Research on the Submerged Floating Bridge;潜浮式倒悬索跨海大桥地震反应研究

1.Ship-Helicopter Coalition Antisubmarine Application of Accouterment Towed Sonar配备拖曳声纳的舰机联合反潜应用
2.Analyzing the features of antisubmarine call-search, according to the tactical calculate, the text establishes the model of antisubmarine call-search ability, and calculates it, evaluates the efficacy.本文在分析反潜编队应召搜索特点的基础上,对应召搜索能力进行了必要的战术计算,对应召搜索的效果进行了评估,为实际反潜作战中提高对潜搜索的效果提供了可靠的依据。
3.The development of technology on antisubmarine mine,self-propelled mine and exit attack mine,will enormously bring on great changes and reform in military theories and tactics in the future sea wars.反潜水雷、自航水雷、出水攻击水雷及技术的发展,必将导致未来海战军事理论和战法发生重大变化和变革。
3)Submarine to submarine潜艇反潜
4)anti-sub submarine反潜潜艇
1.This paper analyzes one course anew searching by anti-sub submarine and establishes relevant model.对反潜潜艇使用平行航向法再搜索进行了分析、建模,针对不同的初始距离、延迟时间对我潜艇采取不同的规避航向、航速进行了计算机仿真,得到了我潜艇机动规避成功概率较高的航向航速设置;并深入分析了初始距离和延迟时间对敌潜艇采用平行航向法再搜索发现我潜艇概率的影响,对我潜艇再搜索方法研究也有一定的参考价值。
5)antisubmarine search反潜搜索
1.This paper analyzes status of antisubmarine search, brings forward search algorithm with particle swarm optimization.在分析目前反潜搜索现状的前提下,提出了使用粒子群优化算法进行反潜搜索,并针对基本粒子群优化算法存在早熟和后期收敛速度慢的局限性,对个体极值实行高斯变异,并使惯性因子随进化代数自适应调节,提高了全局搜索能力和后期收敛速度,改进了粒子群优化算法的潜艇搜索策略。
6)antisubmarine formation反潜编队
