1.In this thesis we will complete the necklace lie algebra from a special quiver.本文从一类特殊的箭图出发构造项链李代数。
2.The quiver of the representation category of the bocs is shown consistiing of isomorphism classes and show irreducible maps.并画出了该bocs的表示范畴由不可分解象元的同构类和不可约映射组成的箭图
3.The paper gives an instance of restricted representation for quantum groups U_q(sl_2) when q is the root of unity, and draws its construction with the quiver.并用箭图画出它的构造。

1.Ringel-Hall Algebras of Infinite Quivers and Corresponding Quantum Groups;无限箭图的Ringel-Hall代数和相应量子群
2.Modules over Path Algebras of Type D_n and Edges of AR-quiversD_n型路代数倾斜模与AR箭图边缘
3.Dual Hopf Algebras from a Quiver and Dual Quiver Quantum Groups由箭图构造的对偶Hopf代数和量子群
4.Follow the arrows on the map.跟着地图上的箭头走.
5.rocket-borne infrared mapper火箭携带的红外绘图仪
6.He tried to hit the mark with an arrow.他试图用箭射中目标。
7.A button with an arrow that's located next to a picture thumbnail in the picture list带一个箭头的按钮,箭头位于图片列表的图片缩略图旁边
8.For example, to view something to the leave in the on screen image, press the leave arrow.例如,欲看到屏幕左边图象,按左箭头键。
9.Graphical symbols-Arrows and their useGB/T1252-1989图形符号箭头及其应用
10.He still holds his weapon, as if putting up a desperate last ditch struggle.他仍然手持弓箭,企图垂死挣扎。
11.Drag onto the page to add a generalization arrow.拖到绘图页后,可以添加泛化箭头。
12.For example, to view something to the left in the on - screen image, press the left arrow例如,欲看到屏幕左边图象,按左箭头键
13.The arrow on the map indicates where the accident happened.图上的箭头指示事故发生的地点。
14.The arrows in the top row of images point to the supernovae.上面一行图片中的箭头指出了超新星。
15.Adds a generalization arrow to your Static Structure diagram.将归纳箭头添加到静态结构图中。
16.The Map of "Garrison Forces" Found in Han Tomb at Mawangdui Having to be Renamed as "the Administrative Map of Jiandao";论马王堆汉墓“驻军图”应正名为“箭道封域图”
17.Something, such as a mark indicating a limit on a drawing, that is shaped like the head of an arrow.箭头形状像箭头的东西,如图中指示范围限制的符号
18.Drag onto the page, then drag yellow diamonds to adjust arrowhead or tail.拖到绘图页上,然后拖动黄色菱形可以调整箭头或箭尾。

3)Hopf quiverHopf箭图
1.In this paper,graph properties of simple undirected Hopf quivers and the relation between path algebras and path coalgebras are discussed.本文研究了简单无向Hopf箭图的图论性质以及路代数与路余代数的关系。
2.It is well known that Hopf quivers admit graded Hopf algebra structures.众所周知,Hopf箭图上可以赋予分次Hopf代数结构。
3.In[3]and[6],the Hopf algebra structures of path algebra and path coalgebra on a Hopf quiver and a covering quiver respect to a weight sequence respectively were introduced independently.在文献[3]和[6]中,Hopf箭图的路代数上的Hopf代数结构和覆盖箭图的路余代数上的Hopf代数结构分别被给出。
4)representation of quiver箭图表示
5)affine quiver仿射箭图
1.By using the properties of representation categories of affine quivers,the task of computing Hall polynomials for affine quivers can be reduced to the enumerative problem of some matrix equations.利用仿射箭图的表示范畴的性质把Hall多项式的计算问题归结到一些矩阵方程的解的个数问题。
6)arrow diagram箭线图

图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph 图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图: i)删去一条边; 五)收缩一条边; 说)去掉一个孤立顶点. NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i