1.Comparative analysis of the moving of a wave packet in one-dimensional monatomic lattice with that in a string;原子链与中波包演化的比较分析
2.Lagrangian equations of loops and strings;环与的拉格朗日方程式

1.sound the strings of (a guitar or similar string instrument).使乐器的发出声音。
2.sine-cosine resolver正-余解算装置
3.There are two strings, with a four- or five-octave range.张两,按四五度定
4.The cord attached to both ends of an archer's bow.弓连系弓两端的
5.Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord.和的与和有关的或由和组成的
6.This article refers to: the fixing-string (movable-doh) method and the mode, the feature of the open string of the fixing-string method, the fixing-string method and the range, the fixing-string method and the key, and the special fixing-string method of the erhu.法与调式、法的空特色、法与乐曲音域、法与调、二胡的特殊定法。
7.he instrument has two strings with a four-octave range, and it is played with a horsetail-hair bow on the outside of the strings.张两根,四度定,用马尾弓在外拉奏,
8.One of the pegs securing the strings and regulating their tension on a stringed instrument.轴,琴轸用来固定或调的松紧的部分
9.To fit(an arrow) to a bowstring.把(箭)搭在弓
10.The chord AC subtends the arc ABC. AC 正对弧 ABC.。
11.It is a fretted lute with six strings, five of steel and one of brass.它拥有六根的带品乐器,其中五根为钢丝,一根为铜丝
12.Of or relating to the strings of an instrument.乐器上的或与乐器上有关的
13.To remove from a string.取下把…从一根(或线)上取下
14.can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument.能够调节乐器琴的倾斜度的栓。
15.strike [touch] the right chord触及 (人的) 心,扣人心,使人感动
16.A sharp, vibrating sound, as that of a plucked string.拔声象拔一样的尖而颤的声音
17.Violin is a stringed instrument played with a bow.小提琴是用演奏的一种乐器。
18.The strings of that orchestra sound beautiful.那个管乐队乐器悦耳动听。

1.Variational Method to Arnold s Chord Conjecture in T~(2m) ×R~(2n) ;T~(2m)×R~(2n)上阿诺德猜想中的变分方法(英文)
2.Variational Method to Arnold s Chord Conjecture in S~3;S~3上阿诺德猜想中的变分方法(英文)
3.Cycles with a Chord are Harmonious Graphs;带的圈是协调图(英文)
3)chord of foil叶弦,翼弦
4)SC (sine-cosine)正弦-余弦
6)top boom顶弦,上弦

弦弦 弦   ①弓弦。《素问·平人气象论》:“死肝脉来,急益劲,如新张弓弦。”   ②弦乐器的弦。《素问·玉机真脏论》:“真肝脉至,中处急,如循刀刃责责然,如按琴瑟弦。”   ③月亮半圆之称。《标幽赋》:“弦不夺而朔不济。”   ④脉象名。弦脉。见“弦脉”条。