1.Connectivity and edge-connectivity of strong product graphs;强乘积图的连通度和边连通度(英文)
2.The some properties of vertex-connectivity and the edge-connectivity of a~m(G)have been studied in the note.将广义梭a(G)的定义推广到m+1个同构图的情形,定义了图a~m(G),得到广义棱a~m(G)的点连通度和边连通度的几个性质。
3.The restricted edge-connectivity λ′ of de Bruijn digraphs D_B(d,n) was studied.证明了对有向de B ru ijn图DB(d,n),当d≥3,n≥3或d=2,n≥3或d≥3,n=2时,它的限制边连通度λ′(DB(d,n))=2d-2。

1.Restricted Edge Connectivity of de Bruijn Digraphs and Graphs;de Bruijn图的限制边连通度
2.On Super Restricted Edge Connectivity and Lower Bounds on the Edge-Connectivity of Graphs;图的超级限制边连通性和边连通度的下界
3.3-Restricted Edge Connectivity and 3-Restricted Connectivity of Graphs;图的3-限制性边连通度和3-限制性连通度
4.Existence and Bound on k-restricted Edge Connectivity of Graphs;图的k-限制边连通度的存在性及上界
5.Optimality and Super-connectedness of Higher-order Restricted Edge Connectivity in Graphs高阶限制边连通度的最优性和超级性
6.The k-restricted Edge Connectivity of Graphs to be Optimal and Super-connectedk阶限制边连通度的最优性和超级性
7.Cyclical Edge-connectivity, Resonance and Hamiltonicity of Fullerene Graphs on Surfaces;曲面Fullerene图的环边连通度、共振性及哈密尔顿性
8.The Research of k-restricted Edge Connectivity of Graphs关于k阶限制边连通度若干问题的研究
9.The Upper Bound on k-Restricted Edge Connectivity of a Class of Kautz Graphs一类无向Kautz图的k限制边连通度的上界
10.Betti Deficiency of 3-Edge Connected Graphs with Odd Degree Vertices3-边连通图的Betti亏数与奇度点
11.The New Lower Bound of the Number of Vertices of Degree 5 and Trivially Noncontractible Edges in Contraction Critical 5 Connected Graphs;收缩临界5连通图的5度顶点数和平凡不可收缩边数的新的下界
12.A compact interconnect temperature distribution model considering the via effect and the heat fringing effect考虑通孔效应和边缘传热效应的纳米级互连线温度分布模型
13.The relation between cyclic edge-connectivity and cyclic connectivity of 3-regular connected graphs3-正则图的环边连通性和环连通性之间的关系
14.Independence Number、Connectivity and Hamilton-connectivity;图的独立数、连通度与Hamilton连通性
15.Optimality of Minimally Restricted Edge Connected Graphs and Fault Tolerance of Super Edge Connected Graphs极小限制性边连通图的最优性和超边连通图的容错性
16.totally disconnected metric space完全不连通度量空间
17.12-Degree and 13-Degree Reliable Connected Networks with the Best Connectivity具有最佳连通性的12度与13度可靠连通网络
18.The Degree Sequence of Connected Graphs and the Number of Lower Degree Vertices of Connected Plannar Graphs连通图的度序列及连通平面图的低度点个数

Edge connectivity边连通度
1.Let G be a connected graph of order n whose algebraic connectivity, vertex connectivity, and edge connectivity are α(G), κ(G), and λ(G), respectively.n阶连通图G的代数连通度、点连通度和边连通度分别记作α(G) ,κ(G)和λ(G) 。
2.We know that edge connectivity plays an importent role in the connectivity of graph.我们知道,边连通度是反映图的连通性质的一个重要参数。
3.For Moor-Shannon network models,the greater the k-restricted edge connectivity is,the better the reliability and fault-tolerance is.在Moor-Shannon网络模型中,k限制边连通度较大的网络一般有较好的可靠性和容错性。
3)edge-edge connectivity边边连通度
1.The edge-edge connectivity of a graph is defined,and a class of quasi-regular graphs is proposed with a maximum edge-edge connectivity.定义了图的边边连通度,设计了一类具有最大边边连通度的拟正则图。
1.The l-edge-connectivity of Complete Bipartite Graph;完全2-分图的l-边-连通度
2.The l-edge-connectivity of the 3-regular Cayley graph;3-正则Cayley图的l-边-连通度
5)extra edge connectivity超边连通度
1.Restricted edge connectivity and extra edge connectivity of crossed cubes;交叉超方体的限制边连通度和超边连通度
2.On restricted edge connectivity and extra edge connectivity of hypercubes and folded hypercubes;立方体和折叠立方体的限制边连通度和超边连通度(英文)
3.In this paper,we study extra edge connectivity of crossed cubes on the basis of some results and prove 2-extra edge connectivity is equal to 3n-4,which further gi.超边连通度是衡量互联网络容错能力的一种重要的参数。
