文科,liberal arts
1)liberal arts文科
1.We suggest opened the natural science foundation curriculum in the liberal arts specialty;文科专业中应该开设《自然科学基础》课程
2.Research and Practice of Construction of Teachers Troop on Comprehensive Liberal Arts Education s Speciality;综合文科教育专业师资队伍建设的研究与实践
3.For making a study of the feasibility that clinical medicine specialty recruits liberal arts-oriented examinee,595 Grade 2001 students majoring in clinical medicine were regarded as the research object and were divided into a group of literal arts-oriented students and a group of science-oriented students.为探讨临床医学专业招收文科类考生的可行性,以2001级临床医学专业的595名学生为研究对象,分为文科生组和理科生组,对研究对象的19门课程成绩进行统计、分析。

1.These subjects include the arts, science and business.包括文科、理科以及商科。
2.well versed in mathematics, the arts, etc精通数学、 文科
3.History and literature are among the arts.历史和文学属于文科
4.The term“ arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。
5.The term “arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.“文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。
6.On the Instruction of the Graduation Theses by Literal Arts Undergraduates;指导文科类本科毕业论文的几点认识
7.A Survey of the Cultural and Scientific Qualities of Liberal Arts Students in Institutions of Higher Teacher Education;高师文科生科学文化素质的调查报告
8.Tutor System for Science Research:a New Way to Tutor Graduation Thesis of College Students of Arts at College and University科研导师制:文科本科毕业论文指导的新路径
9.A nonscientific branch of learning;one of the liberal arts.人文学科学问的一种非科学分支;文科的一个(学科)
10.On Editting Annotation and References in Journals of Social Sciences;文科学报论文注释与参考文献的编辑
11.scientific culture科学教育,科学文明
12.Culture and Entertainment Branch [Urban Services Department]文娱科〔市政总署〕
13.Section for Humanistic, Cultural and International Education人文、文化和国际教育科
14.interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and social sciences跨学科的人文学科和社会科学
15.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析
16.Interaction between Culture, Education and Development of Science and Technology;科技文化与科技教育、科技发展的互动
17.Offers the opportunity to practice literature searching and writing scientific paper.练习科技文献检索和科技论文写作。
18."United Nations Educational,Scientific & Cultural Organization "联合国教育科学文化组织/教科文组织

1.On the Teaching Methodology and Reform of Mathematics forthe Arts of Colleges and Universities;浅谈高校文科数学课堂教学方法与改革
2.A quantitative analysis of the factors influencing teaching practice in arts curricula in universities影响高校文科专业实践教学因素的量化分析
3.At the very beginning of exploration of opening elective courses on chemistry for arts students, this essay puts forward a reform scheme of chemical publicly-elected lessons form such aspects as teaching methods, means of course assessment, and teaching material construction.为文科学生开设化学选修课的探索刚刚开始,本文从师资队伍、教学内容、教学方法、课程考核方式、教材建设等方面提出对化学类公选课的改革方案。
3)liberal art文科
1.The University grading system in liberal art still follows the traditional one-way-thinking examination method.目前,高校文科的考试模式依然沿袭传统的单向度思维模式,那种以“一张书面考卷定终身”的形式,显然已不能适应教育改革、人才市场需求以及文化多元、哲学社会科学发展创新的新形势。
4)Liberal Arts/Mechanical Arts文科/工科
5)social science research文科科研
1.Management of social science research in universities;论高等学校文科科研管理
6)documentation unit leader文件科科长

文科1.科举制时以经学考选文士之科﹐别于武举而言。最有名的是进士科。 2.学问体系科别之一。对文学﹑语言﹑哲学﹑历史等学科的统称。亦指学校教学分科之一﹐与"理科"对称。