1.In order to establish the theory of finite covers, the crucial points are to solve the following basic problems: (I) find out the defining data of the covers; (II) compute the normalization of the covers; (III) determine the branch locus; (IV) give an effective method to resolve the singularities; (V) compute th.要建立覆盖理论,关键是要解决以下几个基本问题:(Ⅰ)定义覆盖的简单数据的确定;(Ⅱ)正规化的计算;(Ⅲ)分歧轨迹的确定;(Ⅳ)找出奇点解消的有效方法;(Ⅴ)不变量的计算等。

1.The Immanence of Emergence of Non-formal Finance in China and its Formalization;我国非正规金融产生的内在性及其正规化
2.Study on the Regularization of Informal Sector in Developing Country发展中国家非正规部门正规化问题研究
3.Having been established for over ten years, we become a scope enterprise of normalization and specialization.创办十多年来,已成为正规化、专业化的规模企业。
5.relative normalized unit labour cost相对正规化单位人工成本
6.The Discreteness of the Normalizers of High Dimensional Kleinian Groups;高维Kleinian群正规化子的离散性
7.The Re-establishing of Maksimov’s Pedagogy in the Normalization of Oil Painting Teaching: Studies on Higher Education of Fine Arts in the 1950s;油画教育正规化重建中的“马训班”教学
8.Two Results on the Normalizer of the π-Hall Subgroup;关于π-Hall子群正规化子的两个结果
9.Regularization of Breit Quark Potential Model and Bound States of MesonsBreit夸克势模型正规化与介子束缚态
10.Regularization of Breit Potential and Splitting of η_c-J/ψBreit势的正规化与η_c-J/ψ的劈裂
11.Jiang Nanxiang’s Approaching Ways of Making Party School Education More Regularized蒋南翔对党校教育正规化改革的探索
12.The Normalizer of Hall Subgroups and the Structure of Finite GroupsHall-子群的正规化子与有限群结构
13.On the Growth and Covering Theorem for Normalized Biholomorphic Mappings正规化双全纯映照的增长和掩盖定理
14.Complementation, Substitution and Transformation--the Relationship between Regular and Irregular Finance互补、替代与转化:非正规金融与正规金融的关系
15.Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing非正规就业妇女:全球化和组织化
16.Non-Regular Employment Standardized Management Question and Countermeasure Research;非正规就业的规范化管理问题与对策研究
17.A Regularization Method and Its Convergence of Large-scale Semidefinite Programming大规模半定规划问题的正则化方法及收敛性
18.While the formal rules can be changed overnight, the informal norms change only gradually.尽管正式规则能突然改变,但是非正式规则职能逐渐变化。

1.The infrared divergences in vacuum graghs of quark (ignored mass) field at high tempethere are calculated in detial by real-time formulation of Green function, a kind of infrared divergent integral related to F-D statistical factor is pointed out and its regularization is discussed.用热传播子的实时形式对高温条件下夸克(忽略质量)场三圈真空图进行了详细地计算,找出了其中和费米-狄拉克统计因子有关的红外发散积分的类型,并对这种发散积分进行了正规化,进一步把真空图中的红外发散全部孤立出来了。
2.The construction of the regularization of the public security staff means to make such things of the public security organs scientific and standardized as the organization, the service manner, the management of inner affairs, the training and education, and the restriction and monitoring.公安队伍正规化建设 ,即公安机关在组织机构、勤务方式、内务管理、教育训练、监督制约等方面实现科学化、标准化。
3.He analyzed some main problems that the regularization construction must face with,and drew a future plan for our army s construction:strengthening the construction of syst.他分析了我军正规化现代化建设面临的主要问题 ,构画了我军建设的蓝图 ;加强制度建设 ,实施依法治军 ;实行精减整编 ,促进从数量规模型向质量效能型转变 ;严格军事训练 ,坚持以训教战 ,为我军建设做出了重大贡献。
1.The Study on Development of Informal Sector Employment s Standardization;非正规就业正规化发展研究
2.Works carried out for regulation,standardization and systematization of dam safety control in hydropower plants which are affiliated to the Bureau have been peviewed since the foundation of the Dam Safety Monitoring Center.回顾我局大坝安全监控中心成立以来,对局属水电厂大坝安全管理走上正规化、规范化、制度化所进行的工作;总结局属水电厂大坝安全首轮定检的过程与主要经验并对今后工作提出建议。
1.In order to truly solve the problem, it is imperative to open financial market to non-state-owned financial property rights, relax market access to private financial institutions and promote the formalization of non-formal finance.要真正解决民营企业融资难问题,必须向非国有金融产权开放金融市场,放宽民营金融机构的市场准入,促使非正规金融正规化
1.The discreteness of the normalizers of Kleinian groups;Kleinian群正规化子的离散性(英文)
2.The nilpotent length of finite groups with given indices of normalizers of pimary subgroups;准素子群的正规化子具有给定指数的有限群的幂零长
3.Normalizer of Kleinian Subgroup of PU(2,1) and Discreteness of M(?)bius Groups in High Dimensions;PU(2,1)的Kleinian子群的正规化子及高维M(?)bius群的离散准则

《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》Build a Powerful Modernized and Regularized Revolutionary Army ihllQ:命军,d‘一)才‘l’}二刁、卜鲜内‘乍1在华 全文《邓小 走规许的特}仁战的水、卜.推动旱的和易。,},于卜石,匕’建处的现J ianshe Qiangda de XiandaZhengguihua de Geming!undui《建设强大的现代化正规化的革队))(B“11‘l‘才p‘,、,,。,介,IM‘,‘le‘:,i:‘ReguI’Iri:ed Re、1‘,11才rior了u尽A月7了介)关J:新时期‘引从建设日标和任务问是事著作。是邓小平J几1981年gJ」191北某地检阅军事演习部队时的讲话,约800字,收人1994年川J」{I}版的、卜文选》第2卷。 讲话称赞演习检验厂部队现代化、化建设的成果,较好地体现】’现代战’点,摸索J‘现代条件卜诸军兵种协},叮经验,提高厂部队的军政素质和实,l戊对全军的建设、战备和训练是个有力讲话指出,霸权}:义严币地威胁若世占平和:1,l司的安个,必须保于,’f高度的警才囚人民解放军是人民民i二专政的‘}剐虽启负肴保IJ.社会1己义子11}xJ,保I之“【,LI了设的光荣使命,必须建没成为一支强、响月~‘‘~代化、正规化的革命军队。全定要坚持四项基本原则,加治思想建设;改善武器装备,国防现代化;继承和发扬人队的光荣传统,加强军政训练一步增强部队的军政素质,现代条件下诸军兵种协同作.力;加强作风培养,严格组律,扎扎实实地做好反侵略.的准备。 《建设强大的现代化正规革命军队》为新时期军队建明了方向和目标。 (王长多 一一咋跳J与击勺︻L儿fr盯山日目吞杏尹Z﹂﹂J口仁七托︶旧J写盈匕卜廿凡口汽卜芯的指卜﹄飞兄)