1.The locally asympoticl stability of a two-species competitive system with optimal harvesting and cannibalism;带收获和自食的两种群竞争系统局部渐近稳定性
2.Stabilizing Effectof Cannibalism on a Structured Competitive System;具有阶段结构的竞争系统中自食的稳定性作用
3.Periodic Solution of a Predator-prey System with Stage-Structure and Cannibalism具有自食和阶段结构的捕食系统的周期解

1.The community takes pride in its spirit of self-reliance.香港人以自食其力/自力更新而自豪。
2.He fell victim to his own avarice.他由于贪婪而自食其果。
3.It is time you stood on your own two feet.是你自食其力的时候了。
4.You are now reaping the consequences.现在你是自食恶果。
5.SmorgasBord- a Buffet meal that is for you to drink and eat at will.任饮任食——自助餐。
6.a self-imposed diet, exile自愿的节食、 自我流放.
7.Ligating Cervical and Abdominal Esophagus for Treatment of Spontaneous Esophageal Rupture;结扎颈腹段食管治疗自发性食管破裂
8.On the Genernal Nonautonomous Predator-Prey Kolmogorov Systems;一般非自治捕食被捕食Kolmogorov系统研究
9.On the General Nonautonomous Predator-prey Kolmogorov Systems;一般非自治捕食被捕食Kolmogorov型系统研究
10.food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises.可自动取出来吃的食物。
11.permit to sell food by vending machine自动售卖食物机许可证
12.Native salt is refined for use.自然盐精炼以供食用。
13.autoconsumption of food粮食生产者的自身消费
14.Ample food and clothing by working with our own hands.自己动手,丰衣足食。
15.Let's produce ample food and clothing with our own hands.自己动手, 丰衣足食。
16.Two pounds a day and find yourself.日酬两镑,食宿自理。
17.Dieting demands self-discipline.节食需有自我约束力.
18.Can I come? I'll bring my own grub.我能来吗?我自带食物。

self dietetic nursing饮食自护
4)Ad lib fed自由采食
1.Ad lib fed pigs accessed to diet freely,and pigs in the limited fed treatment were fed by the volume weight of 8% BW0.IGF-1是动物出生后生长调节的重要因子,试验采用2×3因子试验设计,研究了饲喂方式(自由采食和限饲)和日粮色氨酸水平(0。
5)food guarantee粮食自给
1.Based on the problems of food guarantee after the transformation, this paper puts forward basic countermeasures for enhancing the ability of food supply in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry.针对农牧交错区面临的主要生态问题、当前及退耕还草后面临的粮食问题,提出了该区退耕还草后提高粮食自给能力的基本对策:改造基本农田,强化农牧结合,建立农业"三元"结构体系,充分应用现代旱作农业技术,发掘退耕还草后剩余农田粮食生产潜力。
6)cannibalistic effect自食效应

一分自食【一分自食】  自食者,谓乞得食时,除前三分之外,唯留一分,或多或少,则自食之。食已安心行道,庶不虚受信施也。