1.Nirvana of Spirit and Transcendence Orientation of Life——Rereading the Prose Poem "Snow" of Lu Xun;精神的涅槃飞升与生命的超越性指向——重读鲁迅的散文诗《雪》

1.Art is an existence of sublimation, and embodies in nature the sublimated feature of beauty creation.艺术是一种超越性存在,本质地体现出创美的超越性特征。
2.Objectivity and Transcendetalism--On the book The View Nrom nowhere;客观性与超越性——《从无处看世界》读后感
3.Transcendency the Costant Center of Jia Pingwa s Seeking for Truthfulness;超越性——贾平凹真实性追求的恒定轴心
4.On the Inevitability and Superiority of Ecological Ethics;论生态伦理学崛起的必然性和超越性
5.Transcendence and Non-transcendence Regression--On the Transcendence of Embodied Philosophy and New Increment Point in the Linguistics Research;既超越又不超越的回归——兼谈体验哲学的超越性和语言学研究的新增长点
6.It has the characteristics of contradiction (mixture), motion, transcendence (morality).它具有矛盾性(混杂性)、运动性、超越性(道德性)特征。
7.On the Transcendency of Art from Ancient Aesthetic Standard试以古代审美观念谈艺术的超越性
8.Transcended Tragedy and Transcendence of Tragedy--On Modernism in the novel The Midnight;超越的悲剧与悲剧的超越——论《子夜》的现代性
9.eminent beyond or above comparison.在优秀性上超越了或者超出了比较。
10.The product function has already surmounted the same kind product:Taiwan, Vietnam, bead sea!产品性能已超越同类产品:台湾、越南、珠海!
11.A Rational Thought on The Resolvents of The Dilemma of The Trans - across Development of Productive Forces;超越生产力跨越式发展困境的理性思考
12.Transcendence Modernity:Critical Reconstruction of Conception of Utopia超越现代性:乌托邦观念的批判性重建
13.A Transcendence View on Humanity--An New Interpretation to Mencius’Theory on Humanity;一种超越论的人性观——孟子人性论新解
14.Property Rights of Non-governmental Universities:Transcendence of Public Benefit to Incentive民办高校产权:公益性对激励性的超越
15.A Brief Review of Who Translates? Translator Subjectivities beyond Reason《谁翻译?——论超越理性的译者主体性》述介
16.Object Transcending and Subject Transcending:On the Value End-result of Subjective Social Practice;对象性超越与自我超越:主体社会实践的价值归宿
17.The superiority of transrectal ultrasound and transabdominal ultrasound diagnosis of prostate cancer经直肠超声较经腹超声诊断前列腺癌的优越性
18.Property overrides not allowed In Interface type在接口类型中不允许属性超越

1.Reconsidering Realistic Transcendency——Beginning with the Understanding to "the Realistic Shock Wave" and some Specific Works;重提现实主义的超越性——从“现实主义冲击波”与对几个文本的解读谈起
2.On Adaptability and Transcendency in Developing Human Resource;略论人才培养的适应性与超越性
3.We gave a theorem on the transcendency of the limit of a sequence of algebraical functions.对于代数函数列的极限的超越性,我们给出了一个定理。
3)gender transcendence性别超越
4)Personality Exceeding人性超越
5)Poetic Transcendence诗性超越
1.But by means of dispelling everything it has solved the contradictions and cleaned the absurdities that Zhuangzi hasn t done,and has achieved an anthropologic poetic transcendence.然而,作为已经融通了庄子精神的禅宗,通过消解一切的方式,完美地解决了庄子哲学所不能克服的悖论和矛盾,实现了真正的人类学意义上的诗性超越。
6)transcendental Xing超越之性

超越性的度量超越性的度量ranscendency, measure of ^ transcendence measure  超越性的度量【transc耐巴cy,皿~of或transcell七nce心asule;TPaHc”e.江eHTH0cT“Mepa」,简称超越度 刻画一个给定的超越数(transcendental number)与高和次数均有界的代数数的集合之间,当这些参数的界值变化时产生的偏差的函数.对于超越数田及自然数n和H,超越性度量是 w。(aJ;H)=mm}p(田)1,其中极小值取自所有次数不超过n且高不超过H的非零多项式.由D训ehiet“抽屉”原理(见D沉d此t原理(Dirichiet pnncinle))可推出下列估值始终成立: ‘,。(田;H)H一’一(‘,”’in·)/in场H,此处c:>0是一个绝对常数,而H)H。(时.对任何固定的n及。>O,对几乎所有(在Lebesgue意义下)实数田有 、。(。;H)>e,H一”一’,c3=c3(。:n,。)(见N肠lller问题(Ma]日er prob肠们)).超越数可以基于在n和H不加限制地变化时、。(。;H)的渐近性状的差别而加以分类(见【3」).