1.Structural constants of finite dimensional bialgebras and Hopf algebras;有限维双代数及Hopf代数的结构常数
2.For k a commutative ring,A a k-bialgebra and D a right A-comodule k-algebra,we define a new comultiplication on the A-comodule D to obtain a “twisted coalgebra”D~τ,and give the sufficient and necessary conditions for D~τbeing a A-module coalgebra.设k是交换环,A是k上的双代数,D是右A-模余代数,B是右A-余模代数。
3.We study the definition of bialgebra and prove the sufficient conditions about a bialgebra is commutative and cocommutative.从双代数的定义入手,给出了双代数成为交换和余交换双代数的两个充分条件。

1.Generalization of Twisted Smash Product and Co-cleft Module Coalgebra for Bialgebra;扭曲Smash积的推广及双代数上的余Cleft模余代数
2.The Sufficient Conditions about a Bialgebra Is Commutative and Cocommutative;双代数成为交换和余交换的两个充分条件
3.The Related Subalgebras of Double Ockham Algebras;双重Ockham代数的相关子代数
4.Additivity of Jordan Maps and Biderivations on Nest Subalgebras;套子代数上Jordan映射的可加性及双导子
5.H-Bézier Curves Based on Algebraic and Hyperbola Polynomials;基于双曲和代数多项式的H-Bézier曲线
6.Some Wey I group in Hyperbolic type Kac-Mooky Algebra g(A);双曲型Kac-Mooky代数g(A)的某些同构群
7.On the Generated Double-order Set of N(2,2,0) Algebra;关于N(2,2,0)代数生成的双序集
8.The Prime Ideals and Congruence Property of Double Stone Algebra;双重Stone代数的素理想与同余性质
9.Stability of Bi-Jordan Derivations on Banach AlgebraBanach代数上双Jordan导子的稳定性
10.Smash Biproduct Over Weak Hopf Algebras弱Hopf代数上的Smash双积(英文)
11.Bi-Jordan Derivations on Jordan Algebras of Selfadjoint Operators自伴算子的Jordan代数上的双Jordan导子
12.Choice of Bidirectional Access on HFC Network in Digital Age数字时代HFC双向接入方式的选择
13.On Ringel duality of dual extension algebras of posets扭双指标代数的零关系Ringel对偶
14.Tth Maschke Theorem for Two-sided H-comodlue Coalgebras双边H-余模余代数的Maschke定理
15.Quantizations of Cartan-type Lie Algebras and Restricted Two-Parameter Quantum Groups of Type B;Cartan型李代数的量子化和限制B型双参数量子群
16.The Structures and Representations of Some Infinite-Dimensional Lie (Bi)Algebras Related to the Virasoro Algebra;与Virasoro代数相关联的几类无限维李(双)代数的结构与表示
17.An Algebraic Condition for the Positional Relationship of an Ellipse and a Parabola (Hyperbola)椭圆与抛物线及双曲线位置关系的代数条件
18.Research on Double Triangle Subspace Lattice Algebras and Maps on These Algebras;关于双三角子空间格代数及其上映射的研究

bitwisted bialgebra双扭双代数
1.By using the properties of the dual space of a graded algebra and coalgebra,we prove that the gradedly dual space of a local finite(χ1,χ2)-bitwisted Hopf algebra is a(χ1T,χ2)-bitwisted Hopf algebra,and then we point out that when we want to prove two bitwisted Hopf algebras to be graded dual as Hopf algebras,we only have to prove that they are graded dual as bitwisted bialgebras.利用代数和余代数分次对偶空间的性质,得出一个局部有限的双扭(χ1,χ2)-Hopf代数的分次对偶空间是一个双扭(χ1T,χ2)-Hopf代数,并判定两个双扭Hopf代数的分次对偶可以简化为判定它们作为双扭双代数是分次对偶的。
1.Haar Measures on C~*-bialgebras;C双代数上的Haar测度
4)double Stone Algebra双Stone代数
5)module bialgebra模双代数
6)bimodule algebra双模代数
1.In this paper,we construct a new algebra A#H for an H-bimodule algebra A,which is called an L-R twisted smash product,and then give the Maschke theorem for the L-R twisted smash product.在这篇文章中,我们对H双模代数构造了一个新的代数A#H,称之为L-R扭Samsh积,并且给出了这个代数的Maschke定理。

代数的代数代数的代数algebraic algebra 代数的代数【aigeb面c aigeb口;缸代6脚盼贬军粗,即;浦钾! 域F上幂结合代数洲特别地结合代数飞.其所有兀素都是代数的几素a任月称为代数的(al罗bral口,如果由“生成的子代数F!a]是有限维的或等价地、兀素a有系数在基域F中的零化多项式).代数A称为有界次代数的代数(al罗braie al罗bra of bounded de-gee)如果它是代数的月其元素的极小零化多项式的次数的集合是有界的.有界次代数的代数的子代数与同态象仍是有界次代数的代数 例:局部有限代数(特别地有限维代数)、诣零代数及不可数域仁有。J数雌一成兀集的结合除环.下面假定所涉及的代数均为结合的,代数的代数的J匆以由son根(J aoobson radl以l)是诣零理想本原代数的代数A同构于除环上向匿空间的线性变换的稠密代数,如果A还是有界次的,则A同构于除环1的矩阵环.有限域上没有非零幂零元的代数的代数(特别地,除环)是交换的.因此,有限除环是交换的.有界次代数的代数满足一个多项式恒等式、见Pl代数(P卜algebra).代数的Pl代数是局部有限的.如果基域是不可数的,则由代数的代数通过基域的扩张所得到的代数,及代数的代数的张量积,都是代数的代数.