1.Invariant and solution of nth-order Ordinary Differential Equation with Variable Coefficient;n阶变系数常微分方程的不变式及其求法
2.On the Probing of the Solution Convergence Radius of Power Series;幂级数sum from n=0 to ∞(a_nx~(φ(n)))收敛半径的两种求法
3.The author uses the matrix theory to work out a solution and its application of the Recurrence Relation Sequence,which is under the condition of the first two known items,just like:an+2=k1an+1+k2an.利用矩阵理论,对在第1、2项已知的条件下,具有递推关系a_(n+2)=k_1a_(n+1)+k_2a_n的线性递推关系数列,给出了一种直接用递推关系的系数所确定的特征方程的特征根判别敛散性的方法和具体的极限求法及其应用。

1.The prisoner besought the judge for mercy/to be merciful.囚犯恳求法官宽恕[乞求宽大].
2.The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.囚犯恳求法官开恩。
3.He implored the judge to spare his life.他恳求法官饶他一命。
4.the extraction of root【数】开方法, 求根法
5.Qualitative Method:Different Natures of "Common Theme-seeking","Differences-seeking" and "Seeking for a Holistic Approach";定性调查:“求同法”、“求异法”与“求全法”的不同性质
6.It concerns grammatical correctness of textual information.这就要求文章语法正确,语法正确要求语法清晰。
7.To find a sum in arithmetic.做加法,求总和用算术求总数
8.Legis actio per condictionem要求令状的法律诉讼,请求返还之诉
9.An Analysis of Indices for Economic Assessment of Petroleum Exploration and Development Investment;天然气用户需求特点及需求预测方法
10.Numerical solutions of Burgers' equation by harmonic differential quadrature method用调和微分求积法数值求解Burgers方程
11.Simplex Method with the Excel Solver单纯形法求解与Excel规划求解
12.Can't assign requested address无法分配请求的地址
13.Your honour, I move for an adjournment.法官阁下, 我请求休会.
14.New means must of necessity be had recourse to.人们必然求助于新方法。
15.renounce a legal claim or title to.放弃合法要求或权力。
16.The judge overruled his claim.法官驳回了他的要求。
17.She went to law for damage她诉诸法律以求赔偿。
18.Numerical Methods for Finding of the Roots of Polynomials多项式求根的数值方法

1.Method of Seeking the Maximum and Minimum Inclination Sum of a Straight Line to Projection Surface;直线与投影面倾角和的最大最小值求法探讨
2.The method for the general term formula of sone nonlinear recurrent sequence;一类非线性递推数列通项公式的求法
1.On the basis of seeking general solution of recurrence relations of homogeneous linear system with constant coefficient, this essay gives the way of special solution of recurrence relations of non\|homogeneous linear system with constant coefficient: a\-n+c\-1a\-\{n-1\}+.在常系数齐次线性递推关系通解求法的基础上 ,给出了常系数非齐次线性递推关系 an+ c1 an- 1 +… + ckan- k=bnpι( n)… ( * )特解的形式 ,并给出了证明 ,为求式( * )的通解奠定了基础 ,并列举了求解的几个实
1.Ready Algorithms for Special Summing Limit Operation;一类特殊和式极限的简便求法
5)solution methods求解方法
1.Uncertainty problems in oil-field development and its solution methods;油田开发中的不确定性问题及其求解方法
2.Based on the information used to solve the problem, the solution methods are classified as four different classes.对线性组合赋权的求解问题进行了一般性的描述,并根据求解所用信息的不同将求解方法分为四类,阐述了每类方法常用的求解思路和原则,进一步分析了不同类别方法的特点。
6)calculation method求解方法

求法【求法】 (杂语)志求正法也。