1.Problems of "pushdown" and "pullback" on a commutative ring;交换上的“下降”问题和“上升”问题
2.Compatibility of an ordering of higher level with a valuation pair for a commutative ring;交换上高层序与赋值对的相容性
3.A commutativity theorem for Jacobson semi-simple rings;Jacobson半单纯的一个交换性定理

1.cyclanic ,cyclenic or cyloterpenic ethers烷烃、烯或萜烯醚
2.recirculation air再循[流]空气
3.Morphic Rings,PS-Rings,FS-Rings and Morita Context RingsMorphic与PS-、FS-和Morita Context
4.Having or consisting of rings or ringlike segments.状的,由构成的有形部分的,由形部分构成的
5.Random packings include conjugate ring, VSPring supper mini, pall ring, saddles and twin curved saddles.功堆填料有共轭球、四内弧、梯、尔、鞍、弧等.
6.Random packings include conjugate ring, VSPring supper mini, pall ring ,saddles and twin curved saddles.功堆填料有共轭球、八四内弧、扁、阶梯、鲍尔、矩鞍、双弧等.
7.Environment Liaison Board境联络委员会(联委)
8.environmental management group境管理小组(管小组)
9.International Network for Environmental Management国际境管理网(管网)
10.Environment Coordination Board境协调委员会(协委)
11.ringed the door knocker with a wreath of holly.用冬青花来装饰门
12.Environment Policy Committee境政策委员会(委会)
13.waveguide circulator波导循器波导行器
14.festooning faults成疵点(布成形不良)
15.Environment Protection Agency境保护局(保局)
16.a rotary intersection圆交流 [行交叉] 道
17.Rotary intersection (roundabout)形交叉路口(圆
18.open-loop control and closed-loop control开控制与闭控制

1.Analysis of Density Evolution on Cycled Factor Graph;基于有因子图的密度进化理论分析
2.Algebraic Construction of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes without Short Cycles;不含小的低密度校验码的代数构造方法
3.Research of XML-Cycle Based on DTD;基于DTD的XML的研究
1.Invariant Radicals of Rings under Isomorphism of Multiplicative Semigroup of Rings;在的乘法半群的同构下根的不变性
1.The exploration of linear distribution models on RDB loop;RDB线性分布模型探索
2.Fast selection and automatic identification of two-dimensional loop;二维的快速选取与自动识别
1.Effects of circulating hormones, cell cation transport and cyclic nucleotides on left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension;循激素、细胞阳离子转运和核苷酸在原发性高血压左室肥厚中的作用
2.Role of cyclic nucleotides in the acute hypoxic responses of hypoxic subcultured porcine pulmonary arterial smooth muscle and endothelial cells;连代低氧培养肺动脉平滑肌及内皮细胞的急性低氧反应中核苷酸的作用
3.Aim To investigate the roles of hemodynamics,cellular cation transport and cyclic nucleotides in left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) of essential hypertension (EH) .目的 探讨血流动力学、细胞阳离子转运和核苷酸在高血压左心室肥厚 (LVH)发生中的作用。
6)IF ringIF环
1.It also characterized IF rings,Von Neumann regular rings and PIP rings by means of F-injectivemodules and F-injective rings.并用它们刻划了IF、Von Neu-mann正则及左PIP
2.In chapter one, we provide some basic known definitions and important conclusions of projective modules, IF rings and semi-simple rings, and so on, which are needed in the paper.在第一章中我们给出了本文所需用的一些基本定义,以及给出了有关投射模、IF和半单等的一些重要已知结论。
