1.Economic society advocate carrying out circulating utilization of textbook.节约型社会呼唤课本循环利用,文章就学校图书馆能否借助其信息传递的功能,充分发挥其信息传递的优势,积极拓宽服务领域开展课本循环利用这项工作进行了探讨。
2.Many editors try to incorporate it in thedesign of textbooks, which have long played a central role in classroominstruction.本文应用Byram关于课本文化内容的划分标准将这两套教材的渗透到所选材料内部的文化内容进行了归纳和整理,将其按照不同的文化方面逐条列出,试图展示出课本中所描述出的文化场面。
3.With the constant revision of syllabus, many textbooks are published to meet the requirements of the syllabus.课本在中国英语教学中起着重要的作用。

1.Which lesson is the most difficult in Book Two?第二册课本里哪课最难?
2.Each student was issued with a textbook.每个学生发了一本课本
3.An elementary textbook for teaching children to read.识字课本,初级读本教授儿童读书的初级课本
4.Am I supposed to come with the textbook?我是不是应该课本来?
5.The course book has twenty units.这个课本有二十个单元.
6.Open your book, everyone.大家都要打开课本
7.This is the boy whose textbook was lost.这就是丢失课本的孩子。
8.This textbook does not need approval by the higher authorities.这种课本不要审查。
9.Are these our new textbooks?这些是我们的新课本吗?
10.He picked up the book and started to read.他捡起课本开始阅读。
11.This textbook be less difficult .这册课本较不困难。
12.This textbook is less difficult .这册课本比较容易。
13.Two kinds of textbooks are thus needed.要编这样两种课本
14.But that includes books, of course.但那当然包括课本费用。
15.She issued new textbooks to her pupils.= She issued her pupils with new textbooks她把新课本发给学生。
16.To insert(material)into a text.在课本中添加(材料)
17.Buy a notebook to use in classes.买本笔记本在课堂上用。
18.Ceramics and Knitting courses are taking shape.陶艺课、编织课等校本课程初具雏形。

1.A Conception on Circulating Use of Textbooks in University Library;学校图书馆开展课本循环利用工作的构想
2.So teachers had better explore teaching function of praxises and exercises of textbooks fully and adopt stepwise gradient problem group training in order to boost the grades Area-wide Student Examination and College Entrance Examination.会考复习课教学离不开解题教学,而提高学生的解题能力,又不能搞题海战术,笔者认为很大程度上取决于课堂教学中例题的优化设计,充分挖掘课本上例题习题的教学功能,采取梯度式题组训练,做到事半功倍,有效地提高会考乃至高考成绩。
4)school-based curriculum校本课程
1.On countermeasures for school-based curriculum development of national P.E.in Wujiang drainage area;乌江流域民族体育校本课程开发对策研究
2.The research and practice of about school-based curriculum development in college physics experiment;大学物理实验校本课程开发的研究与实践
3.The methods and ways about school-based curriculum development in the institute of technology;工科院校校本课程开发的方法与途径
5)course essence课程本质
1.On the basis of course essence, a definition of modern course is given and some other related problems are studied concerning the practice and development of modern course.在阐述课程本质的基础上,对现代课程作出了界定,并结合现代课程的实践和发展就课程其他相关问题进行了探讨。
6)Textbook of webWeb课本

课本  见教科书。