线图,line graph
1)line graph线图
1.Ranks of line graphs of regular graphs Cartesian product;正则图Cartesian积的线图的秩
2.The complete game coloring number of the line graph of a forest;森林线图的完全游戏色数(英文)

1.a bar [circle, line] graph条线图 [圆形图,折线图]
2.D'Ocagne's Nomogram奥卡尼列线图、诺模图
3.pressure-volume diagram压容图,压力容积曲线图
4.wiring scheme电气配线图(示意图)
5.steam flow diagram热线图,蒸气流程图
6.3-D Line. Line with a 3-D visual effect三维折线图。带有三维效果的折线图
7.load elongation diagram载荷伸长曲线图,负荷伸长曲线图
8.Converting Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Feeder Maps into One-line Diagrams;配电馈线地理图到电气接线图的转换
9.Line/Column Chart Button\\015\\015Creates a combination chart with a column chart overlaid by a line chart.创建折线图覆盖柱形图的组合图。
10.A diagram of complete bipartite graph(infinite graph of n≥6);完全二部图(n≥6的无限图)的线图
11.Creates line chart or changes active chart to this type绘制折线图或将活动图表改变成折线图
12.protection plan [railway]预留路线图则〔铁路〕
13.Technical drawings--Basic conventions for linesGB/T17450-1998技术制图图线
14.complete schematic diagram总线路图,完整原理图
15.chart datum level海图基准面海图基准线
16.Mechanical drawings--LinesGB/T4457.4-1984机械制图图线
17.non-linear processing(图象)非线性处理
18.curve (drawing instruments)曲线规(绘图仪器)

line drawing线图
1.Interpreting line drawing based on Lines relations;基于线线关系的正轴测投影线图研究
2.A new iterative approach for automatic interpreting line drawing of objects in engineering is provided.在Sugihara方法的基础上提出一种计算机自动解释工程物体线图的迭代方法。
3.Then Attribute Relation Graph(ARG) is employed to describe simple polyhedron and line drawing.依据投影几何中的距离约束和角度约束,给出了三边形和平行四边形的识别方法;提出用属性关系图(ARG)表示平面立体和线图,该描述方法是一种结合表面特征和几何特征的方法。
3)line graphs线图
1.The Investigation on the Crossing Numbers of the Line Graphs and Some Classical Graphs;线图与若干典型图类的交叉数研究
2.By discussing the degree sequences of the vertices and using the properties of line graphs,it was proved that a double-starlike tree Hn(p,2) was to be determined by its Laplacian spectrum.通过分析顶点的度序列,结合其线图的性质,证明似双星树Hn(p,2)由它的Laplacian谱确定。
3.Based on the specific relations of graphs and line graphs,a necessary and sufficient condition of square root graphs is obtained.应用图与线图之间的特定联系,得出了平方根图的一个充要条件,进一步完善了平方根图的刻画。
1.篒n the design of chemical equipment, some coefficients are often determined from some charts.在化工设备设计过程中,许多系数由一些线图确定。
2.On the consideration of preserving the intuition advantage of printed charts,enhancing chat reading precision,and data sharing,the structure of electrical chart is given,as well as its developing techniques.基于保持印刷线图直观优点、提高数据查取精度和数据共享的思想 ,给出了电子线图的结构 ,叙述了其开发技术 ,并着重介绍了一种基于印刷线图扫描图像的线图数据自动获取方
3.This paper introduces some method of curve fitting and interpolation, which are used in the programmable data table and chart,and which are realized by MATLAB.介绍机械CAD中 ,数表与线图程序化处理常用的拟合与插值方法在MATLAB语言环境下的实现方
5)drawing line图线
1.The relevant provisions in two drawing line standards GB/T17450 and Gb4457.4 两个图线标准相应条文的比较,并就其主要差异作了阐述分析,同时指出了在机械图样中实施这两个标准时应注意的问题。
2.A method to make rational use of drawing lines in the general plans and basic construction drawings of fishing vessels was studied,and a user-defined setting of drawing lines and a method to simplify the plans under the AutoCAD environment were proposed in the paper.主要研究了木质渔船总布置图及基本结构图中图线的合理使用,以及相关图线在AutoCAD软件中的自定义设置和图样的合理简化方法。
6)is diagramis线图
