F展开法,F-expansion method
1)F-expansion methodF展开法
1.Solving KdV equation with variable coefficients by using F-expansion method;用F展开法解变系数KdV方程
2.The extended F-expansion method and new exact solutions of the generalized KdV equation修正的F展开法和推广的KdV方程新的孤波解和精确解
3.The F-expansion method which can be used to solve nonlinear equations has been summarized.对求解非线性方程的F展开法进行了综述,揭示了方法的内在本质,指出了F展开法可能的发展方向,并结合F展开法的最新进展,给出了一个辅助常微分方程,借助它可求解具有高次非线性项的非线性偏微分方程。

1.The extended F-expansion method for exact solutions of the mBBM and the Vakhnenko equations利用改进的F展开法求mBBM方程和Vakhnenko方程的新精确解(英文)
2.The extended F-expansion method and new exact solutions of the generalized KdV equation修正的F展开法和推广的KdV方程新的孤波解和精确解
3.A Modified F-Expansion Method for Solving Nonlinear PDEs;求解非线性偏微分方程的一种改进的F-展开法
4.The Modified F-expansion Method for Solving the Klein-Gordon Equation改进的F-展开法求解Klein-Gordon方程的行波解
5.A Modified F-Expansion Method for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations;应用扩展的F-展开法求解一类非线性偏微分方程
6.4-colouring of dual G(p,q,f) of a 32-face sphere development32面体展开图的对偶图G(p,q,f)的4着色
7.Open &File at Cursor打开光标处文件(&F)
8.`Fabric' starts with an `F'/F.fabric一字以f 字母开始.
9.the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x).积分算法的数学结果;如果dF/dx=f(x)则F(x)是f(x)的积分。
10.(f) progress report on increase of the use of international standards as the basis for technical regulations by ten per cent in five years(f)关于在5年内将使用国际标准作为技术法规基础的比例提高10%的进展情况报告
11.The diameter of such an opening, often expressed as an f - number.孔径这种开口的直径,常以f数表示
12.It constitutes a presheaf of ring on the basis of open sets. (Xf)f??.这构成了开集基(Xf)f??上的环的予层。
13.The Analysis and Software Development of RLCM Active Network Over Field F(z);F(z)域上RLCM有源网络分析及软件开发
14.Development of 125 dtex/72 f cross PET POY125 dtex/72 f十字形POY涤纶的开发
15.Design of a V/F Convertor Used in Missile-Board O-FOG弹载开环光纤陀螺V/F变换器设计
16.Spearman computation斯皮尔曼计算法 斯皮尔曼计算法 Spearman f
17.Comparison of simulating tests for SASW approach and F-K approach of Rayleigh wave瑞利波SASW法与F-K法模拟测试比较
18.Research progress of the processing technology for Fischer-Tropsch syncrudeF-T合成油品加工技术的研究进展

1.Solving Sine-Gordon Equation by F-expansion;用F展开法解Sine-Gordon方程
2.Applications of F-expansion to Periodic Wave Solutions for KdV Equation;应用F展开法求KdV方程的周期波解(英文)
1.By using Mathematica and the F-expansion method recently proposed on the base of analogic method,homogeneous balance method and Jacobi method,the double periodic wave solutions expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions for the(n+1)-dimensional Sinh-Gordon equation .然后由行波约化将其常微分方程化,在拟设法、齐次平衡法和Jacobi椭圆函数法的基础上,借助Mathematica软件和新近提出的F-展开法,求出并研究了(n+1)维SG方程的Jacobi椭圆函数表示的双周期波解,分析了解的结构,在极限情况下这些解退化为相应的孤立波解、三角函数解和奇异行波解。
2.By applying F-expansion this paper obtains a number of new periodic wave solutions expressed by various Jacobi elliptic functions of the dispersive long wave equations in 2+1 dimensions.利用F-展开法,求出了非线性耦合Klein-Gordon方程组的许多新的由Jacobi椭圆函数表示的周期波解。
3.By applying F-expansion we obtain a number of new periodic wave solutions expressed by various Jacobi elliptic functions of the dispersive long wave equations in 2+1 dimensions.利用F-展开法,求出了(2+1)维扩散长波方程组的许多新的由Jacobi椭圆函数表示的周期波解。
4)F-expantion methodF-展开法
1.In the paper,according to homogeneous balance principle and F-expantion method,some double-periodic exact solutions of a fifth-order KdV-like equation with variable coefficients are obtained in form of Jacobi elliptic function.利用齐次平衡原则和F-展开法,求出了一个五阶变系数KdV-like方程的一些用Jacobi椭圆函数表示的双周期解。
2.In the paper,according to homogeneous balance principle and F-expantion method,some double-periodic wave exact solutions of a fifth-order KdV-like equation is obtained,in the form of Jacobi elliptic function.根据齐次平衡原则和F-展开法,求出了五阶KdV-like方程一些用Jacobi椭圆函数表示的双周期解。
3.In the paper,we mainly use homogeneous balance principle and F-expantion method to obtain some exact solutions of a nonlinear Pochhammer-chree equation.根据齐次平衡原则和F-展开法,求出了非线性Pochhammer-Chree方程一些用Jacobi椭圆函数表示的双周期解。
5)F-expansion methodF-展开法
1.Solving Variant Boussinesq equations by using F-expansion method;用F-展开法解Variant Boussinesq方程组
2.In this paper,the F-expansion method is used to solve the coupled Schrodinger and KdV equations with computerized symbolic computation.借助于计算机符号计算技术,利用F-展开法求得耦合Schrodinger-KdV方程的精确解,其中包括三角函数解、双曲函数解和椭圆函数解,其精确解在等离子体物理中有着广泛的应用。
3.In this paper,exact soliton solutions of Hirota-Satsuma equations are worked out by applying the F-expansion method and computer algebra software Mathematica.该文应用F-展开法和计算机代数系统M athem atica求解了非线性发展方程H irota-Satsum a方程组,并获得了新的精确孤立波解。
6)extended F-expansion method扩展F-展开法
1.By using extended F-expansion method,a number of exact solutions,which are expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions to nonlinear evolutional equations with variable coefficients were found.利用扩展F-展开法求出了一个变系数非线性演化方程更多个以Jacobi椭圆函数表示的精确解,当模数m→1或m→0时,可得到类孤立波解和三角函数表示的精确解。
2.By using the extended F-expansion method recently proposed,a number of periodic wave solutions to the nonlinear equation with variable are obtained,which are expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions.直接利用扩展F-展开法求出了一个变系数非线性演化方程的更多个以Jacobi椭圆函数表示的精确解。
3.With the coupled Burgers system,this paper deduces a number of solutions expressed by hyperbolic solitary wave function,triangular function and rational function,by applying the extended F-expansion method and Riccati equations.针对耦合Burgers系统,采用扩展F-展开法和Ricctia方程辅助,通过Maple辅助计算得到了双曲函数扭状孤波解、三角函数周期解和有理函数解。
