线性稳定性,Linear stability
1)Linear stability线性稳定性
1.Characteristics of linear stability of two-dimensional sheared interfacial waves of falling liquid films二维剪切液膜流表面波的线性稳定性特征
2.With the method of analyzing the linear stability of the system,the paper finds out the equilibrium points and analyzs their stability.设计了一个存在外电场影响的单摆实验装置,并依此建立了运动学方程,采用线性稳定性的分析方法找出了其运动平衡点,且对平衡点稳定性进行了分析,利用计算机数值计算同时结合多种分析方法,得出了电场影响下单摆运动的一些新的特性。
3.The linear stability of plane Poiseuille flow of two viscosity-stratified liquids is discussed in this paper.为了讨论平板Poiseuille分层流动的线性稳定性问题,在考虑液-液交界面存在互溶薄层(液膜)的基础上, 研究了液膜位置、液膜厚度和液膜内黏性系数分布等因素对流动失稳,临界雷诺数的影响。
2)linear stability线性稳定
1.In this paper,at first,c(t)is reduced to a constant,then use the equation after reducibility to judge the linear stability of equilibrium point of(A).直接判断方程的稳定性十分困难,把方程中的c(t)约化为常数,然后利用约化后的结果来判断方程(A)的平衡点的线性稳定性,方法简单实用。
2.Furthermore, it gives the parametric ranges for linear stability of the 1 period, 2 period, and 3 period solutions.对空间齐性Nagumo方程,用Adams-Bashforth差分格式离散时间变量,获得了周期1解,周期2解,周期3解的存在性和线性稳定的参数区域。
3)nonlinear stability非线性稳定
1.Power function solution of nonlinear stability of thin revolutionary shell with arbitrarily variable thickness;任意变厚度的旋转扁薄壳非线性稳定的幂函数解法
2.Effect of prestressing on nonlinear stability of column-supported steel lattice shallow shell roofs;预应力对柱支承球面扁网壳非线性稳定的影响
3.To simplify the complexity of calculating the large deflection of a plate or shell with variable thickness under the action of distributed line load,the solutions of nonlinear stability of revolutionary shells with variable thickness are obtained using the point collocation method with the cubic B-spline function as a trial function.针对轴对称线布荷载作用下变厚度板壳的大挠度的复杂计算,以三次B样条函数为试函数,用配点法计算变厚度旋转扁薄壳的非线性稳定。

2.Nonlinear Stability Analysis on Partial Double-Layer Spherical Reticulated Shell;局部双层球面网壳的非线性稳定分析
3.Research on the Nonlinear Stability of Aluminum Alloy Axial Compression Members;铝合金轴心受压构件非线性稳定研究
4.Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Schwedler Latticed Shell;施威德勒网壳结构的非线性稳定分析
5.The Stability of General Linear Methods for Nonlinear Multi-Delay Differential Equations;非线性MDDEs一般线性方法的稳定性分析
6.The Study of Nonlinear and Disequilibrium Cobweb Models非线性非均衡蛛网模型的稳定性分析
7.Nonlinear Parabolic Potential and Stabilities of Bistable System for Superlattice Quantum Well非线性抛物线势与量子阱双稳态系统的稳定性
8.Existence and Stability of Solutions for Nonlinear Singular Systems;非线性广义系统解的存在性和稳定性
9.The study of the global aymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of nonlinear circuits by strongly strucutre turbluence theory;确定非线性电路平衡点全局渐近稳定
10.non-linear plasma instability非线性等离子体不稳定性
11.Nonlinear plasticity limit analysis upper bound method of gangue hill stability矸石山稳定性非线性极限分析上限法
12.Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Stabilization and Optimal Control;非线性随机系统的稳定性与最优控制
13.Nonlinear Evolution of R-T Instability and SPH Simulation;R-T不稳定性非线性发展和SPH模拟
14.The Nonlinear Evolvement and Stability Study of Vortex Rossby Waves;涡旋Rossby波的非线性演化及稳定性研究
15.Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of Nonlinear System with Time Delay;时延非线性系统的稳定性与Hopf分岔
16.Stability of Solutions for a Class Third-Order Nonlinear Differential Equations;一类三阶非线性微分方程解的稳定性
17.Nonlinear Systemic Study on the Stability of Surrounding Rock of Shuangfeng Freeway Tunnel双峰隧道围岩稳定性非线性系统研究
18.Stability analysis of nonlinear diffusion model describing comprehensive national power综合国力非线性扩散模型稳定性分析

linear stability线性稳定
1.In this paper,at first,c(t)is reduced to a constant,then use the equation after reducibility to judge the linear stability of equilibrium point of(A).直接判断方程的稳定性十分困难,把方程中的c(t)约化为常数,然后利用约化后的结果来判断方程(A)的平衡点的线性稳定性,方法简单实用。
2.Furthermore, it gives the parametric ranges for linear stability of the 1 period, 2 period, and 3 period solutions.对空间齐性Nagumo方程,用Adams-Bashforth差分格式离散时间变量,获得了周期1解,周期2解,周期3解的存在性和线性稳定的参数区域。
3)nonlinear stability非线性稳定
1.Power function solution of nonlinear stability of thin revolutionary shell with arbitrarily variable thickness;任意变厚度的旋转扁薄壳非线性稳定的幂函数解法
2.Effect of prestressing on nonlinear stability of column-supported steel lattice shallow shell roofs;预应力对柱支承球面扁网壳非线性稳定的影响
3.To simplify the complexity of calculating the large deflection of a plate or shell with variable thickness under the action of distributed line load,the solutions of nonlinear stability of revolutionary shells with variable thickness are obtained using the point collocation method with the cubic B-spline function as a trial function.针对轴对称线布荷载作用下变厚度板壳的大挠度的复杂计算,以三次B样条函数为试函数,用配点法计算变厚度旋转扁薄壳的非线性稳定。
4)baseline stabilization基线稳定性
5)Winding stability线圈稳定性
6)linewidth stability线宽稳定性
1.The writing power and defocusing amount are synchronously adjusted to set photoresist threshold at the position where the linewidth variation rate is small,thereby the linewidth sensitivity to variation of actual exposure dose and photoresist threshold is weakened,and then the linewidth stability during defocusing laser direct writing is guaranteed.该方法通过同时调节激光功率和离焦量,使光刻胶的曝光阈值处于线宽对曝光量的变化率较小位置,从而可以弱化线宽对实际曝光量或光刻胶阈值等变化的敏感度,提高利用离焦方法进行衍射光学元件制作时的线宽稳定性。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-