1.Assessment of Ecosystem Services Benefit for Mengla Nature Reserve in Xishuangbanna;云南典型自然保护区生态系统服务效益计量——以西双版纳勐腊自然保护区为例
2.Ecological Environment Impact from Large-scale Rubber Planting in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳大面积橡胶种植与生态环境影响
3.A preliminary study on species diversity,usage and ecological impact of alien plants in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳外来植物的物种多样性、用途和生态危害的初步研究

1.Hsishuangbanna Nature Reserve西双版纳自然保护区
2.The Chinese name Xi'Shuang'Ban'Na is a transliteration of the original Dai name which means twelve thousand fields.西双版纳,是傣语译音,意为“十二(西双)千(版)田(纳)”。
3.On the Protection of Dai Ganlan Style Architecture--the Case of Dai Garden,Xishuangbanna,Yunnan Province;小议西双版纳傣族干栏式建筑的保护——以西双版纳傣族园为例
5.Rainforest of xishuangbanna,OASIS on the TROPIC回归带上的绿洲西双版纳的热带雨林
6.XishuangBanna is a paradise in which all living Beings thrive and flourish.西双版纳是一个繁茂的生物世界。
7.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the region was instituted as the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.解放后,成立了西双版纳傣族自治州。
8.Xishuangbanna-A Nature Reserve of China西双版纳-中国的自然保护区
9.Tom wants to go to Xishuangbanna with his uncle by plane.汤姆想和他叔叔坐飞机去西双版纳
10.seignorial system of the Dai nationality in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族封建领主制
11.It's caught in the tropic forest of Xishuang Banna.它是从西双版纳热带森林捕来的。
12.The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore.五是西双版纳热带雨林和傣族风情游。
13.On the Protection and Development of the Traditional Dai Village in Xishuangbanna西双版纳傣族传统村寨的保护与开发
14.A Study on Carbon Storage of Tropical Seasonal Rain Forest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan;西双版纳热带季节雨林碳储量的研究
15.The Analysis and Strategy of Human-elephant Conflict in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳人象冲突的分析和缓解对策
16.Assessment on Ecological Decurity of Xishuangbanna Based on RS & GIS;基于RS&GIS的西双版纳生态安全评价
17.Pesticides residue analysis of pure tea produced in Xishuangbanna state西双版纳地区普洱茶农药残留量分析
18.CO_2 emission from paddy soils in Xishuangbanna,Southwest China西双版纳地区稻田CO_2排放通量

Xishuangbanna prefecture西双版纳州
1.Research on HIV/AIDS Prevalence and Drug Spreading Problems(2)——Cases Study on Yunnan Pu er Municipality and Xishuangbanna Prefectures;艾滋病流行与毒品蔓延问题调查(二)——以普洱市、西双版纳州为例
2.A total of 34508 adult female mosquitoes belonging to 34 species of 8 genera were captured from Jinghong,Menghai and Mengla Counties, Xishuangbanna prefecture,Yunnan province, China.在西双版纳州景洪、勐海和勐腊县(市)捕获成年雌性蚊虫8属34种34508只。
3.Alternative seismicity between the eastern and western Xishuangbanna Prefecture (bounded by Lancangjiang River), approximate recurrence of strong earthquakes and their relation to the environmental factors have been revealed in this paper.本文揭示了西双版纳州东、西两部分地震(以谰沧江为界)的交替活动性,强震的近似原地重复性以及与环境因子的关系,进而指出本世纪90年代中至21世纪初该州的强震危险区主要在勐海县周围。
1.Dendrocalamus giganteus,Dendrocalamus sinicus,Dendrocalamus peculiaris and Neosinocalamus distegia are selected as cultivation species for developing 28 thousand hm2 excellent fast-growing and high yield bamboo base for commercial use in Xishuangbanna prefecture.选择确定龙竹、巨龙竹、金平龙竹、料慈竹等竹种作为西双版纳州发展2。
4)Hanis in Xishuangbanna西双版纳哈尼族
1.On the System of Ecological Civilization of the Hanis in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳哈尼族的生态文明系统
5)Xishuangbanna Dai西双版纳傣族
1.Palm Leaves Buddhism Sutra Culture of Xishuangbanna Dai and plant diversity conservation;西双版纳傣族贝叶文化与植物多样性保护
6)miniature pig西双版纳小耳猪
1.DNA fingerprinting of Banna miniature pigs with different probes;基因探针在西双版纳小耳猪DNA指纹分析中的应用

版纳青梅版纳青梅龙脑香科(DIPTEROCARPACEAE) 版纳青梅  现状 稀有种。版纳青梅是最近发现的新种,分布极狭窄,仅产云南勐腊。目前,因产地仍在毁林开荒,森林面积不断缩减,版纳青梅正日益减少,急待采取保护措施。   形态特征 常绿乔木,高达35-40米,胸径40-90厘米;树皮灰白色至灰黑色,有环状纹。叶近革质,长圆状披针形,长9-19厘米,宽2.5-5厘米,先端渐尖,基部宽楔形,除中脉具稀疏星状毛外,其余无毛,侧脉12-14对;叶柄长1.5-2厘米,密被黄色星状短绒毛。圆锥花序顶生或腋生,长5-12厘米,密被黄色星状短绒毛;花萼裂片5,大小略不等;花瓣5,白色或微红色;雄蕊 15,两轮排列,内轮5,外轮10。蒴果近球形,被星状绒毛;宿存萼片5,其中2枚增大成长圆状披针形的翅,长3-4厘米,宽1-1.5 厘米,其余3枚披针形,长1.5-2厘米,宽5毫米。   地理分布 仅分布于云南勐腊县南沙河、景飘河两侧,海拔900-1000米之间的低山峡谷。  生态学和生物学特性 片纳青梅生长在明显的热带季风气候区,全年高温、多湿、静风、无霜。一年之中可分为雨委(6-9月),干凉季(10-2月)和干热季(3-5),年平均温20.6℃,年降水量约1400毫米,年平均相对温度85%,雨日约200天,雾日约170天。土壤为紫色砂岩发育而成的砖红壤。常与鸡毛松Rodocarpus imbricatus Bl.、滇波罗蜜Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.、细青皮Altingia excelsa Noronha、假广子Knema eratica(Hook. fe. et Thoms. )J.Sincl.、橄榄Canarium album Raeusch.等混生。通常为主要优势树种。花期5-6月,果期8-9月。   保护价值 版纳青梅为我国特有的珍稀植物,对研究热带植物区系有学术价值;木材坚硬,材性好,是热带优良用材树种之一。   保护措施 在未划入自然保护区地带,建议有关部门建立保护点进行保护,积极进行引种试验。   栽培要点 参考青梅与广西青梅的栽培法。