1.Determination of Total Mercury,Inorganic-Mercury and Organic-Mercury in Fish by Running Cold Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;连续流动冷原子吸收光谱法测定体中总汞、无机汞和有机汞
2.Study on amino acid seasoning processing by fish enzymatic hydrolysis;利用低值生产氨基酸调味基料工艺的研究

1.boiled, fried, grilled, etc fish煮、 炸、 烤
2.frozen, smoked, fresh, etc fish冻、 熏、 鲜
3.Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish.富含Ω3的包括桂、鲱、鲭和青
4.A young or small fish, especially a young salmon or trout.苗幼或小,尤指幼鲑或鲑鳟
5.One that sells fish.贩,商卖的人
6.To hook or land(a fish) using a gaff.用叉叉(),用手钩拉(
7.Great trees keep down the little ones.大吃小,小吃虾米
8.order of fishes having spineless fins; needlefishes; sauries; flying fishes; halfbeaks.类的一个目,鳍无刺;针;刀;飞箴科
9.a shoal of herring, cod, etc一群鲱、 鳕
10.a fish fancier养迷, 养行家
11.the edible young of esp. herrings and sprats and smelts.可食用的青、鲱和胡瓜的幼
12.big fish and little fish, fat fish and thin fish,有大,有小,有肥也有瘦
13.mackerels; tunas; albacores; bonitos; swordfishes; sailfishes.鲭;金枪;青花科的海产;鲣;旗;旗
14.Any of several fishes of the family Cottidae, such as the sculpin and the miller's thumb.鲇科,杜父科属于杜父科的,如杜父和鲇
15.There are more than 30 varieties of fish in the lake, such as carp, crucian carp, silver carp, catfish, etc.它水深多,盛产鲤、鲫、鲶、白鲢等30多种类。
16."cyprinoid:Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish.""鲤的,鲤科的:鲤或鲤科的,有关或似鲤或鲤科的"
17.Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish.鲤的,鲤科的鲤或鲤科的,有关或似鲤或鲤科
18.To fish with a spear, spearlike implement, or spear gun.用叉捕叉、叉状的工具或水下枪捕

1.(2)Marine fishes have largest quantity of unsaturated acid C16 in their total unsa.本文分析了梭20尾,半滑舌鳎,乌鳢各5尾,鳜龟、鲶各两尾的脂肪酸含量。
2.Fishes in both treated groups were ground, digested with pepsine and orally administered to rabbits.为研究钴 - 6 0辐照和 - 18℃~ - 2 0℃冷冻对肉中华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染的影响 ,设立A、B 2个实验组。
3.This paper investigates the acute toxicity of ammonia to several mainly fishes such as hybrid common carp,silver carp,bighead carp,grass carp and others for pond culture in the north at present under conditions of low tempera-ture of 2~10℃ in tanks.利用北方池塘养殖的几种主要类杂交鲤、鲢、鳙、草等,在水温为2~10℃的条件下进行氨态氮的急性毒性试验。
3)Grass carps' fries草鱼鱼苗
1.Acute toxicity of Mercury and lead to Grass carps' fries was studied with the static test method.采用静水法生物测试研究了重金属汞、铅对草苗的急性毒性,旨在评价水环境中汞和铅对类的影响。
4)juvenile Carassius auratus鲫鱼幼鱼
1.Serum vitellogenin(VTG) was determined after exposure of juvenile Carassius auratus to E_2 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),and serum calcium was determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy.用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)对E2诱导的鲫血清中卵黄蛋白原(VTG)进行了测定,并用原子吸收分光光度法测定了血清中的钙含量。
5)fish scale of cyprinus carpio鲤鱼鱼鳞
1.Differences of collagen properties from fish scale of cyprinus carpio;鲤鳞胶原蛋白性质的研究
6)grass carp surimi草鱼鱼糜
1.The transglutaminase (TG) was added in the grass carp surimi to improve the quality.本研究探讨了谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)对草糜品质的影响,研究了TG的添加量、作用时间、作用温度和作用pH对糜弹性、粘聚性、回复性以及白度的影响。

mianyu鱼Miichthys miiuy; black bigtoothed croaker 石首鱼科鱼属的1种。又名鳘鱼,鳘子,米鱼。一般体长300毫米,重1~2千克;最大者可达5千克。体长,稍侧扁,头中大吻短而钝尖;口大,前位;两颌牙外侧一行较大,内侧牙细小呈带状;颏部有 4个小孔,前方2孔细小,后方2孔裂缝状;体被栉鳞,各鳍基部具小圆鳞;侧线完全;背鳍连续,具9~10鳍棘,28~30鳍条,鳍棘部与鳍条部间具一凹缺,尾鳍楔形;鳔大,圆椎形,两侧有34对侧枝,每一侧枝有背腹分枝,背分枝和腹分枝又分出细密小枝交叉成网状。 分布于中国渤海、黄海及东海,朝鲜和日本南部。为暖温性底层海鱼。栖息于水深15~70米、底质为泥或泥沙的海区,白天下沉,夜间上浮,多分散活动,不集成大群。 性成熟个体的体长约为500毫米,怀卵量70~200万粒。生殖期在长江口外为7~8月,在舟山群岛为5~6月,在福建平潭沿海为4~5月。产卵后鱼群索饵,一部分游向较深海区。中国沿海主要渔场有:福建平潭岛和兄弟岛,浙江岱山和舟山群岛,江苏大沙渔场,山东沿海和渤海。为海产经济鱼类之一。                 成庆泰