1.Treatment of sorbic acid wastewater by neutralization,hydrolytic acidification, bio-contact oxidation,flotation and adsorption process;中和-水解酸化-生物接触氧化-混凝气浮-吸附处理山梨酸生产废水
2.Treatment of waste water from reaction vessel scrubbing of maleic anhydride production through distillation and neutralization;利用蒸馏与中和方式处理顺酐洗锅废水
3.Improvement of the treatment of fluoride-bearing acidic wastewater by neutralization-membrane filtration process;中和—膜过滤法处理酸性含氟废水的改进

1.To cause(an acid or a base)to undergo neutralization.中和使(酸和碱)进行中和
2.neutralize a poison,an acid解毒、 把酸中和.
3.Imperial buildings were named after harmony.皇家故宫题的名,太和殿、中和殿、保和殿;
4.Acids neutralize alkalis and vice versa.酸能使硷中和,硷也能使酸中和
5.neutralizing epitope中和表位[诱导中和抗体的抗原表位]
6.Go smoothly by acting timely & appropriately" "preserve the harmoniousness": On the philosophy of harmoniousness in Yi Zhuan“亨行时中”,“保合太和”——论《易传》的中和哲学
7.The Esthetic Wisdom and Ecology Implication of "Harmony" to "Making Harmony";“中和”到“致中和”的审美智慧及生态意蕴
8.Harmony,Moderate and Justness--On Ideas of Running a State of "Zhonghe" in Guanzi;和谐,适中,公正——论《管子》“中和”的治国理念
9.The Theoretical System of Yijing and the Commentaries on the Divinatory Symbols;《易经》理论体系与《说卦传》——“中和贯通”和“说卦和中”
10.The most important palaces are Taihe Palace, Zhonghe Palace and Baohe Palace.最重要的宫殿就是太和殿,中和殿和保和殿。
11.Beauty of "Neutralizes"--Richards "Poetry and" Art of Chinese Poetry;“中和”之美——从瑞恰兹“中和诗论”看中国唐诗艺术
12.Harmony,Neutrality and Impartiality--Again on the Spirit of Harmony in Traditional Chinese Culture and Its Aesthetic Characteristics;和·中和·中——再论中国传统文化的和谐精神及其审美特征
13.China, Japan and India.中国,日本和印度。
14."Notary:XX (Signature)XX Notary Public Office (seal),XX Province,The People's Republic of China"中华人民共和国××
15.Rebulican Times{大共和日报(中)
16.Latch and Lock in OracleOracle中的Latch和Lock
17.Mediterranean Transport and Training Centres地中海运输和培训中心
18.CF and CB.前中心线和后中心线。

1.Harmony and Intersubjectivity——The comparative explanation to the relation of subjects between Chinese and Western;“中和”与“主体间性”——对主体之应然关系的比较阐释
2.The Harmony Article Judgment in Chinese Painting Effect on Contemporary Graphic Design of China;中国画中的“中和”审美意识对中国当代平面设计的影响
3.From the perspective of historical and cultural heritages,the author summarizes the Chinese cultural spirit of harmony and expounds on its connotations.从历史文化传承的角度,系统归纳分析了中国传统文化的"中和"文化精神,并针对其核心价值内涵的阐释,就之对现时代党的统一战线的启迪和统一战线建设中"中和"精髓的把握和基本方针、基本原则的确立,以及方法论的应用等进行了全面的阐释,旨在对中国传统文化核心价值理论在统一战线建设中的积极意义和作用进行时代的解读。
1.The Extension of ZhongHe and Innate Knowledge——On the Thinking of ZhongHe of Wang Yangming;致良知与致中和——王阳明中和论思想发微
2.Differences between He and Zhonghe on Aesthetics Significance;和"与"中和"美学意义辨异
1.Which mainly includes:①crude phosphoric acid is neutralized by lime milk,the plenty impurities are removed under a certain condition and the clean calcium dihydrogen phosphate solution is obtained;②the clean calcium dihydrogen phosphate is mixed with potassium sulfate solution and the potassium dihydrogen phosphate and calcium sulfate precipitate are formed.其过程主要包括:用石灰乳(或碳酸钙粉)中和粗磷酸,在一定的条件下除去大量杂质,得磷酸二氢钙清液;磷酸二氢钙清液与硫酸钾溶液混合,便生成磷酸二氢钾和难溶性的硫酸钙沉淀。
2.The refined sodium aluminate solution neutralizes with sodium bicarbonate through the technique of supercritical fluid drying method.介绍了一种利用氧化铝生产过程的中间物料——铝酸钠溶液生产高纯纳米氧化铝的方法,即利用钡盐净化铝酸钠溶液,得到硅量指数大于10000以上精制溶液,铝酸钠精制液与碳酸氢钠溶液中和,经溶胶-凝胶结合超临界流体干燥法技术,制备出粒径小于100nm的分散均匀,纯度达99。
3.Based on new etiquette system of Xun-zi, the essay constructs esthetics psychology thought of Xun-zi from three aspects as: the generation theory of esthetic, the theory of solitary, the theory of neutralize, in order to grape theory characteristic of Xun-zi esthetics.本文立足于荀子的新礼学体系,从美感论、虚静论和中和论三个方面来结构荀子审美心理思想,以把握荀子美学的理论特色。
1.Study on craft of neutral depickling of xylose hydrolysis fluid;木糖水解液的中和脱酸工艺研究
2.Neutral is the traditional doctrine of the mean vie.因此,走向中和才是文化、文学交流的理想境界。
3.The article is based on the view from traditional confucian esthetic in three aspects:manifests specifically from the confucian esthetic main connotation,ritual music,neutral took the important content in confucian esthetics,as well as the harmonious spirit in the realistic society s great significance."礼乐"、"中和"的美学思想是传统儒家美学的精髓,对中华民族审美心理的影响也是极其深远的。
6)harmonize the center;center harmonization和中
