1.A Convenient and Economical Method for Filling DNA into Microinjection Capillary;一种便捷而经济的显微注射针填充方法
2.An Improved Method of Purification of DNA Fragment for Microinjection;一种改进的显微注射用DNA片段的纯化方法
3.A Study on Factors Influencing Mouse Zygotes Microinjection in Vitro;小鼠受精卵显微注射影响因素的体外研究

1.A very small pipette used in microinjection.小型微量吸管进行显微注射时使用的小吸管
2.Gene Microinjection and Integration in C. elegans:Equipments,Processes and Guidance线虫基因显微注射和整合技术——设备、操作与指南
3.Mechanical Analysis and Experimental Research on Adjusting Technology for Cellular Position and Attitude in Microinjection显微注射中细胞位姿调节技术及实验研究
4.Cloning of H1 foo CDS from Trace Bovine Oocytes and Micro-injection of H1 foo mRNA into Oocyte微量牛卵中H1 foo CDS序列的克隆及其mRNA向卵内显微注射
5.Injection of minute amounts of a substance into a microscopic structure, such as a single cell.显微注射将极少数量的物质注射到一个微小的结构,如一个单细胞中
6.Rearches on Round Spermatid Injection (ROSI) and Relating Problems in Porcine;猪圆形精细胞显微注射受精(ROSI)及相关问题的初步研究
7.Screening of the Deleted in Azoospermia in IVF Suffered Unfertilization and ICSI and Discussion of Cause;体外受精未受精、单精子显微注射患者精子DAZ缺失筛查及原因探讨
8.Studies on the Technology of Artificial Feeding Apis Cerana Cerana Fabricius in Laboratory and Transferring ECFP into Eggs by Microinjection;室内人工饲养中华蜜蜂技术及卵显微注射ECFP基因的研究
9.Research on Treating Infertility by ICSI with Testicular Sperm;细针睾丸抽吸精子加卵胞浆内单精子显微注射的临床研究
10.Research progress in outcome and safety of ICSI by different origin of sperm不同源性精子卵胞浆内单精子显微注射结局及其安全性研究进展
11.The Study of a New Approach to Postauricular Microinjection via the Round Window Membrane for Cochlear Gene Transfection in Mouse耳后入路圆窗膜显微注射小鼠耳蜗基因转染新途径的研究
12.Effect of a decreased polyvinylpyrrolidone concentration on the outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection降低聚乙烯吡咯烷酮浓度对卵胞浆内单精子显微注射效果的影响
13.electron microscope autoradiography电子显微放射自显影法
14.X-ray diffraction micrographyX射线衍射显微照片
15.X-ray microradiographyX射线显微放射照相法
16.Impact of the Insemination Timing on the Outcomes of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection显微穿刺时机对卵胞浆内单精子注射结局的影响
17.emission electron microscope发射电子显微镜;发射式电子显微镜;放射电子显微镜
18.four-channel X-ray microscope四通道x射线显微镜

1.Result Transgenic BDF1 mice were obtained by microinjection.方法通过原核显微注射法,把线性化、纯化后的外源基因pEGFP注射入BDF1小鼠受精卵中,胚胎移植给同期发情的假孕受体母鼠,获得子代小鼠。
2.Results:Transgenic FVB mice were obtained by microinjection.方法:通过原核显微注射法,把外源基因pEF1α-m INS注射入FVB种小鼠受精卵,胚胎移植给同期发情的假孕受体母鼠获得子代小鼠。
3.1-PCMG was used as target gene fragments and injected into fertilized mouse eggs through microinjection.结论:通过显微注射法使外源基因pcDNA3。
1.The effect of ICSI in the site of the first polar body of oocyte;第一极体位置对卵胞浆内单精子显微注射结局的影响
2.Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is the process in which a high powered microscope is used to inject specially prepared single spermatozoa into a mature oocyte in order to effect fertilization.单精子显微注射(Intracytoplasmicsperminjection,ICSI)技术作为辅助受精的一种手段,将体外受精研究和胚胎的显微操作技术结合起来,比以往对精子质量的要求大大降低,使其无论在畜牧业生产实践还是在哺乳动物的生殖生理基础研究中都有着十分重要的意义。
6)pronuclear microinjection原核显微注射
