海带,Laminaria japonica
1)Laminaria japonica海带
1.Study on extraction techniques of dietary fiber from Laminaria japonica;海带膳食纤维提取工艺的研究
2.Enzymatic Hydrolyzing Technology and Isolation of Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica;海带岩藻聚糖硫酸酯酶解工艺及分离和纯化研究
3.Different methods of extracting dietary fiber from Laminaria Japonica;海带膳食纤维不同提取方法的研究

1.It is also forbidden to serve bamboo shoots, kelp and lentil noodles.笋子、海带、南粉都禁止吃。
2.This thesis attempts to explore the technique of processing kelp Jam.探讨了以海带为原料加工海带酱的生产工艺。
3.Since1927kelp has been growing naturally around Dalian.从1927年起,海带就在大连一带自然生长。
4.Study on Polyploid and Cross Breeding of Undaria Pinnatifida and Laminaria Japonica;裙带菜、海带多倍体及杂交育种的研究
5.sheath knife(海员用)带鞘短刀
6.tropical maritime climate热带海洋[性] 气候
7.On the Exploration and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones--As Example for Coastal Zones in the City of Longkou;论海岸带开发与海岸带综合管理——以龙口市海岸带为例
8.promenade one's child along the seashore带着孩子在海滨散步
9.grass of Mediterranean and temperate Asia.地中海和亚洲温带的草。
10.prefabricated band drain [reclamation works]预制的排水带〔填海工程〕
11.cumulus convection over tropical ocean热带海洋上积云对流
12.Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array热带大气海洋浮标阵列
13.warm temperate maritime climate暖温带海洋[性] 气候
14.You'll have to take it out with you on leave.您走时还要将它带走(带出海关)。
15.usually solitary bottom sea basses of warm seas.通常独居在温带海洋洋底的海鲈。
16.a region including the bottom of the sea and the littoral zones.包括海底和海滨地带的区域。
17.The American navy is still hovering and shooting offshore.美国海军仍在沿海一带巡弋打炮。
18.A coral reef may build up to the surface of the tropical ocean.在热带海洋,珊瑚礁可一直筑到海面。

1.Application on Using Kelp to Fix Casing in Temporary Prosepecting and Drainage Water;海带固定套管技术在临时探放水中的应用
2.Product of long-life noodles with kelp and mung bean;海带绿豆保健鲜湿面的生产
3.Test of Fe,Ca & Co in kelp by atomic absorption spectrometry;火焰原子吸收法测定海带中的铁、钙和钴
1.Experimental Studies on Cell Wall Polysaccharide of Thallus Laminariae In Inhibiting Thrombosis and Blood Coagulation;海带胞壁多糖抑制血栓形成和血液凝固的实验研究
2.Effects of laminaria hemicellulose on thrombus formation in aged rats;海带半纤维素对老龄大鼠血栓形成的影响
3.AFLP Analysis of the Gametophyte Clones Derived from Introduced Laminaria (Phaeophyta) and Cultured Varieties of China;我国引种海带和栽培品种(系)来源配子体克隆的AFLP分析
4)Laminaria japonica aresch海带
1.This study concentrates on its extraction from Laminaria japonica aresch by ion exchange.本实验以海带为原料,用离子交换法提取海藻酸钠,其产品粘度为2。
2.In this study,the dried sea - tangle(Laminaria japonica Aresch)and apple(Mallus sylvestris)were adopted as major raw materials.本研究以淡干海带(LAMINARIA japonica Aresch。
1.Review on the Extract Methods of Fucoidan From the Seaweed;海带中褐藻糖胶提取方法的评述
2.Determination of Inorganic and Total Arsenic in Seaweed by Sequential Injection Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;顺序注射氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定海带中无机砷和总砷
3.The fucoidan from the seaweed growing in Taiwan Strait was extracted.从我国福建省海域所产海带中提取的岩藻聚糖,经过酸和酶水解,使大分子量的岩藻聚糖降解为低分子量岩藻聚糖。
6)sea tangle海带
1.After that,the Sea tangle column was eluted with 10 mL 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid.研究了用海带吸附法分离富集水中痕量Pb2+和Cd2+的方法。
2.In order to improve the flavor and function of the rice extrudate and widen the usage of seaweed, an ex- truding snack was produced with rice powder in which the powder and extract of sea tangle and brown seaweed was added, the properties of the snack was studied too.为赋予大米挤压膨化物特殊风味和功能,扩大海藻的利用范围,研究制备了添加海菜、海带粉、水溶液提取浓缩物的大米粉挤压膨化休闲食品并对其性能进行了探讨。
3.There is rich nourishment in sea tangle, so bean sauce with sea tangle can be a health pr otection food with rich iodine.海带营养丰富,制成海带豆酱可成为一种富碘保健食品。

海带【通用名称】海带【其他名称】海带 (《嘉祐本草》) 【异名】海马蔺、海草(《东北药植志》)。 【来源】为大叶藻科植物大叶藻的全草。 【植物形态】大叶藻(《本草拾遗》) 多年生沉水草本。根茎横卧,白色肥厚;茎在基部有分枝,扁平,淡栗色。叶绿色,线状,长达50厘米以上,宽约5毫米,质柔软;托叶膜质,狭长。花序肉穗状,生于篦状苞内;花小,雌雄花交叉排列成两行,无花被,裸出;子房卵状长圆形,先端有凿形花柱,柱头二裂,刚毛状。花期4~5月,果期5~6月。 生于海中。分布辽宁、山东沿海。 现代一般所称的海带药材中作昆布使用(参见"昆布"条)。《嘉祐本草》所描述的"登州人干之以束器物"的海带,是大叶藻和海韭菜。登州一带产有大叶藻和海韭菜,这两种植物在山东称为"海带草",其性状亦与《嘉祐本草》所说的"柔韧而长"相符。今辽宁省亦以大叶藻入药,称为海带。 【采集】春、夏、秋皆可采收,除去杂质,用淡水洗净,阴干。 【药材】干燥全草,呈细长带状,全缘,常皱缩或卷曲,多碎断,直径约2~8毫米,薄如纸,表面棕绿色至棕色,上有类白色盐霜。质脆如纸,折断面有细毛样纤维。臭微弱;味咸。 产于辽宁、山东等地。 【化学成分】干大叶藻含水分28.5%,灰分17%,粗纤维21.2%,氮0.71%,蛋白质4.81%,脂肪1.2%,戊聚糖8.82%。又含大叶藻素,内有半乳糖醛酸、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖、木糖、o-甲基木糖和洋芫荽糖。尚含鞣质、维生素B2等。含碘量不及海藻。 【药理作用】用乙醚从海带(大叶藻)中提出的一种成分,对结核菌有抑制作用。 【炮制】拣去杂质,清水漂净,切成宽丝,晾干。 【性味】咸,寒。 ①《品汇精要》:"味苦咸,性寒,无毒。" ②《随息居饮食谱》:"咸甘,凉。" 【功用主治】软坚化痰,利水泄热。治瘿瘤结核,疝瘕,水肿,脚气。 ①《嘉祐本草》:"催生,治妇人及疗风,亦可作下水药。" ②《本草图经》:"下水速于海藻。" ③《纲目》:"治水病,瘿瘤,功同海藻。" ④《玉楸药解》:"清热软坚,化痰利水。" ⑤《医林纂要》:"补心,行水,消痰,软坚。消瘿瘤结核,攻寒热瘕疝,治脚气水肿,通噎膈。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1.5~3钱;或入丸、散。 【选方】①治赘:海带、海藻、海蛤、昆布(四味皆焙)、泽泻(炒)、连翘,以上并各等分,猪靥、羊靥各十枚。上为细末,蜜丸,如鸡头大,临卧噙化一、二丸。(《儒门事亲》比瘿丹) ②治三种瘿:海藻、海带、昆布、雷丸各一两,青盐、广茂各半两。上等分,为细末,陈米饮为丸棒子大,噙化。以炼蜜丸亦好。(《杂类名方》玉壶散) 【名家论述】《本草汇言》:"海带,去瘿行水,下气化痰,功同海藻、昆布;妇人方中用此催生有验,稍有异耳。"