1.How to control the specifications' deviation of mass productions clothing;批量加工服装的规格偏差控制
2.Discussion on the specification of PTA;精对苯二甲酸产品规格的探讨
3.Discussion on Single-dose Container Specifications of Traditional Chinese Cut Crude Drugs;中药饮片单剂量包装规格初探

1.rating of machine电机的规格;电机规格;机械定额;机械规格
2.dimension stock规定尺寸板料,小规格
3.In quality, in measuring up to norms.要比质量,比规格
4.standardized goods [articles, products]标准规格 [化] 产品
5.135-size photographic films for general use普通135规格胶片
6.standardized production规格[标准]化生产
7.dimensions for 120-size photographic roll film, backing paper and film spools120规格胶片的尺寸
8.Sizes for shirts and blousesGB/T2667-1993男女衬衫规格
9.What size suitcase do you own?你的提包是多大规格的?
10.EPSM (Engineering Purchasing Specification Manual)工程采购规格手册
11.specification standard (or design specifications)规格标准(或设计标准)
12.too many sizes to list规格齐全,难以罗列
13.Those approach nearest to the requirements of the standard.那几个最接近规格要求。
14.It also involves the varieties and specifications of products.这也包括品种、规格在内。
15.The request and specification manual for the product产品需求和规格说明。
16.irregularly endorsed cheque不合规格背书的支票
17.contract specifications合约规格,合约细则
18.Let me have the particulars.请告诉我其规格细目。

1.Measuring the specifications of the imported frozen semen thin tubes and the semen loss rate;进口冷冻精液细管规格及精液耗损率测定
2.By way of the analysis of the pharmaceutical variety and specifications of the injection,find recently that the pharmaceutical variety and specifications of the injection increases quickly in our country,it transcends the specifications scope of the pharmaceutical standard,brings many inconvenience in the aspects such as the use of the injection,quality tests and the price management,etc.通过分析注射剂药物品种规格发现,近年来我国注射剂药物品种规格快速增加,超出药品标准的规格范围,对注射剂药物的使用、质量检验、价格管理等方面带来许多不便。
3.This paper introduces the nature, specifications and physical property of the plywood, and the demand and method of use as a formwork.本文介绍了多层板的特性、规格、物理性能及它作为模板使用时的要求和方法。
1.The mensuration of standard of polyester wire used on paper machine;纸机用聚酯网规格的测定
2.Survey and analysis on computer talents training standard of higher vocational education;对高职高专教育计算机类专业人才培养规格的调查与分析
3.The Training Goal and standard of Five-year-length System of Artistic Education;试论艺术教育专业五年制专科的培养目标与培养规格
1.The influence of body size and temperature on oxygen consumption rate of Hyriopsis cummingii;规格和温度对三角帆蚌耗氧率的影响
2.After making investgations on the seizes of men's shirts and western style clothes the author analyses the current problems in men's clothing factories, such as irregular specifications, inadequate sizes, low coverage of using the standard sizes, and their influence on customers purchasing.通过对男式衬衫和西服成衣规格的调查,分析了目前男装生产厂家存在的号型制使用不规范、规格少、覆盖率低等问题及对消费者购买行为的影响。
3.Suitable,relatively suitable and optimum growth temperatures of Argopecten irradians concentricus of 3 sizes were investigated under experimentally controlled temperature(ranging from 8℃ to 32℃,with temperature gradient of 2℃) by taking growth rates of shell height and wet weight as measures.在8—32℃实验室控温范围内以2℃为梯度,以壳高及体重增长作为观察指标,研究3个规格墨西哥湾扇贝Argopecten irradians concentricus的适宜、较适宜及最适宜生长温度。
1.To set the training objectives and quality standards in this regard,we must give a comprehensive consideration to the specific conditions of ethnic minority areas and the general trend of social development.确定少数民族地区广播电视新闻学人才培养目标与规格需要综合考虑少数民族地区的特殊情况和社会发展总的趋势,可以考虑归纳为培养“五个一”,即一种“铁肩担道义”的正义感,一种广播电视的思维方式,一种广播电视的言语能力,一个特长,一双铁腿。
2.The standards of education for ideology and politics education major should be worded as:Students will obtain a solid fundamental knowledge,good application abilities,excellent cultural qualities and promising further development capacities.思想政治教育专业的人才培养规格应规定为:扎实的基础知识,较强的应用能力,优秀的人文素养,良好的发展后劲。
3.It trains PE majors for primary and junior schools of grass roots level or guiders for community physical education, which is different from the talent training standards of four-year universities.高职院校体育教育专业,是专科层次的学历教育,培养面向基层中小学或社区体育指导员的体育专业专门人才,不能等同于体育院校本科的人才培养规格
