1.Application and Benefit Analysis of Courtyard Eco-agricultural Model;庭院生态农业模式应用及效益分析
2.Courtyard Landscape Construction of Terrace House in Qiandao Lake;千岛湖排屋庭院景观建设的探讨

1.A courtyard in front of a building.前院建筑物前面的庭院
2.farmyard set, toy成套农家庭院用物玩具
3.A thick growth of weeds covered the yard.庭院长满浓密的野草。
4.The yard was hemmed around [about] by an iron fence.庭院有铁栅栏围绕着。
5.She wandered out onto the terrace.她走到庭院的露台上。
6.A powerful light flooded the grounds.有一道强光照进了庭院.
7.There was a mass of children in the yard.在庭院里有很多孩子。
8.the outer courtyard of a castle.一个城堡的庭院的外部。
9.I weed the yard.我在庭院中除杂草。
10.Is it all right if we use the garden?我们可以用庭院吗?
11.A powerful light flooded into the grounds.有一道强光照进了庭院
12.But there's a big garden,但那儿有个大庭院
13.You can see out over the garden.你可以看到外面的庭院
14.The bedroom windows give onto a courtyard.卧室的窗子面对着庭院
15.garBage that stinks up the yard.使整个庭院发臭的垃圾
16.Father is raking fallen leaves in the garden.父亲在庭院里耙落叶。
17.I transplanted the seedlings to the garden.我把树苗移植到庭院
18.Is the court sitting today?今天,法院开庭吗?

1.To show gardens of southern yangtze with the courtyard landscape design;体现江南园林的庭院景观设计
2.A Cluster of Yards with a Rivulet Across:Reception Center of Shanghai Minhang Ecological Garden;小河穿过的一组庭院——上海闵行生态园接待中心
1.Discussion on the Garden Design of Villa from Living Need从生活需求的角度探讨别墅庭院设计
1.Spatial artistic features of Chinese court constitution中国建筑中庭院构成的空间艺术特征
2.Court: The Interrelationship of Architecture and Landscape;庭院:建筑与景观的交互
3.The article discusses how to utilize the form of courtyard space,improve living environment of high-rise house and create high quality high-rise living environment with sustainable development from aspects of ecology,cultural traditions,space form and technical methods.文章从生态、文脉、空间形式和技术手法几个方面,就如何利用庭院空间的形式,改善高层住宅的居住环境,创造出可持续性发展的高质量高层住宅环境进行了探讨。
5)courtyard economy庭院经济
1.Exploring courtyard economy and developing rural green agriculture;综合开发庭院经济与发展乡村绿色农业
2.Courtyard economy construction situation and development countermeasure at hilly land region in north Hunan Province-A case study from Pantangzhen of Hunan Province.;湘北丘岗区庭院经济建设现状与发展对策——以湖南省桃源县盘塘镇为例
3.Courtyard economy,the important part of new rural construction,was concerned more and more.庭院经济作为新农村建设的重要内容,越来越受到人们的广泛关注。
6)Dai home garden傣族庭院
1.Carbon stock of traditionally managed Dai home gardens in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan was assessed using a method that combined small plot measurements, the use of allometric equations for trees with large dbh and the mean tree technique for bamboo and banana.综合运用样方收获、生物量回归方程及标准木的方法进行样地调查,对西双版纳傣族庭院C储量进行了测定。

庭院庭院  【庭院】与建筑物在同一基地上的空地。