1.Top-down effects of Anodonta woodiana on nutrient concentration & phytoplankton community composition in a microcosm ecosystem;背角无齿蚌滤食对营养盐和浮游藻类结构影响的模拟
2.Effect of nutrient on periphytic aglae and phytoplankton;氮及氮磷比对附着藻类及浮游藻类的影响
3.Monitoring and analysis of phytoplankton and the key water quality parameters in the Four Pearl River Openings and the nearby beach waters, PR China;珠江口四大口门及近滩水域浮游藻类和关键水质因子的监测与分析

1.The Comparative Study of Growth Characteristics about Phytoplankton and Attached Algae浮游藻类和附着藻类生长特性的对比研究
2.Experimental Study on Growth Inhibition of Attached Algae to Phytoplankton附着藻类对浮游藻类生长抑制的试验研究
3.Study on floating algae count method for bottled drinking water瓶装饮用水中浮游藻类计数方法研究
4.Phytoplankton Evaluation and Cluster Analysis of 5 Landscape-lakes in Beijing北京市五景观湖泊浮游藻类评价及聚类分析
5.Effects of La\Nd on the Cell Multiplication of Two Phytoplanktons in Fresh Water;稀土元素—镧、钕对两种淡水浮游藻类增殖的影响
6.Research on Phytoplankton Variation in the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers Confluence in Chongqing;重庆长江嘉陵江交汇段浮游藻类变化规律研究
7.Effects of Zn、Fe、Mn on the Cell Multiplication of Phytoplankton in Fresh Water;微量元素—锌、铁、锰对淡水浮游藻类增殖的影响
8.Status of Phytoplankton in Jinyang Lake and Its Eutrophication Evaluation;晋阳湖浮游藻类现状及其水质富营养化评价
9.Research of Water Quality and Roaming Algae in Small Water Area of Jinzhong;晋中市小水体水质与浮游藻类关系的研究
10.Studies on Community Structures of Plankton and Ecological Restoration of Water in Jinyang Lake晋阳湖浮游藻类群落结构与水体生态修复研究
11.Negative Influence of Freshwater Algae in Pond淡水浮游藻类在池塘养殖中的负面影响
12.Investigation on the Planktonic Algae and Water Quality Assessment in Xiaoguan Lake贵阳市小关湖浮游藻类调查及水质评价
13.Effects of Sulfate on the Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Freshwater硫酸盐对淡水浮游藻类群落结构的影响研究
14.Study on winter phytoplankton diversity of Shengjin lake,Anhui安徽升金湖冬季浮游藻类多样性初步研究
15.The relationship between planktonic algae changes and the water quality of the West Lake,Hangzhou,China杭州西湖浮游藻类变化规律与水质的关系
16.Autumn Phytoplankton Diversity and Water Quality Evaluation in Shengjinhu Lake,Anhui安徽升金湖秋季浮游藻类多样性与水质评价
17.Phytoplankton Community Composition and Change in Reservoir Cascade Hydropower of Lancang River澜沧江梯级水电站库区浮游藻类组成及变化

Planktonic algae浮游藻类
1.Analysis on status and trend of the planktonic algae and bacteria pollution for Miyun's Reservoir;密云水库浮游藻类和细菌污染现状及趋势分析
2.The research on community structure and species diversity of planktonic algae in Bailianjing,Shanghai Expo Garden;上海世博园白莲泾浮游藻类群落结构和物种多样性的研究
3.Characteristics of community structure of planktonic algae in Gehu Lake of Jiangsu Province;江苏滆湖浮游藻类群落结构特征
3)floating algae浮游藻类
1.Study of the floating algae and water quality of the main line in the diversion of water from Changjiang River to Huaihe River;“引江济淮”输水干线浮游藻类与水体质量研究
2.Study on floating algae count method for bottled drinking water瓶装饮用水中浮游藻类计数方法研究
3.Use of inverted microscopic counting method for detecting floating algae in water is characterized by convenience,rapidity,higher accuracy,and less variation coefficient;furthermore,it can give an overall expression to the population density of the sample. 采用倒置显微镜计数法检测水中的浮游藻类,该方法简便、快捷,具有较高的准确度,变异系数小且能较为全面地反映样品的种群分布情况。
1.More than 1 000 samples of algae were identified.2003年1月~2004年12月对三峡湖北库区江段5个采样点及其一级支流——香溪河流域6个采样点的浮游藻类进行了为期2周年的调查,共采集和鉴定浮游藻类定性和定量水样1 000余个,获得有效数据2 000多个。
2.We researched the changes of algae’s and dominant.到目前为止,只有单从静态水体(如湖泊)或单从动态水体(如河流)进行的研究,本文以两江交汇段长江、嘉陵江及重庆城市湖泊双龙湖为对象,研究不同流速水体中浮游藻类和优势种的构成、数量和季节分布的变化,分析在环境因子影响下形成的藻类特征,找出浮游藻类在不同流态水体中的生长变化规律,以及三峡水库发生富营养化的藻类特征及其时空分布,为三峡库区水体富营养化的预测、防治提供基础和研究依据。
5)freshwater phytoplankton淡水浮游藻类
6)marine phytoplankton海洋浮游藻类
1.The chemotaxonomy of marine phytoplankton;海洋浮游藻类的化学分类法

饵料藻类饵料藻类bait algae erll00 200}ei饵料藻类(bait algae)用作许多珍贵海水养殖动物如对虾、锯缘青蟹的蚤状幼体、扇贝、海参的育苗饵料的微型单胞藻类。作为饵科的藻类必须具备的条件是:饵料藻类细胞的大小适合于养殖动物幼体的摄食;饵料藻类在水中的运动和分布有利于养殖动物幼体的捕捉;营养丰富且易于被消化吸收;饵料藻类的代谢产物对养殖的动物幼体无毒;适应性强,生长繁殖快,易于大量培养。近几十年来,随着海产养殖业的迅速发展,作为饵料藻类的筛选、培养及应用研究日益深人,饵料藻类的种数逐年增加,培养技术不断提高,国外不少饵料藻类已经商品化、系列化,而中国目前饵料藻类不仅品种少,还停留在各养殖场自养自用的状态,没有商品化。 中国目前能大量培养的饵料藻类约10种:四月藻(Tet-~z刀二。。PP.)(绿藻门);三角褐枝藻(尸爪记。面州umtricoI’nu-tum)(硅藻门);新月菱形藻(Ni娜chtaclo枷um)(硅藻门);角刺藻伙访口已勿肥阳SSPP.)(硅藻门);中肋骨条藻(skeletone-macostatum)(硅藻门);等鞭金藻(Is口c份笋issp.)(金藻门);异胶藻(z人王逆已阳剖。es sP.)(黄藻门)等。(胡鸿钧)