孵化率,hatching rate
1)hatching rate孵化率
1.The effect of three kinds of heavy metal irons on hatching rate of Artemia salina eggs of differentorigin;3种重金属离子对不同产地卤虫卵孵化率的影响
2.The influence of pH and salinity in hatching rate of egg sac of Babylonia areolate and the effect of different diet on the develˉopment,survival rate of the larvae;酸碱度、盐度对方斑东风螺卵囊孵化率和不同饵料对幼虫生长发育、存活的影响
3.Relationships of egg weight of Beijing duck with fertility, hatching rate,egg shape index and body weight of newly hatched offspring;北京鸭蛋重与受精率、孵化率、蛋形指数及出雏重的关系

1.The hatchability of the treatment group (76%) was a little bit lower than that of the control group in the third experiment.第 3次孵化 ,实验组的孵化率 ( 76% )稍低于对照组 ( 88% ) .
2.It is shown from the comparisons between hatch times, hatch rates, abnormal rates and activities in different conditions that temperature has significant effects on the hatch of fertilized eggs.通过对孵化时间、孵化率、初孵仔鱼畸形率、活力的比较,发现温度对受精卵的孵化影响显著。
3.Cherry valley improves incubation of Peking duck eggs樱桃谷公司提高了北京鸭蛋的孵化率
4.Effects of different incubation temperatures on the secondary sex ratio and hatchability of muscovy不同孵化温度对雏番鸭第二性比及孵化率的影响研究
5.Effects of several nanooxides on the hatching rate of zebrafish embryos纳米氧化物对斑马鱼胚胎孵化率的影响
6.Effect of different ecological factors on ricefield eel (Monopterus albus) hatching rate.不同生态因子对黄鳝受精卵孵化率的影响
7.The Effect of Polyurethane Metallic Sandwich Laminate on Hatching Percentage of Silkworm Eggs金属聚氨酯夹芯板对蚕种孵化率的影响
8.Effects of the Water Depth and Illumination on the Hatching Rate of Zygote of Ricefield Eel(Monopterus albus)水深和光照对黄鳝受精卵孵化率的影响
9.The Effect of the Temperature of 24℃ on Developmental Periods and the Hatching Rate of Honeybee Eggs;低温24℃对蜜蜂卵孵化率及发育历期的影响
10.Correclation Analysis of Hatching Egg Fertilization Rate, Hatching Rate and Rate of Healthy Chicks in Lohman Layer罗曼蛋种鸡种蛋受精率、孵化率和健雏率的相关性分析
11.Correclation Analysis of Hatching Egg Fertilization Rate Hatching Rate and Rate of Healthy Chicks in Lohman Layer罗曼蛋种鸡种蛋受精率孵化率和健雏率的相关性分析
12.The Effect of Different Female/Male Ratio on Egg Fertilization Rate and Hatching Rate of Pelodiscus Sinensis in the Artificial Propagation中华鳖人工繁殖不同雌雄配比对受精率和孵化率的影响研究
13.Correlation Analysis and Application of the Fertilization Rate and Hatching Rate of Cherry Valley Duck's Eggs樱桃谷鸭种蛋受精率和孵化率的相关性分析与应用
14.Effects of Alfalfa on Laying Traits, Hatching Rate and Reproductive Hormones in Zi Goose;苜蓿草粉对籽鹅产蛋性能、孵化率及生殖激素的影响
15.Effects of Extracts from the Non-preferable Plants of Henosepilachna vigintiopunctata on Its Oviposition and Hatching Rate非嗜食植物提取物对茄二十八星瓢虫产卵及孵化率的影响
16.Effects of Temperature,Salinity and pH on Hatching Rate of Dormancy Eggs in Rotifer Brachionus plictilis温度、盐度、pH值对褶皱臂尾轮虫休眠卵孵化率的影响
17.Effects of praziquantel additived in the feed on residue in the eggs and hatching rate饲料中添加吡喹酮在鸡蛋中的残留及其对孵化率的影响
18.In our study, both incubation temperature and substrate moisture did not affect hatching success and sex ratio of hatchlings.孵化温、度对孵化成功率和孵出幼体性别无显著的影响。

1.Investigation on Hatchability and Development of Sex-linked and Balanced Lethal Stock;家蚕性连锁平衡致死系原种的孵化率与发育调查
2.Influence of electromagnetic radiation on the hatchability of gypsy moth;电磁辐射对舞毒蛾卵孵化率的影响
3.Effects of Multiple Mating on Quantitative Depletion of Spermatozoa, Fecundity and Hatchability in Monochamus alternatus;多次交配对松褐天牛精子数量消耗、产卵量和孵化率的影响
3)hatch rate孵化率
1.Effects of ozone treatment on embryo hatch rate,ingestion rate and growth and survival of Coelomactra antiquata larvae;臭氧对西施舌胚胎孵化率和幼虫摄食生长与成活的影响
2.There were no significant differences in incubation period(time to 50% hatch),hatch rate as well as viability of newly hatched larvae 24 h post-hatch between freshwater and lower salinities level (4 and 8 ppt).研究了不同盐度对暗纹东方鲀胚胎发育的影响,盐度为4和8的试验组中受精卵的发育历期、孵化率及初孵仔鱼24小时的存活能力和淡水相比均无显著差异。
3.The results showed that hatch rate of fertilized eggs are 82.将乌骨鸡种蛋按蛋形指数分为A(≤ 72 0 % )、B(72 1 %~ 74 0 % )、C(74 1 %~76 0 % )、D(76 1 %~ 78 0 % )、E(≥ 78 1 % ) 5组进行孵化 ,结果表明 :5组乌骨鸡的受精蛋孵化率分别为 82 6%、86 1 %、90 2 %、87 2 %、82 5% ,C组显著高于A、B、D、E各组 (P <0 0 5) ,并极显著地高于A组和E组 (P <0 0 1 ) ,蛋形指数为 74 1 %~ 76 0 %的乌骨鸡种蛋孵化效果最
4)incubation rate孵化率
1.The application and the regression equation of fertilized rate of breeding eggs and incubation rate of fertilized eggs of cherry ducks;樱桃谷鸭种蛋受精率与孵化率的回归方程
2.It can provide reliable basis for artifllial culture of Trionyx sinensis, the improvement of incubation rate.介绍了生态因子对中华鳖孵化率的影响,为开展中华鳖的人工繁殖,提高孵化率,提供了科学依据。
3.4 d, incubation rate 88.4d ,孵化率为 88。
5)egg hatching rate卵孵化率
6)Total hatching rate总孵化率

孵化(家禽)(fuhua  家禽的受精蛋在母体外发育成新个体的过程。自然孵化是雌禽产蛋后自发的抱孵行为(有的野禽为雄禽或雌雄禽轮流抱孵);人工孵化则借一定设备由人控制进行,是现代家禽业的主要孵化方式。    早在2000多年前,古埃及已借畜粪发酵产生的热量孵化鸡蛋。而以木炭作燃料的缸孵法则由中国创造,随后又出现了大批孵化的炕孵法。18世纪西方人用马粪发酵产生的热量和热水循环制成孵化器。1918年美国制成第一台有通风换气装置的孵化器。1923年又制成了大型立体、电热自动控温和有通风换气装置的孵化器,生产效率大为提高。现代孵化器趋向大型化,已成为可以拼装的机组,每台容量由1万到10余万个蛋不等,温度、湿度、转蛋、通风均可自动控制。大型孵化厂可年产雏鸡数千万只。    家禽的孵化期因禽种而异:鸡21天,鸭28天,鹅30~33天,番鸭33~35天,火鸡28天,珠鸡27~28天,鸽18天,鹌鹑17~18天。    孵化条件主要为:①温度。是正常发育的最主要条件。各种家禽的适宜孵化温度不同,如以鸡的37.8℃作为基准,则鸭、鹅、火鸡等约可降低 0.3℃。孵化期间应掌握温度变化,孵化后期产热大于散热,须排除多余热量。机器孵化时出雏期温度要降低0.5℃左右。 ②湿度。主要影响孵蛋的失水速度。湿度过小,蒸发过快,会导致尿囊绒毛膜复合体变干,阻碍胚胎二氧化碳的排出和氧气吸入;同时尿囊和羊膜腔中的液体失水过多,会因渗透压的增高而破坏电解质平衡。湿度过大,蒸发不足会使正在发育的机体内的气体交换被饱含水分的尿囊绒毛膜和两层壳膜所压抑。各种家禽孵化的适宜相对湿度宜在40~70%的范围之内,一般认为孵化期以53~60%,出雏期以65~70%为宜,近年采用的低湿度孵化效果也较好。③通风换气。孵化过程中,尤其是孵化后期,需要创造较好的通风换气条件,以利胚胎通过蛋壳不断吸进氧气,排出二氧化碳和水蒸气。④转蛋。目的在于经常变换蛋的位置,以促进胚胎运动和防止胎膜与蛋壳膜粘连,并可使机内各部位的蛋受热均匀。可借孵化机内的转蛋机构进行转蛋,角度为90°左右,每日转蛋8~12次。⑤凉蛋。是传统孵化法的技术措施之一,具有刺激胚胎发育,散发多余的热量的作用,但所费劳动力甚大。现代孵化机依靠通风、冷却系统控制温度,已可不进行凉蛋。    家禽孵化效果通常使用两个指标计算:一为孵出的雏禽数占入孵受精蛋数的比率,称为受精蛋孵化率;一为孵出的雏禽数占入孵蛋数的比率,称孵蛋孵化率。孵蛋孵化率达85%的即为较高水平。良好的孵化效果,除受孵化条件影响外,还取决于种蛋品质及其贮藏时间。种蛋产出后宜在两小时以内进行消毒,保存在13~18℃下,时间不超过1周。