1.Comparative research on protein production capacity and freeze resistance capability of duckweed in nitrogen-phosphorus wastewater purification;浮萍净化氮磷污水的蛋白质生产能力及耐寒能力比较研究
2.Growing conditions of five species of duckweed for nutrient-rich wastewater treatment;浮萍净化氮磷污水生长条件研究
3.Influence of Climate Condition on Decontaminating Swine Wastewater by Duckweed-Cultured Systems;气候条件对浮萍放养体系净化养猪场废水的影响

1.I was a fisherman's float.我是垂钓者的浮萍
2.Any of various small, free-floating, stemless aquatic flowering plants of the genus Lemna.浮萍一种浮萍科小而无根,自由浮动的水生开花植物
3."But Xue Pan was as fickle as water-weed which drifts east today, west tomorrow. ""偏那薛蟠本是浮萍心性,今日爱东,明日爱西"
4.Have we not been reminded often enough not to be rootless floating weeds?不要做无根的浮萍,这话我们听得还少吗?
5.The Study of the Remediation of Europhicated Water and Control of Algae by Duckweed;利用浮萍进行富营养化修复及控藻研究
6.Studies on the Absorption and Concentration Effect of Duckweed to Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Polluted Waterbodies;浮萍对污染水体中氮磷吸收富集作用研究
7.Toxicological Effects of Atrazine on Lemna Minor and Its Degradation;阿特拉津对浮萍的毒理学效应及其降解代谢
8.Study on Inhibition Effect of Flavonoid from Spirodela Polyrrhiza Schleid on Human Hepatoma Cells and Its Biological Mechanisms;浮萍总黄酮抗肝癌的体外活性及其机理研究
9.Nutritive Components of Duckweed and Its Application in Breeding Grass Carp, Ctenopharyngodon Idellus;浮萍的营养成份及其在草鱼养殖中的应用
10.Research on Extraction and Isolation of Polysaccharide from Herba Spirodelae Seu Lemnae and Its Primary Pharmacodynamics;浮萍多糖的提取分离及其初步药效学研究
11.Just Lemna--On the Images of Women in Kafka s Novels;只是浮萍——论卡夫卡长篇小说中的女性形象
12.Research on the Absorption to Cumulate Pb~(2+) of Lemna minor,Azoila imbricate and Eichhomia crassipes(Mart.) Solms浮萍、满江红、凤眼莲对水体中铅离子的吸收研究
13.Removal Mechanism of Pollutants by Duckweed-based Wastewater Treatment System浮萍污水处理系统对污染物的去除机制
14.Treatment of Swine Wastewater by Duckweed-based System under Winter Condition冬季浮萍放养体系对养猪场废水的处理效果
15.High Yields in Grass Crap Juvenile Culture Were Fed with Compound Feeds and Duckweed配合饲料搭配浮萍培育草鱼种高产试验
16.any small or minute aquatic plant of the family Lemnaceae that float on or near the surface of shallow ponds.浮萍科的任何一种小的、水生的植物,经常漂浮在浅水塘的表面上。
17.Biosorption Characteristics for Pb~(2+), Cu~(2+), Mn~(2+) onto Aquatic Plant: Lemna Minor;漂浮植物浮萍对Pb~(2+),Cu~(2+),Mn~(2+)的吸附特征的研究
18.A kingfisher flashed across the water, the fish vanished, leaving the duckweed.翠鸟象箭似的由水面上擦过去,小鱼大鱼都不见了,水上只剩下浮萍

Lemna minor浮萍
1.Experimental study of the effects of the aquatic plant Lemna minor on microcystinsa;浮水草本浮萍对微囊藻毒素影响的试验
2.Toxicity Action of Cu~(2+) on Lemna minor;Cu~(2+)对浮萍的毒性作用
3.Effect of interaction of La and Zn on the reactive oxygen scavenging system in leaves of Lemna minor.;镧、锌及其交互作用对浮萍活性氧清除系统的影响
3)Lemna minor L浮萍
1.Effects of Cadmium Stress on Photosynthetic Function of Leaves of Lemna minor L.;镉胁迫对浮萍叶片光合功能的影响
2.In this paper, we studied the toxic effects of Hg2+,Cd2+ and their combined pollution on Lemna minor L.本文运用生理生化测定、透射电镜、随机扩增多态性DNA法(Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA, RAPD)、DNA梯法(DNA Ladder)及DNA原位末端标记技术(TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling,TUNEL)等实验手段,研究了汞(Hg~(2+))、镉(Cd~(2+))及其复合污染对浮水植物浮萍(Lemna minor L。
5)Spirodela polyrrhiza紫背浮萍
1.Improvement on tolerance of Spirodela polyrrhiza to ammonia at presence of nitrate;硝酸盐氮对紫背浮萍氨耐受能力的影响(英文)
6)duckweed pond浮萍塘
1.Model construction of nitrogen transformation processes in a duckweed pond;浮萍塘中氮素形态转化模型的构建
2.Based on the simulated results from N cycling and transformation model of duckweed pond,the influences of different major transfer pathways on various nitrogen removal performances are investigated.通过模拟分析浮萍塘中氮的循环迁移过程,考察了N主要迁移途径对各形态氮的去除贡献,并确定了水环境季节变化对氮循环过程影响。

浮萍【通用名称】浮萍【其他名称】浮萍 浮萍 拼音名:Fuping 英文名:HERBA SPIRODELAE 书页号:2000年版一部-243 本品为浮萍科植物紫萍 Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. 的干燥全草。6~9 月采收,洗净,除去杂质,晒干。 【性状】 本品为扁平叶状体,呈卵形或卵圆形,长径2~5mm。上表面淡绿色至 灰绿色,偏侧有1 小凹陷,边缘整齐或微卷曲。下表面紫绿色至紫棕色,着生数条须根。 体轻,手捻易碎。气微,味淡。 【性味与归经】 辛,寒。归肺经。 【功能与主治】 宣散风热,透疹,利尿。用于麻疹不透,风疹瘙痒,水肿尿少。 【用法与用量】 3~9g。外用适量,煎汤浸洗。 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防潮。