1.A review on digestive enzyme of crustacean larvae;甲壳动物幼体消化酶研究进展
2.Effects of Bacillus firmus on metamorphosis of Litopenaeus vannamei larvae;坚强芽孢杆菌对凡纳滨对虾幼体变态的影响
3.Study of Heterotrophic Bacterial Flora, Dominant Vibrios Composition of Larvae and Postlarvae of Penaeus chinensis and Its Relationship with Disease;苗期中国对虾幼体异养细菌区系及其变化与病害发生的关系

1.To produce(young) from an egg.孵化从蛋里产出(幼体
2.To cause(an egg or eggs) to produce young.使孵化使蛋产出幼体
3.A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体.
4.Reproduction of young during the larval or preadult stage, occurring chiefly in insects.幼体生殖在幼虫或未成熟阶段对幼体的再生,主要发生于昆虫中
5.Body Weight Analysis of New Born Black Bears Raised by Artificial Feeding人工饲养黑熊初生幼体体重增长研究
6.The flat, free - swimming, ciliated larva of a coelenterate.浮浪幼体腔肠动物其扁平的,能自由浮游的,有纤毛的幼体
7.Phylogenetic change in which juvenile characteristics are retained in the adult form of an organism.幼体发育有机体在成熟期仍保留幼年特征的系统发育的变化
8.the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals.某些动物(如昆虫)迅速地由幼体(幼虫)转变为成体(成虫)的显著过程。
9.It has the part that will become the hatchling,卵里含有发育成幼体的部分、
10.(biology) producing more than one offspring at a time.(生物学)一次分娩多个幼体
11.Exploration on How the Babies Basic Gymnastics Strengthens the Babies Constitution;对幼儿基本体操增强幼儿体质的探讨
12.On the Influence of Wushu Games on the Physical Quality of Children;幼儿武术游戏对幼儿身体素质的影响
13.Effect of the Basic Gymnastic Exercises for the Baby on the Development of Baby S Psychology and Physique;幼儿基本体操对幼儿身心发展的作用
14.Utilization of Kids Basic Gym in the Kids Physical Activities;幼儿基本体操在幼儿体育活动中的运用
15.Research on the Construction of the Child s Subjectivity Quality in the Communication between Teacher and Child;师幼交往中幼儿主体性素质建构的研究
16.The Investigation of Infants Constitutions in Present Situation and the Study of Related Strategies Ff LanZhou Kindergartens;兰州市区幼儿园幼儿体质现状调查及对策研究
17.On the Health Education in Kindergarten;关注幼儿身体健康,提高幼儿园健康教育质量
18.The Effect of Infant Basic Gymnastics in promoting the infant growth;浅谈幼儿基本体操对幼儿发育的促进作用

1.Effects of embryonic developmental stages in vitro from fertilized eggs in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis on larva rearing;不同发育期中华绒螯蟹胚胎离体孵化和幼体培育的研究
2.Factors affecting survival rate of mud crab Scylla serrata larvae;影响锯缘青蟹幼体成活的几个因素
3.The epizootic vibriosis in the larval bay scallop Argopecten irradians;海湾扇贝幼体期流行性弧菌病的研究
1.A Comparison of Egg and Hatchling Characteristics of Two Lacertid Lizards;草蜥属两种蜥蜴卵和幼体特征的比较研究
2.Thermal Requirements and Specific Dynamic Action in Two Species of Hatchling Freshwater Turtles;两种淡水龟幼体的热需求和特殊热动力作用
3.Influence of fluctuating temperature on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes in the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle,Chinemys reevesii波动温度对乌龟卵孵化期和幼体表型特征的影响
1.Thermal Dependence of Food Assimilation in Two Juvenile Skinks,Sphenomorphus indicus and Eumeces elegans;蝘蜓和蓝尾石龙子幼体食物同化的热依赖性
2.Effects of humidity and temperature on the survival of Juvenile Bufo melanostictus Schneider;水热环境对黑眶蟾蜍幼体存活的影响
3.Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival and growth of juveniles Hemifusus ternatanus温度和盐度与细角螺幼体生存、生长及发育的关系
1.The results indicated that the activities of pepsin and trypsinˉlike enzyme increased with the growth of larval prawn:zoea stage<mysis stage<post larval stage.以酶学分析方法测定了凡纳滨对虾(LitopenaeusvannameiBoone)状幼体(Z2)、糠虾幼体(M2)和仔虾(P1)胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力的变化。
2.This paper presents the observative results of embryonic and larval development of Neanthes glandicincta (Southern 1921).1983年7—12月于室内进行了腺带刺沙蚕Neanthesglandicincta人工授精、孵化及幼体培养观察。
1.Toxicity effects of heavy metal pollutant on artemia nauplius;重金属污染物对卤虫无节幼体的毒性
2.Study on the acute toxicity of Hg~(2+) to nauplius of Artemia Salina;Hg~(2+)对卤虫无节幼体(Artemia Salina)的急性毒性
3.Fatty acid profiles in egg and nauplius of Penaeus vannamei and the relationship with maturation diets;南美白对虾卵和无节幼体脂肪酸组成及其与饵料的关系
