1.An algorithm for finding the shortest path of labyrinth based on PCNN model;基于PCNN的迷宫最短路径求解算法
2.Aesthetics: Labyrinth Wasteland;美学:迷宫般的废墟——《美学乱思录》之一
3.Analysis of Leakage Character of a Labyrinth Piston Compressor;迷宫式压缩机泄漏特性的分析

1.the intricate windings of a labyrinth迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线
2.Resembling a maze, as in design or complexity; labyrinthine.迷宫般的,错综复杂的在设计或复杂性上象迷宫的;迷宫般复杂的
3.This place is like a maze.这个地方就像个迷宫
4.The maze was very difficult,这个迷宫非常复杂,
5.a laByrinth of a house一个迷宫一样的房子
6.combined labyrinth and crabon gland迷宫和碳精组合式密封
7.Tales of the World Narikiri Dungeo传说世界-换装迷宫
8.oil free labyrinth compressor迷宫式无油润滑压缩机
9.labyrinth gland迂回[曲折, 迷宫式]密封盖
10.We got lost in Hampton Court maze.我们在汉普顿科特迷宫里迷了路.
11.Having teeth with a labyrinthine internal structure.迷齿着迷宫般内部结构的牙齿
12.I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。
13.The Fascination and Fear to the Knowledge--Decodes the Borges’s Labyrinth of Knowledge对知识的迷恋与恐惧——解码博尔赫斯的“知识迷宫
14.the scientists designed a huge maze and ran the chimps and elephants through it.科学家们设计了一个巨大的迷宫,并让黑猩猩和大象通过这个迷宫
15.and that he might go down, and down, and still down, into the earth, and it was just the same -- labyrinth under labyrinth, and no end to any of them.你尽可以一直往下走,往深处里去,大迷宫套小迷宫,一个也走不到头。
16.One of the particular maze-design subassembly among the parts is used to prevent leakage.零件中的一个特殊迷宫式组件来止漏。
17.Raelag is running out of time to find him and retrieve the key.必须在两个月内找到迷宫的出口。
18.We made our way through a labyrinth of narrow, twisting alleyways.我们穿越了层层狭窄、曲小巷的迷宫

1.Maze mobile robot based on motion planning;基于路径规划的迷宫移动机器人
2.Target-driven Maze Routing Algorithm and Optimization;目标驱动的迷宫布线算法及优化
3)labyrinth seal迷宫密封
1.Characteristic Investigation on the Flow Field of the Labyrinth Seals in a Steam Cylinder;气缸内迷宫密封流场特性研究
2.Numerical simulation of flow field and leakage rate in labyrinth seal;迷宫密封内流场的数值模拟和泄漏量研究
3.Influence of labyrinth seal teeth shape on sealed flow field and leakage;迷宫密封齿型对密封流场与泄漏量的影响
4)maze tissue迷宫纸
1.The mist treatment by the maze tissue used for the dry spaying booth is discussed in detail.结合生产实践和使用情况,对喷漆室漆雾的处理进行了分析,重点探讨了迷宫纸处理漆雾的方法在干式喷漆室中的应用。
5)labyrinth separation迷宫分离
1.Research on wet labyrinth separation section of cooking oil fume purifying device;厨房油烟湿式迷宫分离净化设备的实验研究
6)labyrinth deposit迷宫沉淀
1.This paper cited the waste water treatment project of the denim production workshop of Guiyan Spinning Mill as an example to introduce the use of "flocculating bed-labyrinth deposit" technology in the treatment of waste water containing indigo orchid dyestuff,starch and PVC dye material.以贵阳纺纱厂牛仔布生产车间废水处理工程为实例 ,介绍了“絮凝床 -迷宫沉淀”技术对含靛兰染料、淀粉和PVC浆料的染整废水处理情况。
