1.A Study of Gem Samples with SEM;宝石样品的扫描电镜研究
2.Investigation on Silicosis of Workers in Small-scale Gem Factory;深圳某小型宝石加工厂矽肺的调查分析
3.Epidemiological Study on Silicosis in A Large Gem Factory;某大型人造宝石厂矽肺患病情况调查分析

1.precious gems/stones,ie diamonds,rubies, emeralds,etc宝石(钻石、红宝石、绿宝石等).
2.The study of gems.宝石学对宝石的研究
3.All authorities on gems agree that the diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald are precious stones.所有的宝石权威都同意,钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石和绿宝石宝石
4.Turns Green Gems into Skulls. Turns Blue Gems into Red Gems.将绿宝石变为头骨,蓝宝石变为红宝石
5.The variety of boule includes ruby, starlight ruby, sapphire, beautiful sapphire and starlight sapphire.刚玉的种类包括(红宝石、星光红宝石、蓝宝石、艳色蓝宝石、星光蓝宝石)。
6.antique jewellery (excl. pearls and precious or semiprecious stones仿古珠宝(不包括珍珠和宝石或半宝石
7.jewellery wholly of precious or semiprecious tones珠宝首饰,全部由宝石或半宝石
8.diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones.钻石,蓝宝石,红宝石和翡翠都是珍贵的宝石
9."The second, a ruby, a sapphire, and an onyx;"第二行是绿宝石,蓝宝石,金钢石,
10.With diamond, ruby or sapphire?是要钻石的、红宝石的还是蓝宝石的?
11.Diamonds and rubies are gems.金刚石和红宝石都是宝石
12.And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.出28:18第二行是绿宝石、蓝宝石、金钢石。
13.Any of various yellow gemstones, especially a yellow variety of sapphire or corundum.黄宝石一种黄色的宝石,特别是黄色的刚玉宝石
14.such semiprecious stones as amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline.这些准宝石有紫水晶、红宝石、翡翠、蓝宝石
15.The art or process of carving or engraving on precious stones.宝石雕刻术宝石雕刻术或宝石雕刻制作过程
16."How much are they worth?"“这宝石值多少钱?”
17.(of a gem)not shaped by cutting(指宝石)未雕琢的.
18.Diamonds and the colored stones ruby, sapphire, and emerald are often considered the most expensive among all stones.钻石和红宝石、蓝宝石和绿宝石等有颜色的宝石常被认为是所有宝石中最名贵的。

1.Review on Application of Spectral Analysis Techniques for Gemstones Identification;波谱分析技术在宝石鉴定中的应用评述
2.In wax setting and casting process,gemstones are pre-set in the wax models and directly set by the poured metal liquid solidifying.首饰蜡镶铸造是将宝石预先镶嵌在蜡模中,铸造后金属液冷却收缩而直接将宝石固定在镶口中的工艺。
3.The processing technology, optical effect, visual effect and market prospect of gemstone with V-shaped cut are discussed.对V形琢型宝石的加工工艺、光学效应、视觉效果及市场前景进行了探讨。
1.Genetic classification of gems secondary inclusion and characteristics;宝石次生包裹体的成因分类及表现特征探讨
2.The article simply intrduces the working principle of Scanning Electron Microscope,and dis-cusses the application of Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS in gemmology to the identify gems, synthetic gems and optimizing gems and so on.本文简要介绍了扫描电子显微镜的工作原理,并结合能谱仪,探讨了扫描电子显微镜在宝石学中鉴定天然宝石与合成宝石及优化宝石等方面的应用。
3.The Unusual phenomena in gems are the unusual optical ones.宝石学研究的一个重要方面是它的异常光学现象。
4)precious stone宝石
1.In this paper a simplified mathematic model is represented for soluting the problem of laying precious stones separately into the earth with direct-product cyclic group, with ansuwers to a concrete problem according to it.提出用直积循环群作为宝石分埋问题的一个简化数学模型 ,并对一个具体问题作出了解答 。
2.Besides used for precious stone,natural diamonds are widely used in industry,with the development of industry its production has been increasing year after year.天然金刚石除用作宝石之外 ,广泛应用于工业 ,随着工业的发展 ,其产量逐年增加。
1.A discussion on abnormal phenomena of gemstones under polariscope;偏光镜下宝石消光异常的解析
2.The meaning,classification of the transparency of gemstones and the factors affecting the transparency are elucidated.1 宝石透明度的含义与分类宝石透明度与矿物的一样,均是指其透过可见光波的能力,主要与它们对光的吸收强弱有关,其大小可用透射系数来说明。
6)Precious stones and gems宝石宝玉

“红宝石”核动力攻击潜艇国别:法国类型:核动力攻击潜艇编号:舰艇名称:红宝石核动力攻击潜艇排水量:浮航状态2385吨(s605之后各舰为2400吨),潜航状态2670吨规格:全长236.5英尺(72.1米),全宽24.9英尺(7.6米),吃水21英尺(6.4米)装备:21英寸(533毫米)鱼雷发射管4具、snn39飞鱼反舰导弹、ecan ls mod 3及ecan f 17 mod2鱼雷主机:一具压水泠却式核子反应炉、一具电动机(9500轴马力)、航速潜能状态25节红宝石是当今世界上最小的核动力攻击潜艇。别看个小,该级艇却融汇了诸多先进的核动力推进技术之所长,装备了不少世界一流的武器装备,所以具有非常独特的性能和相当的攻击威力。“红宝石”核动力攻击潜艇长 72米,宽7.6米 ,吃水6.4米;水面排水量 2385吨,水下排水量 2670吨。如此轻吨位、小尺寸的核动力攻击潜艇,在大多数水下排水量4500吨以上的核动力攻击潜艇面前,真是“茕荤孑立”。然而,小艇有小艇的优势,它可在活动空间小、情况复杂、声波传播条件差等海域灵活自如地活动,大显身手。“红宝石”级艇上最引人注目之处,要数cap型压水堆。&127;这种压水堆具有结构紧凑、系统简单、体积小、重量轻,便于安装调试,可提高轴功率等一系列优点,并且有助于在反应堆一回路间采用自然循环冷却方式,以降低潜艇的辐射噪声。这级潜艇装备了先进的声纳和火控系统,以及 2部具有热成像、激光测距功能的潜望镜和若干部雷达。艇首都装有 4具533&127;毫米鱼雷发射管,可发射法国海军最新式的线导和声导反舰、反潜通用鱼雷。艇上还装有“飞鱼”sm-39潜舰导弹,能从 50千米以外的水下隐蔽发射,对敌舰实施突然攻击。据称,还将装其他新型反舰、反潜武器。“红宝石”级核动力攻击潜艇的最大下潜深度 300米,最大航速25节。从上述性能和武器装载量等因素来看,“红宝石”与大中型核动力攻击型潜艇相比尚有一定差距,但其机动性、隐蔽性和经济性等方面却又令其他艇自叹不如