1.Investigation of Hidden Trouble Area about Poisonous Compounds Refining Plants;炼油装置有毒物质隐患点调查
2.Study on Poison FCH2CONH2Determine Method;对毒物氟乙酰胺测定方法浅析
3.This paper analyses the poison in the catalyst, the theory of elimination, and the selection of poison adsorbent at the time of the products switch from catalyst M-1 of Ti series to that of F,S of Cr series.分析了钛系M-1催化剂向铬系F、S催化剂切换时,系统催化剂毒物毒物的消除原理、毒物吸附剂 的选择。

1.The dendrimer locks onto toxins and neutralizes them.树状物锁在毒物表面,从而中和毒物
2.A gaseous asphyxiant, irritant, or poison.毒气气态的使人窒息物、刺激物或毒物
3.Producing poison or toxic substances.产毒的产生毒素或有毒物质的
4.Antidote: Remedy to counteract the effects of a poison or toxin.解毒剂: 抵消毒药或毒物效果的药品。
5.a poison secreted by certain animals.由某些动物分泌的毒物
6.a poisonous substance like cyanide类似氰化物的有毒物
7.The study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning.毒理学,毒物学有关毒物的性质、效果及监测和中毒治疗的研究
8."These toxins may be poisons that occur naturally in plants and animals, chemical contaminants, or toxic products of microorganisms."毒素主要来自某些动植物含有的天然毒物、污染食物的化学毒物和微生物的毒性产物。
9.of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison.有毒的、有关毒素的或由此造成的其他毒物
10.10 patients had poison toxicosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever.毒物中毒、流行性出血热10例。
11.blood poisoning caused by toxic substances in the blood.由于血液中的有毒物质而中毒。
12.To kill or harm with poison.用毒害用毒物杀死或伤害
13.toxoid-antitoxin floccule(TAF)类毒素抗毒素絮状物
14.Any of several poisonous plants of the genera Conium and Cicuta, such as the poison hemlock.毒芹属植物几种毒芹属及铁杉属植物中有毒植物的一种,如毒芹
15.biochemistry of microbial toxin微生物毒素生物化学
16.poisonous plants, chemicals有毒的植物、 化学物质.
17.Yes, I have had food poisoning./ No, I haven't had food poisoning.是的,我食物中毒过。/,我没有食物中毒过。
18.Study of Toxic Theory of the Peptides Toxins from Amantia Fuliginea and Pilot Study in Alexipharmic for These Toxins;灰花纹鹅膏菌毒素毒理研究及解毒药物初探

1.Application of extraction technique in toxicant extraction and enrichment from biologic samples;萃取技术在生物样品中毒物的提取与富集中的应用
2.Positive Solution for Two Species Competitive System with Effect of Toxicant and Neutral Delay;具毒物影响和中立型时滞两种群竞争系统的周期正解(英文)
6)drug poison药物毒物

毒物分子式:CAS号:性质:(一)toxicant 对生物体产生有害作用的物质。化学物质(包括药物、毒物或农药等)是否成为毒物的关键是剂量,这就强调一个化学物质只要达到中毒剂量时,便是毒物。实际上只是把那些危险性较大、少量接触就可以引起中毒的物质,称为毒物。就药物而言,小剂量时产生治疗作用,而大剂量(过量)则产生毒性作用,便可成为毒物。一般只是将少量就能引起中毒的物质,称毒物。(二)poison 当少量物质积累在催化剂的表面上,使催化剂丧失其催化活性,这类物质很难从催化剂表面除去,因而使催化剂的失活是不可逆的,此类物质就称为催化剂的毒物。毒物主要是通过化学吸附的方法与表面上的活性中心结合,也可能把催化剂的微孔堵塞,故只要少量毒物,便足以使催化剂完全丧失其活性。在离子交换树脂循环使用的过程中,树脂的吸附容量逐渐下降。这与某些杂质在正常的淋洗操作中不能由树脂上淋洗下来,而在树脂相中逐渐积累有关。这就是树脂的中毒现象,引起树脂中毒的离子或化合物,即为树脂的毒物。常见的有硅中毒、钼中毒、连多硫酸盐中毒等。