形态发育,Morphological development
1)Morphological development形态发育
1.Study on morphological development of larval,juvenile and young Epinephelus coioides;斜带石斑鱼仔、稚、幼鱼的形态发育研究
2.Embryonic development,morphological development of larva,juvenile and young fish of Epinephelus coioides;斜带石斑鱼胚胎及仔稚幼鱼形态发育
3.Morphological development and growth of the larvae, juveniles and young fish of Epinephelus akaara;赤点石斑鱼仔稚幼鱼的形态发育和生长

1.Development Characteristics of Youths Shape and the Effects of Sports on Growth;青少年身体形态发育特征及运动对发育的影响
2.Development and Evolution of Leaves of Ginkgo Biloba;银杏(Ginkgo biloba)叶的形态发育与演化
3.The Research of Students’ Body Form Development of Dongxiang Nationality of Gansu Province;甘肃省东乡族学生身体形态发育研究
4.Observation of Seed Shell Structure and Embryonic Development of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim) Maxim.刺五加种皮结构及种胚形态发育观察
5.Morphological development and growth characteristics of the juvenile of Anodonta woodiana背角无齿蚌稚蚌形态发育与生长特性
6.Bone morphogenetic protein-4 regulates embryonic tongue morphogenesis骨形成蛋白-4参与调控胚胎舌形态发育
7.Studies on the Characters of Seed Germination, Morphogenesis of Embryo and Nutrient Components in Giant Embryo Rice;巨胚稻的萌发、胚形态发育及其营养成分研究
8.Effect of Ecological Impact and Morphological Development in Enteromorpha Prolifera (Chlorophyta);浒苔生态因子研究及发育形态学观察
9.Morphological Study on the Origin and Development of Renal Corpuscles in Mouse;小鼠肾小体发生与发育的形态学研究
10.Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Floral Organogenesis and Development in Catalpa speciosa黄金树花器官发生及发育的形态观察
11.The Immature Development and Morphology of Tamarixia radiata柑桔木虱姬小蜂的幼期发育及其形态
12.Morphological Studies on the Developing Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Chick Embryo;鸡胚视网膜节细胞发育的形态学研究
13.Pupal morphogenesis of Lucilia cuprina in different constant temperatures and its significance in Forensic Medicine;不同温度下铜绿蝇蛹期发育形态观察
14.of pollen development of Astragalus membranaceus (Ficsh) Bunge膜荚黄芪花粉发育的细胞形态学观察
15.Morphological observation on postembryonic development of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri(F_2)西伯利亚鲟(F_2)胚后发育的形态观察
16.Study on the Developmental Morphology of the Oesophagus of Parental Stock of Gushi Chickens父母代固始鸡食管的发育形态学研究
17.Morphological Characteristics and Development of Tannin Cells in the Fruit of Persimmon Germplasm and Relations with Its Classification;柿资源单宁细胞形态、发育动态及与分类的关系
18.An Analysis of Hubei Junior Middle School Students Morphological Function Development;湖北省初中生身体形态机能发育动态分析

1.Effects of antenatal dexamethasone on rat fetal lung morphogenesis;产前给药地塞米松对大鼠胎肺形态发育的影响
2.Effects of antenatal ambroxol and dexamethasone on rat fetal lung morphogenesis;产前给药沐舒坦、地塞米松对大鼠胎肺形态发育的影响
3.Effects of N application method and uniconazole on morphogenesis and growth in wheat:;氮肥运筹和烯效唑对小麦形态发育和器官建成的影响
3)morphology and development形态发育
1.The morphology and development of long stalk glandular hairs and short stalk glandular hairs on the leaves of Nicotiana tabacun in the way of paraffin section technology.利用常规石蜡切片技术研究烤烟烟叶长柄腺毛和短柄腺毛的形态发育过程。
4)development morphology发育形态学
1.This paper deals with research results of development morphology of the flower and fruitin Evodia rutaecarpa planted.]花和果实的发育形态学研究结果雌花的花程式为K_(5)C_5A_5(退化)G(5:5:2)。
5)developmental morphology发育形态学
1.On the developmental morphology of the duodenum of parental line of Gushi Chickens;父母代固始鸡十二指肠的发育形态学观察
2.The developmental morphology of the jejunum was observed with the technique of anatomy and histological section in the parental line of Gushi Chickens.应用大体解剖学与组织学切片技术,对父母代固始鸡空肠的发育形态学进行了研究,并用Logistic曲线方程对空肠重量增长进行拟合。
3.The developmental morphology of the duodenum were observed with the technique of gross anatomy and histological section in the parental line of Gushi Chickens.应用大体解剖学和组织切片技术,对父母代固始鸡的十二指肠进行了发育形态学研究。
6)Muscate Hambury形态与发育

形态发育形态发育morphological growth  人体外表形态和重量的发育状况。常用指标有:人体长度(身高、坐高、下肢长)、宽度(肩宽、骨盆宽)、围度(头围、胸围、上臂围、大腿围、小腿围)、重量和营养状况等。在研究儿童少年生长发育方面应用十分广泛。