1.Image atlas of fishing and environment based on database technology and GIS基于数据库和GIS支持的渔业捕捞环境图集制作
2.In this paper,after the jellyfish processing machine originally used on land was applied successfully on board,the feasibility and necessity of integrated producing procedure,including fishing and procession on board,were analyzed appreciably.本文就启东市研制成功的陆上霞水母加工机械运用于渔船后,进行海上捕捞、加工霞水母一体化生产的可行性与必要性及亟待研究的有关问题作一浅论。
3.This paper analyses present over fishing condition of the coastal fishery resources,points out the direct causes and the root causes by related economic theories and puts forward some countermeasures.本文对我国近海渔业资源捕捞现状进行分析 ,指出近海渔业资源捕捞过度的深层原因 ,并提出相应的对策建议。

1.To gather, dredge for, or raise oysters.采集、捕捞或养殖牡蛎
2.This stream has been over fished.这条小溪被过分捕捞了。
3.catch of total fishing effort捕捞总努力量渔获量
4.Capture Fisheries Division [Agriculture and Fisheries Department]捕捞渔业科〔渔农处〕
5.Capture Fisheries Sub-committee捕捞渔业小组委员会
6.catch per unit effort单位捕捞力量渔获量
7.Fishing Licence Action Group捕捞许可证行动小组
8.Convention concerning Fishing in the Waters of the Danube多瑙河水域捕捞公约
9.excess capacity (of fleet) (船队捕捞)能力过剩
10.Adjusting Fishing Effort and Structure of Fishing Operation in The Offshore Waters of Fujian;福建省近期捕捞力量和捕捞作业结构的调整
11.A Determination Method of Optimum Economical Fishing Effort;渔捞业最佳经济捕捞努力量的一种确定方法
12.These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.这些捕捞捕捞大量的鱼类,根本不让它们有产卵的时间。
13.It was saddening to think how man is spoiling this environment by over-fishing, and illegal fishing.想想人类过度捕捞和非法捕捞对环境造成的破坏,真是让人痛心。
14.On the Protected Fishing Right--Establishing a Fishery Right System with Chinese Characteristics;论捕捞权的法律保护——兼议构建中国特色海洋捕捞
15.So there are more fishermen catching more fish?就是说有更多的渔民捕捞了更多的鱼?
16.They cannot poach for herring form our waters.他们不可以在我国海域捕捞鲱鱼。
17.It refers to machinery used for catching and breeding aquatic products.是指捕捞、养殖水产品所用的机械。
18.In 1997 the total output of China's ocean fishing industry came to 13.854 million tons.1997年,中国海洋捕捞总产量1385.4万吨。

1.Study of dynamic characteristics of world tilapia capture and aquaculture industry;世界罗非鱼捕捞和养殖的动态特征研究
2.In this paper, juvenile Amur sturgeon was targeted and set different levels of salinity, pH and capture time, we investigated the regulations of acute salinity stress, chronic salinity, pH and capture stress on growth performance and physiological system of Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii.本研究以施氏鲟稚鱼和幼鱼为对象,设定不同盐度水平、pH范围和捕捞时间,完成了急性盐度胁迫、慢性盐度和pH联合作用以及慢性盐度胁迫下急性捕捞胁迫对施氏鲟血液生理、生化、生长、免疫等部分指标的测定。
3.In this paper, we study a ratio-dependent capture predator-prey systems with Hoi ling type III functional response, the change of equilibria number and their stability are discussed.本文研究了一类比率依赖的具有Holling第Ⅲ类功能性反映的具有捕捞的两种种群竞争模型,研究了系统的平衡点个数、局部稳定性和全局稳定性,有极限环出现,得到丰富的动力学行为。
3)abuse of fishery狂捕滥捞
1.Recently,due to the environmental pollution and abuse of fishery of ocean creatures,the blue ocean is facing the danger of being "dead sea" and "empty sea".近年来,由于环境污染以及对海洋生物的狂捕滥捞,蓝色海洋面临沦为“死海”和“空海”的危险。
4)fishing right捕捞权
1.Analyses on the establishment of marine fishing right regimes in China构建我国海洋捕捞权制度的分析
2.The fishing right protected by law was written into the property law, but it is just a general principle,lacking of operable regulations.捕捞权受法律保护虽然写入了物权法,但仅止于笼而统之的原则,没有可资操作的具体规定,须要与之相配套的一系列渔业法律法规加以细化。
3.According to the industries fishers’ engaging in,fishers’ rights can be classified as rights of survival and development for fishers in fishing industry and aquaculture industry,that is fishing right and aquaculture right.根据渔民从事渔业产业类型的不同,渔民权益可分为渔民在捕捞和养殖方面的生存和发展的权益,即捕捞权益和养殖权益。
5)ocean fishing海洋捕捞
1.Analyzing ocean fishing an d economy of fishery regions under the grievous influences of fishery treats of S ino-Japan and Sino-Korea in Zhejiang Province,the paper discussing basic idea to cope with it and put forward some policies and measures to take temporary solution and effect a permanent cure,to block up and dredge object,and to adv ance transferring fishermen s job.本文分析了中日、中韩渔业协定实施后对浙江海洋捕捞业及渔区经济的严重影响,探讨了浙江渔业应对新挑战的基本思路及其标本兼治、堵疏结合,努力促进捕捞渔民转产转业的方针政策。
6)jellyfish catching海蜇捕捞
1.Through the investigation of the jellyfish catching in Liaodong gulf and the main line of the fishery resources characteristic, this paper discussed the economic behavior and social conflict on fisherman and revealed the shortage of existing jellyfish management system.文章通过对辽东湾海蜇捕捞的考察,沿着渔业资源的特征这条主线,深入地探讨渔民的经济行为和社会冲突,揭示现存海蜇管理制度的缺陷。
