1.Antibacterial activities of Eucheuma gelatinae, Eucheuma striatum and their hydrolysates;琼枝麒麟菜和异枝麒麟菜硫酸多糖及其水解产物的抑菌作用
2.The inquiring into new processing of extracting carrageenan from Eucheuma;麒麟菜卡拉胶提取新工艺的探讨
3.Effects of dietary fiber from Eucheuma sp. on the absorption of calcium,iron and zinc;麒麟菜膳食纤维对有益金属钙、锌、铁吸附作用的影响

1.Study on Anti-tumor and Anti-virus Effect of Seleno-polysaccharide of Eucheuma.;硒化麒麟菜多糖的抗肿瘤和抗病毒研究
2.Preparation and Functional Analysis of Cosmetic Containing Polysaccharides of Eucheuma Striatum;异枝麒麟菜(Eucheuma striatum)多糖化妆品的制备及功能性分析
3.Studies on the Extraction Process, Structural Identification and Antiviral Activities of Polysaccharides from E.gelatinae and E.striatum.;麒麟菜多糖的提取工艺、结构测定及抗病毒活性研究
5.Zhangzhou Kylin Electronic Co., Ltd.漳州麒麟电子有限公司
6.A Kirin, a Sapporo or a Suntory?“麒麟”,“七宝”还是“三德利”?
7.The Model Characteristic and Decoration Implication of Dongjiang Kylin浅析东江麒麟舞中麒麟的造型特色与装饰意味
8.The Ancient Character (鹿文)(Lin) and the Prototype of Kylin:Also on the Reason for Kylin Sacramentalized as a Holy Beast古文字中“(鹿文)”字与麒麟原型考——兼论麒麟圣化为灵兽的原因
9.QilinSoft's Sales and R& D Center is located in Beijing.麒麟远创的销售与研发中心设于北京。
10.Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.舞龙、麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运。
11.Aaron's beard【植】黄栌, 虎耳草(之类)【植】麒麟草
12.Implementation and Analysis of ERP on Logistics System in Kirin Brewery;麒麟啤酒厂物流系统ERP实施与分析
13.The Design and Implementation of Journaling Filesystem on KYLIN;银河麒麟日志文件系统的设计与实现
14.Study on the Prototype of Kylin and the Moving to South of Rhinoceros in Ancient Chinese History;麒麟原型与中国古代犀牛活动南移考
15.Design and Implement of Monitor and Management System in KTDSSS麒麟天机监控管理系统的设计与实现
16.The Field Research and Investigation for the Guangdong Xiao Jin Kou Kylin Dance广东小金口麒麟舞的田野调查与研究
17.Kylin, a quadruped, is an auspicious symbol. Therefore, the words concerned with these three animals are commendatory,麒麟是一种四足动物,它是吉祥的象征。所以和龙、凤、麒麟有关的词语都是褒义词。
18.A faint anise smell is on the air, goldenrod scent.空气里闻得到幽幽的大茴香和秋麒麟草的香味。

Eucheuma gelatinae麒麟菜
1.Effect of Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide on apoptosis of human leukemia HL-60 cells;琼枝麒麟菜多糖对白血病细胞株HL-60凋亡的影响
2.Analysis on 8 Kinds of Inorganic Elements in Extraction of Eucheuma gelatinae;麒麟菜提取物中的8种无机元素分析
3.Sulfated polysaccharide was extracted from Eucheuma gelatinae with distilled water, precipitated with ethanol.采用直接水提法对琼枝麒麟菜中的多糖进行提取,乙醇沉淀得麒麟菜多糖,红外光谱表明其主要为卡拉胶。
3)Eucheuma gelatinae琼枝麒麟菜
1.OBJECTIVE To isolate and purify the lectin from red algae Eucheuma gelatinae , and to investigate its bioactivities.目的 从琼枝麒麟菜中分离纯化凝集素 ,并测定其生物活性。
2.In this thesis, we studied the extraction, separation and structural identification of the sulfated polysaccharides(SP) from the algae Eucheuma gelatinae and Eucheuma striatum which were collected from the Cultivate base in Qionghai city of Hainan province.本文对采自海南省琼海市麒麟菜养殖基地的红藻琼枝麒麟菜Eucheuma gelatinae和异枝麒麟菜Eucheuma striatum中的硫酸多糖进行了提取、分离和化学结构测定,并就各多糖样品对HSV-1和CVB_3的抗病毒活性进行研究,初步探讨麒麟菜硫酸多糖的抗病毒机理和构效关系。
4)Eucheuma striatum异枝麒麟菜
1.Chemical analysis of the sulfated polysaccharides extracted in different ways from the Eucheuma gelatinae and Eucheuma striatum;琼枝和异枝麒麟菜中硫酸酯基多糖不同提取方法的化学分析比较
2.Preparation of low molecular weight Eucheuma striatum sulfated polysaccharides by oxidative degradation with H_2O_2 under the ultrasonic wave;超声波辅助过氧化氢氧化降解制备相对低分子质量异枝麒麟菜硫酸多糖
3.Optimization of Technology for Enzymatic Degradation of Sea Weed Eucheuma striatum;异枝麒麟菜酶法降解工艺的优化研究
5)Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide麒麟菜多糖
1.Objective To investigate the effect of Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide(EGP) on the immune function of splenocytes inγ-rays irradiated mice,so as to provide scientific basis for clinical therapy for irradiated injury.目的观察琼枝麒麟菜多糖(EGP)对辐射损伤小鼠脾细胞免疫功能的影响,为临床用于辐射损伤的治疗提供科学依据。
2.Objective To investigate the effect of Eucheuma gelatinae polysaccharide (EGP) on cytokine secretion in irradiated mice,so as to provide scientific basis for treatment of irradiated injury.目的观察琼枝麒麟菜多糖(EGP)对辐射损伤小鼠细胞因子分泌的影响,为辐射损伤的治疗提供依据。
6)Algal eucheuma striatum海藻异枝麒麟菜
1.Algal eucheuma striatum sulfated polysaccharide (ESPS) collected from Indonesian sea was degraded by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).采用过氧化氢法降解产于印尼的海藻异枝麒麟菜硫酸多糖(ESPS)。

麒麟菜【通用名称】麒麟菜【其他名称】麒麟菜 (《纲目拾遗》) 【异名】鸡脚菜(《纲目》),鹿角菜(《琉球国志略》),鸡胶菜(《罗源县志》)。 【来源】为红翎菜科植物麒麟菜或珍珠麒麟菜的藻体。 【植物形态】①麒麟菜 藻体长12~30厘米,宽2~3毫米,肥厚多肉,紫红色,软骨质,不规则的分枝。基部具一圆盘状的固着器,上生少许纤维状根。分枝圆柱形,腋角广开,近于水平伸出,互生、对生、偏生,或为叉状分枝,顶端往往尖细,四周具疣状突起。分枝上部的突起密集,在下部的稀疏。内部结构:皮层的最外2~3层细胞较小,向内则为渐大的薄壁细胞,髓部中央有藻丝。四分孢子囊集生。囊果突起于藻休表面,为半球形。 分布我国台湾沿岸。日本(琉球)、马来群岛、印度尼西亚等地亦有分布。 ②珍珠麒麟菜 藻体黄绿色至紫红色,腹面暗红,平卧,分枝彼此重迭,缠结成径约10~20厘米之团块。分枝为圆柱形或稍扁压,宽5~10毫米,二叉式或偶有三叉式、四叉式分枝;表面突生乳头状或圆锥状突起,在较老的枝上乳头状突起较低,或不明显,腹面突起较少。藻体腹面有多数固着器,有的在较长的小枝顶端具有一圆盘状固着器,附着于其他分枝,使藻体愈合成团。本种外形变异。甚大,内部结构,皮层约2~3层;髓部厚,散布着较多的小细胞。 一般生于大干潮线下1~2米处的碎珊瑚上。分布我国海南(琼海)和台湾。日本(琉球群岛)亦有分布。 【化学成分】麒麟菜含粘质,粘质的成分中有半乳糖、半乳糖硫酸酯、半乳糖硫酸酯钙盐、3,6-去水半乳糖、D-葡萄糖醛酸和D-木糖。 【性味】《纲目拾遗》:"味咸,性平。" 【功用主治】《纲目拾遗》:"消痰。能化一切痰结,痞积,痔毒。" 【选方】治辛苦劳碌之人,或嗜酒多欲,忽生外痔:麒麟菜洗去灰一两,用天泉水煮烊,和白糖五钱食之。(《养生经验补遗》石花膏)