1.Study on Pollution-free and High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Gardenia jasminonides;红栀子无公害高产栽培技术
2.The Analysis for the Development of Pollution-free or “Green” Agricultural Industries in Shangluo Mountain Area;商洛山区无公害绿色农业产业发展探析
3.Thoughts and Countermeasures for Promoting the Development of Pollution-free Vegetables;推进山西无公害蔬菜发展的思路与对策

1.The Establishment of Non-nuisance Rapeseed Diseases and Insect Pests Controlling Expert System;无公害油菜病虫害防治专家系统构建
2.Preliminary Discussion on Harmfree Pests Management in Garden Plants;浅议园林植物病虫害的无公害化治理
3.Study on Application of Non-pollution Garden Pest Control Techniques园林害虫无公害防治技术的应用研究
4.Survey of the City Garden Plant Insect and the Non-contanmination Control城市园林植物害虫调查及无公害防除
5.Applied Study on Pullution-free Control of Rice Diseases and Pests in Sichuan Hilly Region;四川丘陵地区水稻病虫害无公害防治应用研究
6.Primary Studies for the Monitoring System of Main Pests on Non-Harmful Apple in Luochuan;洛川无公害苹果主要害虫监测系统的初建
7.Studies on Chemical Control System to Rice Diseases and Pests in Bio-rational Production;无公害水稻生产病虫害治理化学防治体系研究
8.Studies on the Effect of Two Non-Pollution Medicaments on Tomato Diseases;两种无公害药剂对番茄病害影响的研究
9.Main diseases of environmental-pollution-free vegetables and their comprehensive prevention-and-cure methods in seedling stage;无公害蔬菜苗期主要病害及综合防治技术
10.Investigatoin of Garden Tree Diseases and Non-pollution Control in Xiaogan City孝感市园林树木病害调查及无公害防治
11.Nuisanceless Techniques on Prevention and Control of Diseases of Gastrodia elata Bl. in Three Gorges Area三峡地区天麻主要病害无公害防控技术
12.A discussion on pollution-free control technology of main diseases and insects of Shatian pomelo in Rongxian County容县沙田柚主要病虫害无公害防治技术初探
13.Harmless Control Technology of the Main Diseases and Pests in Yaguang Pear鸭广梨主要病虫害无公害防治技术研究
14.Present Situation of Asparagus Diseases and Its Non-pollution Production Techniques in Shanxi山西省芦笋病害现状及无公害生产技术
15.Environmental Quality of the Production Bases for Nuisance Free Agriculture Products Improvement of Rural Water and Toilets无公害农产品生产基地环境质量
16.Organic Food, Green Food and Pollution-Free Agriculture Products有机食品、绿色食品和无公害农产品
17.A Study of Pollution-free Vegetables of Xianyang City: Problems and Solutions;咸阳市无公害蔬菜面临的问题与对策
18.The Key Techniques of Pollution-free Cultivation for Grape(Vitis Vinifera L.) in Jinhua;金华市葡萄无公害栽培关键技术研究

1.Litchi fresh-keeping technology of non-pollution hot water treatment;荔枝无公害热处理保鲜技术
2.Present Statue and Developing Serategy of Non-pollution Vegetable Production in Shanxi;山西省无公害蔬菜生产现状及发展对策
3.The Cultivation Techniques for Non-pollution and High Efficiency in Banana;香蕉无公害高效栽培技术
1.Shallow Discussion of Harmless Milk Produce Technology;浅谈无公害牛奶生产技术
2.Harmless Control Measure of Pest in Forest;森林有害生物无公害防治对策
3.The Investigation of Garden Plants Pests in Yong Ji and the Application of Harmless Prevention and Cure Methods;永济市园林植物害虫调查及无公害防治技术应用
1.Demonstration and application of non-polluted cage intensive breeding technique of Ictalurus punctatus in the reservoir;斑点叉尾鮰水库网箱无公害规模化养殖试验
2.Integrated Management of Disease and Pest for Non-polluted Tea Production;无公害茶叶生产病虫害综合防治技术
3.Non-polluted Management of Vegetable Pests in Greenhouse;温室蔬菜害虫的无公害治理
1.The Fresh Soybean Nuisanceless Technology;鲜食大豆无公害生产技术
2.Breeding and Management Techniques of Nuisanceless Meat Pigeons;无公害肉鸽饲养管理技术的研究
3.Consideration and Countermeasures of Establishing the Demonstration Base of Nuisanceless Mulberry Silkworm Producing in Shanglin County;上林县建立无公害桑蚕生产示范基地的思考和对策
6)nuisance free无公害
1.The article expatiates on some elementary principles, mechanism and influential factors of keeping fresh of edible fungi, analyzes the research progress of fresh-keeping techniques both at home and abroad, and searches for the new fresh-keeping measures for the purpose of nuisance free with the development of green techniques nowadays.该文阐述了食用菌保鲜的基本原则、机理以及影响食用菌保鲜的因素,并分析国内外保鲜技术的研究进展,探求在绿色技术发展的今天,以无公害保鲜为目的的新保鲜措施。
2.introduce the strong point of developing industry of nuisance free,green and organic Food.介绍了发展无公害、绿色、有机食品产业的优点,阐述了盘锦市无公害、绿色、有机食品产业发展现状,并针对盘锦的地区特点提出进一步细化规划的各项目标和措施,抓好生产产地建设,抓好示范基地建设,组建和扶持一批龙头企业,增加资金投入,加强组织领导等发展对策。
3.The test was carried on with a view of the variety,insecticide and fertilizer while standardizing the nuisance free maize production in maize industrialization highly developed city Acheng.本试验在玉米产业化较好的阿城市,围绕无公害玉米标准化生产中的品种、农药、肥料问题,进行了详尽研究。

爆破公害  爆破产生的地震、空气冲击波、噪声、飞石和炮烟等对爆区周围环境造成的有害影响。近年来,各国都在研究控制爆破技术和安全防护措施,以降低爆破有害效应,并制订法律,规定各种安全标准。    爆破地震 炸药在岩体中爆炸时,部分能量转化为弹性波,在地壳中传播引起的震动。爆破地震对爆区周围建筑物与构筑物的破坏影响,称爆破地震效应。    目前多以质点振动速度作为爆破地震对建筑物、构筑物破坏效应的判据,通常用经验公式V=K(Qn/R)α计算。式中V为质点振动速度(cm/s);K为与场地条件、爆破方式有关的系数;Q为分段爆破的最大一段装药量或齐发爆破的总装药量(kg);R为装药中心至被保护目标点的距离(m);n为系数,n为1/3至1/2;α为地震波衰减指数。K、α 的变化范围很大,可按类似条件选取或以一定比例的试验确定。    爆破地震对建筑物、构筑物的破坏判据,多以非结构性损坏作临界标准。对普通地面建筑物,一般规定爆破振动速度不大于5cm/s。采用微差爆破、预裂爆破、缓冲爆破和改变起爆顺序等,是降低爆破地震的有效措施。    爆破空气冲击波 由炸药爆炸产生的部分高温、高压气体强烈压缩周围空气而形成。它可破坏地面爆区附近的建筑物和地下支护、管线等设施,甚至造成人员伤亡。一般以最大超压峰值或单位面积上的最大冲量作为评价破坏程度的依据。各国多用实验与工程资料,定出建筑物所允许的超压值,用经验公式计算,确定安全距离或允许的最大爆破装药量。    爆破噪声 爆破空气冲击波超压值衰减到低于180dB以下时形成的声波。声压与药量、埋深、距离、地形和气象条件有关。爆破噪声损害人的健康,并可破坏建筑物。其控制标准各国不尽相同,如美国公布的标准为不大于128dB。    飞石 指爆破时飞到远处的个别岩块。它威胁爆区附近人员、建筑物和设备的安全。采用控制爆破技术是防止产生飞石的有效措施。一般爆破时应合理确定药量和堵塞长度、避开岩体构造薄弱面、严格执行炮孔测量验收制度等。    参考书目   C.G.道恩等著,祁兴文译:《矿业与环境保护》,中国建筑工业出版社,北京,1982。(C.G.Down and J.Stocks: Environmental Impact of Mining,AppliedScience Publishers,London,1977.)