1.Self-pollution of shrimp culture in different patterns and its impact on the environment;不同模式对虾养殖的自身污染及其环境效应
2.Conception of bioremediation,aquaculture self-pollution and main bioremediation technologies are reviewed in the paper.介绍了生物修复的概念、水产养殖存在的自身污染问题及其主要生物修复技术。
3.2003, the self-pollution of cage culture in Yaling Bay was analyzed.根据2 0 0 2年4月、7月、10月和2 0 0 3年1月对哑铃湾海域网箱养殖区的调查数据,分析该海域网箱养殖自身污染情况。

1.Primary Nutrient Salt Sources of Self-Pollution of Net Cage Culture in Shallow Sea浅海网箱养殖自身污染营养盐主要来源
2.Pollution of Hospital Library and the Protection of Librarians谈医院图书馆污染及工作人员自身防护
3.If the loss from water pollution is caused due to the victim's own fault, the pollutant discharging unit shall bear no liability for it.水污染损失由受害者自身的责任所引起的,排污单位不承担责任。
4.The term "modification" means any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a stationary source which increases the amount of any air pollutant emitted.“改良”这个术语的意思是指固定污染源自身或运行方式的改变。
5.The Measures Automatically of Plateau Curve for Whole Body αβγ Surface Pollution Monitor全身αβ表面污染监测仪坪曲线自动测量方法的实现
6.air pollution auto-monotoring system大气污染自动监测系统
7.natural removal of gaseous pollutants气体污染的自然移动
8.Polluter Pay Principle Should be Established for Controlling Foreign Pollution Transition;控制外国污染转移应确立污染者自负原则
9.The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.被污染的空气有毒而且对身体有害。
10.low level whole body counter低强度全身放射性污染计数器
11.Coal itself is a heavy pollutant.煤本身就是一种严重的污染物。
12.Rivers clean themselves quickly when pollution is not too great, so long as the water is moving and in contact with plants, soil and rock.在污染不太严重时,河水只要是流动的而且能接触植物、土壤、岩石,自身很快就会变清洁。
13.The stress from the daily life and the impacts from the pollutions on our environment lead to undermine our natural energies and resilience and have caused illness to our bodies.每日生活的压力和居住环境的持续污染,令我们本身的自愈能力渐受破坏而导致疾病重生。
14.The knowledge about the harm pollution can do to human beings points up the need for environmental protection.人类已认识到污染全给自身带来危害,这就使使环境保护变得更为重要了。
15.free dye contamination自由染料污染物(干洗溶剂中的杂质);色污染物(干洗溶剂中的杂质);色污染
16.Some people are still not aware of the pollution of the waste water from factories.仍然有一些人没有意识到来自工厂污水的污染。
17.Research on Natural Freezing to Remove Pollutants in the Sanitary Sewage;自然冷冻法去除生活污水中污染物的研究
18.There has been serious pollution since the industrialization.自从工业化以来就有了严重的污染

systemic contamination全身污染
4)spin contaminant自旋污染
1.By using quantum chemical DFT methods,these energies of the high spin state in triradicals systems are trustful,and the stronger spin contaminant in these energies of the low spin state are found.结果表明:3个自由基体系的高自旋态的能量是可信的,而对低自旋态的能量计算自旋污染很严重;自由基。
2.Compared UHF with UB3LYP, the stronger spin contaminant are found within UHF calculations, the feeblish spin contaminant are found within UB3LYP calculations.两种方法比较 ,用UHF方法计算导致自旋污染严重 ,而用UB3LYP方法计算 ,自旋污染则减少了许多 。
1.Self-pollution caused by Haliotis discus hannai Ino and effects of the self-pollution on growth and survival rate of the larvae;皱纹盘鲍自污染及其对幼鲍生长及成活率的影响
6)natural pollution自然污染

等长自身调节等长自身调节 心脏泵功能的自身调节方式之一。指通过心肌细胞本身收缩活动的强度和速度的改变,以增强心肌收缩力,增加搏出量和搏功。这种调节与初长度的改变无关。在某些生理或病理情况下,心脏搏出量和搏功所发生的剧烈而持久的变化,主要靠心肌的收缩力来调节,心肌收缩力与心脏搏出量和作功能力呈正变关系。凡是能影响心肌收缩力的因素,都能通过等长自身调节来调节搏出量,如交感神经活动增强,血中儿茶酚胺浓度增加和某些强心药(如洋地黄)都能增加心肌收缩力,使搏出量增加。