1.Canker Caused by Cryptosphaeria on Poplars;隐球壳属(Cryptosphaeria)引起的杨树溃疡病
2.Pathogen identification of canker of Cinnamomum caphorn(L.)Presl;樟树溃疡病病原菌再鉴定
3.Relationship between Bark Structure and Anti- canker of Hickory;树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病抗性关系的研究

1.For several days, he has had an exacerbation of ulcer symptoms.近日他溃疡病症状加剧。
2.Study on Vegetative Compatibility of Poplar-Canker s Pathogen;杨树溃疡病病原菌营养体亲和性研究
3.Research on the pathogen of a new poplar canker in China我国杨树上一种新溃疡病的病原研究
4.Isolation and identification of two kinds of canker pathogen of Aesculus chinensis七叶树溃疡病病原真菌的分离与鉴别
5.Study on Relationship between Gastroscopic Stage Classification of Peptic Ulcer and Chromaticity of Tongue Color and Its Coating Color;消化性溃疡病胃镜下溃疡分期和舌象色度关系研究
6.any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease.任何一种严重的皮肤溃疡病症。
7.Recurrent ulcerative mass was noted two weeks after excision of lip lesion.嘴唇溃疡病变在切除后2周再度复发。
8.Study on the Resistance Indexes of Kiwifruit to Pseuomonas Syringae pv. Actinidae;猕猴桃对溃疡病抗性评价指标的研究
9.Rapid Detection of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Citri Vauterin Et Al. by Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay;柑桔溃疡病菌的PCR快速检测技术研究
10.Study on Canker Occurrence Regularity and Integrated Control Measures of Carya cathayensis山核桃溃疡病的发生规律及防治措施
11.Early Intestine Nutrition in Patients with Cushing Ulcer早期肠内营养在Cushing溃疡病人中的应用
12.bovine ulcerative mammillitis virus牛溃疡性乳头炎病毒
13.bacterial canker and leaf spot of cherry甜樱桃溃疡及虫斑病
14.The ulcer of the patient has perforated病人的溃疡已穿孔。
15.This is a larger ulceration. The cause for the ulceration in this case was an underlying neoplasm.图示:较大溃疡。这里的溃疡是一种癌前病变。
16.A lesion, a wound, or an ulcer producing such a discharge.伤口,溃病排脓或排血的损伤、伤口或溃疡
17.Effect of Kuijiefang Decoction on Pathological Change of Ulcerative Colitis in Rats溃结方对溃疡性结肠炎大鼠病理改变的作用
18.pyodermia chronica papillaris et exulcerans慢性乳头状溃疡性脓皮病

Canker disease溃疡病
1.The top grafting comprehensive prevention of citrus canker disease;结合高接换种综合防治柑橘溃疡病
2.The effect of different planting methods on occurrence and development of poplar canker disease不同定植处理对杨树溃疡病发生发展的影响
3.A survey of blackspot disease and canker disease on 33 clones of Populus tomentosa,showed that the resistance to blackspot disease and canker disease was distinguished different among the clones ,clone No.对毛白杨 33个无性系黑斑病和溃疡病进行了调查 ,结果表明 ,毛白杨不同无性系对黑斑病和溃疡病的抗性有明显差异。
1.Isolation and Identification of Pathogenand Histop Athological Observation of Ulcer in Schizothorax Prenanti;齐口裂腹鱼溃疡病病原分离鉴定及病理学观察
4)ulcer disease溃疡病
1.Studies on pathogen of ulcer disease of cultured large yellow croakers,Pseudosciaena crocea(Richardson) and its control medicines.;养殖大黄鱼溃疡病的病原菌及其防治药物
2.Studies on pathogen of ulcer disease of cultured large yellow croakers,Pseudosciaena crocea and its control medicines;养殖大黄鱼溃疡病的病原菌及其防治药物研究
3.The pathogeny of ulcer disease in Epinephlus awoara;网箱养殖青石斑鱼的溃疡病病原
5)bacterial canker溃疡病
1.Studies on bacteriostatic control techniques against bacterial canker in kiwifruit;猕猴桃溃疡病药剂防治技术研究
2.The results showed that the density and length of branch hole skin were significantly different in resistance to kiwifruit bacterial canker caused by Pseuomonas syringae pv.可以把枝条皮孔的密度及长度作为抗溃疡病的形态结构的鉴定指标。
1.gregaria toxin pathogenicity and canker-resistance of dirrerent poplar varieties were studied,respectively.这表明,用溃疡菌毒素筛选抗溃疡病杨树品种具有可行性。

溃疡病  由黑腐皮壳属 (Valsa)、葡萄座腔菌属 (Botryosphaeria)、丛赤壳属 (Nectria)等真菌和黄色单胞杆菌属(Xanthomonas)、假单胞杆菌属(Pseudomonas)、棒状杆菌属(Corynebacterium)等细菌引起的植物病害。主要为害木本植物的茎干和枝条,造成局部坏死,形成凹陷和后期开裂的病疤,或使皮层溃烂。按症状发展通常分为病疤型(受害部位先出现病疤)、枯枝型(病疤不隆起、不呈水浸状,全株迅速失水枯死)和溃疡型(病部皮层组织变软,呈水浸状湿腐,后期失水干缩下陷,与健康组织交界处发生裂缝);按为害时期,可分为单年生溃疡(通常茎干上仅仅是1个或几个病疤) 和多年生溃疡(病疤年年扩大,成为有一圈圈环状隆起的癌肿)中央稍凹陷)。有的溃疡病菌还为害叶,造成叶斑和早期落叶。主要的溃疡病有苹果腐烂病、柑橘溃疡病、梨树腐烂病、杨树腐烂病等。病菌在病枝、病果、病叶上越冬。在田间通过风、雨、虫、鸟传播,或通过苗木远距离传播。病菌大多由寄主的伤口或自然孔口侵入组织。防治宜采取加强果园管理、增强树势、防止日灼和冻害、消灭菌源等综合措施。