1.Influence of double segment technique of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on recipients' hemodynamics during kidney transplantation;双穿刺点法联合腰麻-硬膜外麻醉对肾移植受者术中血流动力学影响
2.Application of S(+)-ketamine in Pediatric Anesthesia;右旋氯胺酮在小儿临床麻醉中的应用研究
3.The anesthesia of the coronary artery bypasses grafting in the left main coronary stenosis patients;左主干狭窄的冠状动脉旁路移植术的麻醉处理

1.The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic.麻醉师给病人施麻醉剂。
2.anesthetic ventilator麻醉呼吸器,麻醉通气机
3.Relating to or resembling anesthesia.麻醉的与麻醉有关的或类似麻醉
4.A narcotic, especially an addictive narcotic.麻药一种麻醉剂,尤指易成瘾的麻醉
5.a narcotic effect, substance麻醉的作用、 物质.
6.administer [give] an anesthetic给与 [施与] 麻醉
7.jab a vein[美俚]注射麻醉
8.local [general] anesthesia局部 [全身] 麻醉
9.Narcotics considered as a group.麻药类麻醉剂之总称
10.To place under the influence of a narcotic.使麻醉使处在麻醉的影响
11.Stupor induced by a narcotic.麻醉性昏睡麻醉药引起的昏迷状态
12.anesthesia of an area supplied by a nerve; produced by an anesthetic agent applied to the nerve.将麻醉剂应用于神经而导致的麻醉
13.An intravenous injection of a narcotic.麻醉注射静脉内的麻醉剂注射
14.Did you have gas or an injection?你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
15.A person specially trained to administer anesthetics.麻醉师经过麻醉药使用专门培训的人
16.A physician specializing in anesthesiology.麻醉专家专修麻醉学的医生
17.The use of narcotics is controlled by narcotics laws.麻醉剂的使用受麻醉药法的控制。
18.It is essential that the anesthesiologist continuously assess the depth of anesthesia.麻醉师必须持续不断地评估麻醉深度。

1.Comparison of two anaesthesia of laparoscopic varicocelectomy for treatment of varicocele;不同麻醉方式下腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术疗效比较
2.Observation of the Anaesthesia Effect and Nursing to Operation Patients;手术患者麻醉观察与护理
3.Effects of Tramadol Compound Jingan and Pethidine Prevented Gynecology Department Cervical Cancer Root Governing Skill on Controlling of Shivering During Operation Under Epiduial Cervicalral Anaesthesia Period;曲马多复合静安预防妇科宫颈癌根治术在硬膜外麻醉期间寒颤反应的临床观察
1.Discussion on Clinical Teaching Mode for Interns in Anesthesiology Department;非麻醉专业学员麻醉实习带教模式探讨
2.Pay attention to resident training of anesthesiology;要注重麻醉住院医生的培训
3.The article summarizes the teaching method of Clinical Pathway for Anesthesiology Department in interns of TCM.总结中医院校麻醉科应用临床路径教学法培养中医专业学生的情况,指出此教学法能克服中医专业学生麻醉科实习存在的不足,增强学生的自主学习意识和参与意识,培养学生的自学能力和独立思考能力,提高中医专业学生面对危重病的综合判断、预测、应变能力。
1.Relationship between NMDA receptors and the hypnotic and analgesic effects of inhalation anesthetics in mice;N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸受体与吸入麻醉药对小鼠催眠、镇痛作用的关系
2.Observation of Anesthetic Effect in 3 breed of Dogs And wolves;3个品种犬与狼麻醉效果的观察
3.Eugenol as An Anesthetic for the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium Nipponense;丁香酚对日本沼虾麻醉效果的研究
1.Effects of yangyintongnao particle on cerebral blood flow in anaesthetized dog;养阴通脑颗粒对麻醉犬脑血流量的影响
2.The mechanical properties of spider dragline silk reeled to the different spiders to be anaesthetized were investigated.研究了不同麻醉深度下 ,人工卷取的蜘蛛牵引丝的力学性能 ,并从人工纺丝的角度出发 ,探索了成丝过程中的张力和湿度对牵引丝力学性能的影响。
3.Objective To discuss the reasons for complications caused by indwelling urethral catheter after anaesthetize and prevention measures.目的探讨麻醉后留置尿管引起并发症的原因及预防措施。
1.Objective To watch the narcosis effect of Primacaine in the oral cavity diagnosis.目的观察碧兰麻在口腔诊疗中的麻醉效果。
2.Objective To observe the influence of ambient temperature to the central body temperature of experimental dogs in the period of narcosis.目的:观察环境温度对实验犬麻醉期间中心体温的影响。
3.Methods In the electrocardiogram examine experimentation for 20 male and 20 female rats with diabetes mellitus peripheral nerve injury,celiac injections with two different doses of Sodium Pentobarbital are given to the rats,and inducing and narcosis duration are noted down.目的观察比较二种剂量戊巴比妥钠(30mg/kg、24mg/kg)腹腔注射麻醉周围神经损伤糖尿病模型大鼠的过程和效果。
