1.Research on the Ability of Speech Discrimination for Children with Cochlear Implants;人工耳蜗植入儿童听力言语辨别能力研究
2.Objective: To study the human cerebellum involving somatosensory acquisition and discrimination processing with functional magnetic image (fMRI), to reveal the integrative links of the brain regions, and to investigate the neuro-anatomical mechanism.目的:运用功能磁共振(fMRI)方法研究人类小脑参与躯体感觉获得及辨别过程,从整体水平揭示各相关脑区之间的联系,并探讨其神经解剖学机理。
3.Study on the Discrimination of Phytoplankton and Suspension with Optical Spectral;针对藻类和悬浮物浓度测量仪 ,利用纯种藻和混合藻种的光谱数据 ,通过分析研究 ,提出了辨别的方法和途

1.He knows good from evil, fight from wrong.他能识别善恶,辨别是非。
2.To perceive or recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish.识别,辨别觉察到或区别出不同或差异;辨别
3.The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.识别力,辨别力看出或做出明显区分的能力;辨别
4.I do not know the one from the other.我不能辨别二者的差异。
5.Wepman Test of Auditory Discrimination韦普曼听觉辨别测验
6.the marvelous directional sense of migrating Birds候鸟非凡的方向辨别
7.discriminable aspects of life生命可辨别的各方面
8.How can you tell what's true and what's not?你如何辨别真假呢?
9.visually perceptible [trade mark]视觉上可辨别〔注册商标〕
10.A mind of great diacritical power.一个有强辨别力的头脑
11.She knows a bargain when she sees one.她有辨别便宜货的能力.
12.successive conditional discrimination learning继时条件性辨别学习
13.I believe he is able to tell the true from the false.我相信他能辨别真伪。
14.His distinction of sounds is excellent.他辨别声音的能力很强。
15.winnow truth from falsehood去伪存真, 辨别真假
16.I was less capable than Mary of telling truth from falsehood.辨别真伪,我不如玛丽。
17.The wearing colour is undistiguishable.服装颜色不可辨别
18.Can you differentiate between the two varieties?你能辨别这两个品种吗?

1.(2) the rate of accurate to discriminate based on color and global features increased as age increased; (3) it is faster to discriminate the task on local-.采用TriadClassification法和等级图形模式研究了4~6岁幼儿在辨别过程中图形维度显著性效应。
1.Abstract: In term of microunalysis and preventive control on passenger car painting particle, the methods of identification and control on particle resource were introduced.从轿车油漆颗粒的微观分析和预防性控制方面,介绍了颗粒来源的辨别与颗粒控制的方法。
4)tell apart; tell the difference between辨别;辨认
6)tell one from the other; recognize one from the other辨别;区别

辨别辨别discrimination  辨别(diserimination)条件作用中与泛化相对的现象。泛化是对相近的刺激物的概括(类似)的反应,而辨别是对相异刺激物的差异反应。条件化的辨别通常产生于泛化之后,通过选择性强化和消退作用而形成。例如,在眼睑条件作用的一个实验中,以灯光作为条件刺激物(cS:),以向眼睛吹气作为非条件刺激,使受试者形成对灯光眨眼的条件反应。而后用与CS,在亮度、色度等方面都很接近的灯光(c 52)代替CS:,CS:也可引起眨眼反应。此为刺激泛化现象。在以后的试验中,交替地呈现CS:和CSZ。每当呈现CSI时都给予强化(向眼睛吹气),而呈现CS:时都不给予强化。经数次试验后,受试者就可学会只对CS,发生眨眼反应,对CS:的反应则逐渐消退乃至不再产生眨眼反应。至此受试者便对这两种灯光形成了条件化的辨别。泛化与辨别是相辅相成的,对于机体的学习同样重要。泛化使我们举一反三、触类旁通,辨别使我们更加准确地把握事物间的差别。 (梁宝勇撰金志成审)