1.An experimental study of hydraulic characteristics and fish test in vertical slot fishway from side to side;异侧竖缝式鱼道水力特性及放鱼试验研究
2.An experimental study of hydraulic characteristics and fish test in vertical slot fishway to one side;同侧竖缝式鱼道水力特性及放鱼试验研究
3.Design of fishway for Shihutang Navigation-Power Junction Project;石虎塘航电枢纽工程鱼道设计初探

1.A Brief Discussion on Designing the Fishway and Fish Repro-duction Station in Weir Maritime Hub鱼梁航运枢纽鱼道及鱼类增殖保护站设计浅述
2.The fish-shaped stage props have lights in them.鱼道具中还装置有灯具,
3.1 Choice of fishway intake is the key of success or failure.鱼道进出口的选择:这是鱼道设计成败的关键。
4.Resembling or suggestive of fish, as in taste or odor.象鱼的在味道或气味上象鱼的或含有鱼味的
5.The fish had a queer taste.那鱼有一股怪味道.
6.the fisherman answered merrily.钓鱼人愉快地回答道。
7.Shark?... Oh, I see, Sea World.鲨鱼?…噢,知道了,海洋世界。
8.asked the Mock Turtle a little anxiously.素甲鱼有点不安地问道,
9.The little mermaid wanted to know.小美人鱼很想知道。
10.The sea witch knew about the little mermaid's dream,她知道小美人鱼的梦想,
11.The octopus woke up and said, @What?章鱼醒来说道:“干什么?”
12.Hello, Mr. Octopus,@ he called to him.他叫道:“哈?!章鱼先生。”
13.Could you scent the fish?你能闻出鱼的味道吗?
14.We often go fishing together.我们常一道去钓鱼。
15.Fish was served after the first course.第一道菜之後就上了鱼.
16.Papa knows how to spear salmon.爸爸知道怎样叉鲑鱼。
17.the gentle, delicate flavour of salmon蛙鱼清淡可口的味道
18.I think I' ll give the fish course a miss.我就不要鱼那道菜了吧.

torpedo trajectory鱼雷弹道
1.For the purpose of improving torpedo trajectory simulation level,this paper introduces the method to associate 3D visualization simulation technology and high level architecture(HLA) distributed simulation standard with traditional torpedo trajectory simulation,and uses the softwares Creator and Vega as assistant tools.介绍了将3D视景仿真技术和高层体系结构(HLA)分布式仿真标准与传统的鱼雷弹道仿真相结合的方法,并把Creator和Vega软件作为辅助工具,采用Visual C++软件开发建立了基于HLA的分布式鱼雷弹道视景仿真一体化软件环境。
2.Though we have make much progress on it, there remains many problems to study deeply, of which its supporting software system developing is an important and elementary subject of torpedo trajectory research.鱼雷弹道是鱼雷综合性能的主要体现,是鱼雷整体设计水平的综合反映。
3.The models of the torpedo trajectory simulation software based on WISE (Weapon system Integration Simulation Environment) were modularized according to the logic sequence of torpedo trajectory and the function of torpedo subsystem.基于WISE(武器系统一体化建模/仿真环境)的鱼雷武器弹道仿真软件在设计过程中充分利用了WISE的优点,以模型的模块化及可重用性为原则按照鱼雷弹道逻辑顺序及鱼雷功能模块划分来设计仿真模型,建立了几种鱼雷的水动力学和运动学微分方程组,采用四阶龙格-库塔方法对其进行计算;并根据声纳方程和斯涅尔定律实现了一个简单的水下多目标虚拟水声支撑环境,提出了鱼雷末自导弹道阶段椭球体目标建模方法。
3)weir-type fish pass堰式鱼道
4)fishway construction鱼道结构
5)fish elevator鱼升道
6)pool fishway水塘鱼道
