维生素B_6,vitamin B_6
1)vitamin B_6维生素B_6
1.The Determination of Vitamin B_6 By Voltammetry;维生素B_6的伏安法测定
2.Rapid Determination of Vitamin B_6 in Royal Jelly and Its Products by HPLC;HPLC法快速测定峰皇浆及制品中添加的维生素B_6
3.Curative effects observation of the combined therapy of Folic acid,Vitamin B_6 and B_(12) in youth stroke associated with hyperhomocysteinemia;叶酸和维生素B_6、B_(12)联合治疗青年脑卒中合并高同型半胱氨酸血症的疗效观察

1.Determination of Vitamin B_6 by Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Method流动注射化学发光法测定维生素B_6
2.Determination of Vitamin B_1 and Vitamin B_6 in Oryzaol Vitamin B_1 and Vitamin B_6 Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定谷维素双维B片中维生素B_1和维生素B_6的含量
3.Simultaneous Determination the Contents of Vitamin B_1 and Vitamin B_6 in Compound Vitamin B-calcium Pantothenate Oral Solution复合维生素B泛酸钙口服溶液中维生素B_1和维生素B_6的含量测定
4.Pilot Study on the Mechanism of Growth Inhibition of Hepatoma Cells by Vitamin B_6;维生素B_6体外抑制肝癌细胞增殖机制的初探
5.On the Immobilization of Magnetic Polyethylene Glycol with Vitamin B_6;磁性聚乙二醇微球固定化辅酶维生素B_6的研究
6.Study on Determination of VB_6 by Tri-n-butyl Phosphate Modified Electrode;磷酸三丁酯修饰电极测定维生素B_6的研究
7.Preparation of Compound Vitamin B6 Sustained-release Capsules and their Quality Control复方维生素B_6缓释微丸胶囊的制备及质量控制
8.Study on compatible stability of gatifloxacin for injection and vitamin B_6 injection注射用加替沙星与维生素B_6配伍稳定性考察
9.Effects of folic acid,vitamin B_6 and vitamin B_(12) on ischemic penumbra in cerebral ischemia rats叶酸联合维生素B_6/B_(12)对脑缺血半暗带区影响
10.Determination of Vitamin B_6 and Related Substances in Weiminsuanjia Eye Lotion by HPLCHPLC测定维敏酸钾洗眼液中维生素B_6的含量及有关物质
11.Study on bacterial endotoxins test of disodium cantharidinate and vitamin B_6 injection斑蝥酸钠维生素B_6注射液细菌内毒素检查法研究
12.Effects of Vitamin B_6 on Energy Budget in Juvenile Acipenser Schrenki;维生素B_6对史氏鲟幼鱼摄食生长及能量收支的影响
13.Protective Effects of Folic Acid, Vitamin B_6 and Vitamin B_(12) on Rats with Cerebral Ischemia;叶酸、维生素B_6、B_(12)对脑缺血大鼠保护作用的研究
14.Molecular Cloning of VB_6 Biosynthesis Key Enzyme Genes from Soybean and the Transformation to Potato;大豆维生素B_6合成关键酶基因的克隆及对马铃薯的遗传转化
15.Dietary vitamin B_6 requirement of junvenile Chinese mitten crab,Eriocheir sinensis中华绒螯蟹幼蟹对饲料中维生素B_6的适宜需求量
16.Stability of Inosine Injection and Vitamine B6 Injection in Compatibility Solutions肌苷注射液与维生素B_6注射液的配伍稳定性研究
17.Investigation on the interaction between VB_6 and bovine serum albumin by fluorescence analysis based on liquid drop维生素B_6与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的液滴荧光法研究
18.Ion-pair RP-HPLC determination of vitamin B_6 in Gengnianshu tablets反相离子对高效液相色谱法测定更年舒片中维生素B_6的含量

Vitamin B6维生素B_6
1.The results show that pyridoxine and pyridoxine glucoside are the predominant forms of vitamin B6 in cereal, and that the contents of pyridoxal, pyridoxamine and phosphorylated forms are very small.用偏磷酸溶液抽提和高效液相色谱定量分析的方法,测定了小麦、大麦、玉米、小米和高粱等谷物中各种维生素B_6的含量。
1.Three growth trials were conducted to evaluate dietary riboflavin, pyridoxine and niacin requirements, and their effects on growth, feed utilization, physiological and biochemical index for gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio).本研究通过三个生长实验,探讨了异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)对三种水溶性维生素:维生素B_2、维生素B_6和烟酸的需求量,以及三种维生素分别对异育银鲫生长、饲料利用、生理生化等指标的影响。
4)Vitamin B 6维生素B_6
5)Vitamin B 1 and B 6维生素B_1、B_6
6)vitamin B_6 metabolism维生素B_6代谢

1,25-二羟基维生素D3药物名称:骨化三醇英文名:Rocalirol别名:1,25-二羟基维生素D3、罗钙全、钙三醇。主要成分:骨化三醇。药理作用:本品是人体内维生素D3最重要的活性产物,作用同维生素D3,具有促进肠道对钙的吸收,并且调节骨的无机盐代谢等作用。口服吸收快,3~6小时达高峰,t1/2约3~6小时,经7小时后尿钙浓度增加,单次口服剂量可持续药理活性3~5日。适 应 证:应用于甲状旁腺功能低下症及血液透析患者的肾性营养不良。维生素D依赖性佝偻病及抗维生素D佝偻病。不良反应:用药过量可引起高血钙症,表现为眩晕、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、肌无力、精神紊乱、烦渴、多尿、骨痛、肾结石、肾钙质沉着,严重可导致心律不齐等。禁 忌 证:高血钙疾病或维生素D中毒者忌用。用法用量:口服,剂量应根据患者的血钙浓度来决定。血液透析患者的肾性营养不良:如患者血钙浓度正常或略低,0.25μg/日。如2~4周内生化指标及病情无明显改变,则1日剂量可达到0.5μg。每周应测两次血钙浓度,随时调整剂量。大多数血透患者用量在0.5~1μg/日。甲状旁腺功能低下:儿童1~5岁,0.25~0.75μg/日,6岁以上和成人,0.5~2μg/日(用量须个体化)。注意事项:①不能与维生素D类同时应用。同时服用巴比妥类或苯妥英钠可加速本品代谢;考来烯胺可减少本品吸收。②肾功能正常的患者服用本品时必须避免脱水,需持续服用足够的液体。 规格: 胶囊:0.25ug、0.5ug。 类别:甲状旁腺及钙代谢调节剂