1.Three major odorous compounds are 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB), geosmin and β-cyclocitral, which in water were determined by coupling headspace solid-phase microextraction(HS-SPME) with gas (chromatography-mass) spectrometry (GC-MS).采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱联用测定了水中常见的3种异味化合物,即2-甲基异茨醇、土腥素和β-柠檬醛。
2.The different removal methods about geosmin, one kind of algae metabolites, were reviewed in this paper.藻类代谢物土腥素是当前太湖周边地区饮用水异味问题的主要诱因之一,目前常规的水处理方法去异味效果较差。
1.A sensory methods and practices of off-flavor in common carp;鲤土腥味的感官检测与实践

1.A dank, earthy smell filled his nostrils.潮湿,土腥味填充了他的鼻孔。
2.She felt the cool wind unique to this valley, laden with a heavy scent of earth, caressing her bosom.她感到河谷里特有的,那种土腥味儿很浓的凉风正拂入她的胸怀。
3.A breeze came up the river, carrying on it the scent of moist earth, tossing her bangs about and caressing the finger she held poised atop the shutter.上游拂来的、带着土腥味儿的凉风撩着她的额发,抚着她放在快门上的手指。
4.The interior of the earthen hut was bare, apart from a huge pile of fishnets on the floor which gave off a strong fishy odour.小土屋空空的,地上堆着大堆鱼网,散发着浓浓的鱼腥味。
5.To give(a hunting dog)its first taste of blood.使(猎狗)先嗅过血腥味
6.The smell of fish enticed the cat into the kitchen.鱼腥味诱使猫进入厨房。
7.He thought he scented blood.他觉得他嗅到了血腥味。
8.The butcher's shop stank in hot weather.肉铺热天散发腥臭味。
9.The fisherman's house smells of fish.渔民家总有股鱼腥味。
10.He could smell it, strong and hot and rank.他闻得见那气味,很强烈,热烘烘腥臭腥臭的。
11.The smell of coffee drowned the sea smell.咖啡的气味压过海水的潮腥气。
12.Santiago knew the scent would spread.桑提亚哥知道血腥味会散开来。
13.a murderer whose hands still reeked with blood手上仍然散发着血腥味的一个杀人犯
14.I zmellz de bloods odz an Iridzman.俺闻见了爱尔兰人的血腥味。
15.I-no, "You reek of blood, yourself."「说到血腥味,你身上也有不是吗。」
16.The Study of Wheat Malt Eliminating Soybean Odor用小麦芽有效成分消除豆腥味的研究
17.Advances on the Formational Theory of Fishy Odor for Aquatic Product水产品腥味物质形成机理的研究进展
18.House: Confined in a sweat box with a bloody nose and all the tissues are soggy.被限制在狭小潮湿的空间,到处都是血腥的味道。

1.A sensory methods and practices of off-flavor in common carp;鲤土腥味的感官检测与实践
3)Decanoyl acetaldehyde鱼腥草素
1.Decanoyl acetaldehyde was extracted from houttuynia cordata thunb by the method of solvent extraction process.利用溶剂提取法从鱼腥草中提取鱼腥草素。
1.Influence of houttuyin sodium bisulphate on phagocytic activities of neutrophils from bovine stripping milk;合成鱼腥草素对牛奶中性白细胞吞噬活性的影响
2.Study of houttuyin sodium bisulphate for bovine clinical mastitis therapy;合成鱼腥草素治疗奶牛临床型乳房炎的研究
6)sodium houttuyfonate鱼腥草素钠
1.Determination of sodium houttuyfonate in sodium houttuyfonate dropping pills by HPLC;HPLC测定鱼腥草素钠滴丸中鱼腥草素钠的含量
2.Initial Study on Sodium Houttuyfonate(injectable powder) Antimicrobial Activity in Vitro;鱼腥草素钠(粉针剂)体外抗菌活性的初步研究
3.Inclusion constant of sodium houttuyfonate and β-cyclodextrin measured by capillary electrophoresis;鱼腥草素钠与β-环糊精包络常数的电泳法研究
